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My question is about healing my friend

Question Posted Friday January 19 2024, 12:50 am

I want advise to give my friend who was caressed by a boy once and she allowed it once now she's living with a burden of doing that she thinks that she's a monster a bad person and little did I know she also hates her self

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday January 26 2024, 3:56 pm:
Any answer I give will seem to side with what most people would say is religious. However, you did ask for advice and I will give the best I know from my own experiences in life. First my background, I am a Christian as a teen, in late thirties due to not reading enough Bible to know better or spending enough time with God in prayer, I was easy prey to the Devil who pretended he was God and I fell for it. I got involved in some Pagan practice and New Age which may not sound bad but it takes place of making God first in your life. Now as to your friend, what she did may sound to most people in the world as no big deal. Lots of people would not be feeling like she does. So is it bad or not? That depends on which side of the camp you are in. Some people would say they are neither, not a Pagan or on the devils side, and also not a Christian. That would mean a person was trying to ride a fence, thinking that the only neutral zone. Unfortunately, with God is doesn't work that way. At the end of our lives, we will have to account for the type of life we lived. Look at it this way, think of a court of law. The bible says all have sinned and that is true. Telling a white lie may not seem bad but people have come up with beliefs that as long as its really not hurting any other person, it's okay. A court convicts people of their crime, like stealing, burglary, killing someone, etc. So we have led ourselves to believe that the bigger the crime is when we have to do the time, but if its small, we don't have to pay at all. So I have told many white lies in my past, even today I still do things that would be considered a sin, even though small. But with God, since all sin is sin no matter the size, we can't enter Heaven when our day comes. God is Holy, He never ever would say a half truth or white lie. So I can believe in what the Bible says, because God does not lie. That is one example. Okay, it sounds like I am just talking religious stuff to have someone become saved as the world would say. Hang in there, this is all part of my point and you will have to find a way to convey this all to your friend or even decide if any of this applies in any way to you or others you know. In a court, if a wrong doing of any size got you a conviction, what price would you have to pay to make it go away. Usually a person spends some time in jail or is sentenced to pay a certain amount to be free of their debt. With God, he loves us so much He already has paid the price by the shedding of blood of Jesus his son and the death on the cross. How does this apply though to your friend? Hang in there and keep reading, I can't do this all in a short neat package.
So what we learn is that no matter how much time we spent in jail or how much money or community service we did, there is nothing a person can do to wipe away anything we do that we instinctively know is a sin, even if like me, I was fooled, led astray, but I wasn't making a bold choice against God. So I did as we are called to do, acknowledge we have a sin we can't erase but know that Jesus blood is the only thing that can erase that sin. By the way, God loves us, even when we are still sinners, and unaware that he created our souls and the bodies we have that house our souls. I asked for forgiveness, thanked Jesus for the fact that his blood can erase my sin. His death also is important, because through his death, he has bought us back from the world of sin and we can be accepted into the family of God, adopted in, all we have to do is ask to be cleansed of our sin and ask God to take control of our life because if I were truthful, I'd have to say, I do a very bad job of taking control of my life, doing the right things. I know that the guilt your friend feels in intuitive, she feels dirty, feels it was wrong. Some people would try to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and determine to muddle through it somehow by ignoring it, trying to put it out of their minds. And when that doesn't work, go to counseling, and when that doesn't work, because there is nothing in the world that can cancel out sin, a person gives in and goes all the way, taking drugs or drinking to try to forget or perhaps taking ones life in an extreme move. However, the only thing that takes away the sin is Jesus blood. So your friend has a choice to try hopelessly to find a way to fix it and feel better or to trust Jesus, God who made us and loves us. Boy this surely sounds like I am trying hard to win a person for Jesus. Just know that God is a gentleman and will never force a person to choose to accept what he did for us. God will always wait until we talk to him first. If your friend does ask Jesus to take away all her sins, past and present, they will be taken away. However, I must warn that the enemy, Satan will try to use her mind to see if he can win a battle. She may think, I still feel guilty, or hear her mind, (really the devil) saying see, you weren't rid of your feeling of guilt, because God doesn't exist or are you sure you are really forgiven and have your sin erased, cus you don't really feel different, right? That is something that happens to all the forgiven and all the believers pretty much every day. I do pray for Gods protection for my mind every day and also before I go to sleep. If I forget, I often will have a bad dream of doing ungodly things in my dream and wake up feeling awful but then remember I forgot. So first, cleanse the house and then put a safeguard in place, meaning take care of whatever thing she feels guilt about and then asking God for his protection thru the day and also at night. The bible has many stories about Jesus healing peoples bodies, such as the blind or a lame person, but He is equally concerned about the health of our souls, so this is not a small thing to try to ignore. If there are further questions, either of you can go to to blue column and choose 'search advice columnists, look for me, 'dragonflymagic' and click to get to my column where you can then ask your question and send and only I will get it instead of it going to the whole group.

I thank God for watching over you and your friend, the guardian angels protecting you and pray that much blessing will come your way.



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