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Q: Ok- So I filed this abuse report
and it said that you can not change Matt's ratings anymore. I don't think that this is fair just because of the fact that some people do not rate fairly if they are not told exactly what they want to hear. Also, the person gets away with leaving rude feedback too.

Something just isn't right about this, thought I would just take it up with you first:]


Sorry about my obnoxiousness
Hi there,

It isn't this particular question. It is his history. We have been cleaning up after him for years now, and that time has passed.

You see, Matt spends his time here deliberately fishing for 1 ratings.

He typically words things in the most caustic manner possible to evoke an angry response, then comes to us for more attention.

It wasn't always this way. He was very helpful once upon a time. A real credit to the site and someone everyone could be proud to call an advisor.

That has been almost two years ago.

You have NO idea what he and his friend have put the administration of this site through, none at all.

Trust me, this isn't vindictive, it is our last effort to get him to shape up before he is removed from the site forever.

And he knows it. It seems out of character for him to have other people intercede... oh, no wait. We have danced this dance before with another couple of young ladies. Nevermind.

I am sorry about that, but this is something that was created by years of him playing the system for his own means. You really shouldn't put yourself in the middle of this.

When his writing style is no longer caustic, he will be off probation. It will be months before he is trusted again to the point where the mods don't have to watch his column constantly.

If you need to know more about his history on this site, you should ask him. Some of it is fairly embarrassing, and is up to him if he wants to share it or not.

We don't want to humiliate him, or embarrass him in any way... we simply want him to shape up or ship out. It really is that simple.

And before you go thinking that he only picks on stupid people... Be advised. I have seen his first column here, now deleted, and he was once very much like the people he now tries to belittle and humiliate.

He just recently had a fresh start here... we are all pulling for him to come around and save his tenure on this site from become an extinct entity.

Good luck,


Q: Please delete my question entirely as I asked to have my account canceled immediately. and all of it. I came back to see if it had been deleted and it has not.
Hello there,

It would help if you provided a link to the question(s) and told me what your accout was.

Without some of that information I have nothing to go on.

Please advise.

Q: I have asked you to delete my personal question that is still here, please do that asap as I told you I have cancelled my account so there is no need for my personal business to be aired for the world to see. THANKS
Hello there,

It would help if you provided a link to the question(s) and told me what your accout was.

Without some of that information I have nothing to go on.

Please advise.

Q: delete my column!!!!! hurry up! it shouldnt take 20 hours to delete someones column.
It can typically take three days or so until someone has time to sit down and take care of it.

Trust me, at this point, nobody wants you on this site, and your column is the first to go.

Q: why won't you delete my column?i sent you an email and you still didnt.
There is some work involved in removing a column. It will be done as soon as I can manage it.

I was also hoping you would change your mind, once you had a chance to think about what you had done.

Q: is it possible to ask a question & receive an answer from an advicenators columnist by email, without it appearing publicly on the site?
If you can find a columnist with a publicly listed e-mail, you may e-mail them your question.

Why you would bother, is a mystery to me considering that except to site admins, your questions are anonymous.

Welcome to the site.

Q: Hi, it's spacefem. Just wanted to let you know that it's nothing personal, but when I have suggestions fo the site, I'd much rather make them in the moderator's forum. For one thing, I don't know if my suggestions are valid or not, or if people agree with them... when there's multiple person discussion, it helps me clear things up. That's the main reason I do it. The other reason is that I feel like there are disconnects between this inbox, the to-do list, and what actually probably gets worked on. So if something is discussed in the moderator forum I feel like it got attention. I'm not sure I feel like that through any other ways. I don't even know where the to-do list is.

So yup, that's why I don't take my suggestions to you privately. I did this one though! Better?
Hi Spacefem,

I appreciate your note here. Since I pay little attention to the forums unless one of the L2s tells me something needs my attention, that probably isn't the best way to get my attention on something.

For general discussion I am glad you use the forum. After all, that is what it is there for. :-)

If it is just general attention you want, then the forum is the right place. If it my attention you want, my e-mail, phone number, Skype or lastly this box are the best ways to get that.

There are definitely disconnects between the to-do list and what gets worked on. I have two to-do lists, one which has always been public, and another which is kept private for security reasons.

Here is the public one:

... quite a number of things on there are done, but not marked off yet. I always tell myself I will spend a day going through and tagging them, but it never seems to come to that day.

These days, whatever gets worked on is whatever I can manage. There is a lot going on on this side of the keyboard. More than I care to explain here.

Owning and running advicenators may have been more expensive than I anticipated, and I am not talking about money.

"So yup, that's why I don't take my suggestions to you privately. I did this one though! Better?"

... yes, except I dont' see a suggestion in there anywhere. ;-)

Q: why did my answer get deleted? I was the only person who answered it and it was a pretty good answer i suspect since i got a 5 on it.

ugh. i have this thing on my forehead.
it started out like a pimple,
but now it's like a little dot that looks like a scab, but only the siez of . that
the area aroudn it it red and kinda raw.
it hurts and you can see my pores ...

Oh my god..I had the exact same thing! But i had it on my arm.. I put this cream called Prednicarbate emollient Cream 0.1% but you could put your acne medication on it. But keep it clean..make sure to wash that spot well when you wash your face. ...
Note: This question was deleted and will not show up on advice columns
Please ask this question again, and include a link to the question.

Thank you.

Q: In the feedback to a question, the asker claims that he was banned for what looks like a very innocent question. You can view it here:
I'm sure you'll agree that it would be inappropriate for a moderator to do as the asker described. I doubt it actually happened the way the asker says, but I though I'd let you know. Thanks.

(I've been trying to make my words fit together properly here, but I'm very tired. Please excuse any weirdness in my description.)
Hello there,

The user was banned for posting a spammy chain letter as question and asking people to post it everywhere.

It was only a 1 hour ban since I thought her intentions were noble.

I will go fix that 1 hour ban right now. Some people don't appreciate it when you do them a favor.

Q: It says on the page for creating custom styles that you use for a picture, but you actually have to use .
Great Job!

How did you discover the appropriate replacement variable?

I have it setup now where they both work, to avoid breaking any existing templates.


Q: Explanation is spelled wrong when creating a new style, next to .

Thank you!

And she gives me a hard time about my spelling. ;-)

Q: im putting in my categories but it wont save i keep submitting but when i do i check back in a few and it does not save what to do and i dont see the people that i answered on my advice coulumn only one and she rated me
Hello there,

I am having a hard time understanding you, but I think what you are saying is that you selected your favorite categories, but they don't show up on your column? Also that you only see one answer on your column?

Well, I see all 7 of your answers, so just reloard the page.

Also, you have your font colors screwed up so that the writing for the favorite categories is the same color as the background.

Change your colors and they will be visible.

Good luck!


I would like to remove the above question from my column, if that's possible. The long link is messing up the webpage, making it so one must scroll a long way to the right to read anything.
How about I go you one better?

Have a look.


Q: Because when I go to paid account I see this

Do I currently have a paid account?
No. Your Paid account expired Friday May 18 2007, 7:49 am.

And I still have ads all over.
Hello again,

I see what happened. Apparently the system doesn't update times correctly if you had a previous paid account and it lapsed.

I will look into that. In the mean time, your situation is fixed.

I appreciate your patience while a ran down this bug.

Q: I was charged $10 for a paid account may 17th and im still yet to be upgraded.
Hello there,

Your account was upgraded right after you promised no more off-site linking from your answers.

What makes you think you aren't upgraded?

Thank you for supporting the site.

Q: There is a strange bug here:
The question is gone, but my answer is still there. It doesn't know what the category is, and the is gone. If you go to, it says the question doesn't exist.
Hi theymos,

That isn't really a bug. You just happened to answer a question that was deleted before your answer was posted.

This girl posted what seemed like every homework question she had, all in a row. Must have been 20!

The one you answered just happened to appear on the site before I deleted it.

Thanks for reporting this anyway.

Q: How come now that I go into this site I must download Active Control? (On the bottom its says Applet BaaaaBaa started). My computer runs slow everytime I go to this site now and sometimes freezes but I must need advice!

Is my computer getting a virus or something too?
Make sure to run anti-spyware and anti-virus on your computer at all times.

There was a situation where someone posted something with a hidden code in it, which tried to manipulate your web browser.

That has been taken care of. It was nothing we could control.

Q: Well I got an email saying that my question is answered. I went to my page but there were no answers, why?
Hi there,

You have multiple questions, so you will have to tell me which one. Providing a link, or the question number is the best way.

Thank you.

Q: can i change my username? if so, how?
Hi there,

The link on the left that says: Paid accounts.

If you have an exceptionally good reason, I may change it for free.

Take care.

Q: I keep getting into questions that have been asked months or years back.
I'll be on the 'View Questions' page, I'll click 'Answer Question' and it will take me to an old question. This has happened about three times in the past day.
I bought a paid account yesterday. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Hello there,

I would like some more details on this, if you can provide them. Perhaps an example question or two, and the exact page it appears on, (please copy the URL from the location bar) as well as the time this happened to you (including your timezone.)

I can see how you could see questions from a couple months ago, since I currently have the "Be the first..." feature going back 60 days, but as to YEARS ago, I can't see how that could be.

Any further help you can provide would be appreciated.

Thank you!

This advice column is for suggestions, comments, or error reporting about advicenators. If you'd like to suggest a new category, ask me a question. If you'd like to whine, bitch, or complain about advicenators, you may whine, bitch, or complain to me.

Three rules though:
1) Do not ask me for life advice. We have several thousand other members that do that.

2) Do not ask for help, or ask how to do something, or ask about
how something on the site works, unless you've read every word of our help pages and you're sure it's not addressed there.

3) Do not ask me to ban someone or investigate abuse. We have an entire abuse system set up for that.

If you disobey one of these rules, I'll delete your question.

Some guidelines about suggestions:
If you offer a suggestion that I find interesting, I might just ignore your question so it stays in my inbox as a reminder of something to do. Don't be upset that I don't answer you, and don't delete your questions (because then I'll forget!)

If you have three suggestions, please ask three separate questions, that way I can address each one individually. It's a real pain when people ask one question with like twenty different topics in it; I can't keep them straight.



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September 27, 2003


Last Update:
September 3, 2014


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