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Question Posted Friday September 1 2023, 5:37 pm

So my boyfriend is wonderful to me. but one night he got a phone call from a female and acted really weird about it, so i looked at his phone and found some messages. I called the girl and she told me everything. He denied it all even with all the messages she sent me. I really dont feel like he did but am i just being crazy? I feel the love he has for me. Hes never done anything to make me question him.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday September 2 2023, 2:27 am:
You are a bit too vague for me. You called, she told you everything....what exactly was that 'everything', was it innocent, is she his best friend from his neighborhoods, sister who is planning a surprise party for him...innocent stuff, or that she has been hitting on him but he hasn't responded to her at all, or that the two of them had a relationship on the side but its over now...etc. Exactly what is this everything. If I dont know, I won't be able to give out advice that is very helpful. Or He denied it all...what exactly did he deny, deny ever talking to her, that he never called her or she never called him, or what? You also say you don't feel like he did...did what, remember, I never had the privelege of reading these messages, or talking to this girl you talked to, so I have no clue here.Are you crazy you ask. I don't know. Then you say you feel the love he has for you. Is it really love. I don't know any details of how he treats you. For all I know, its just lust but it was confused with love. and lastly, 'he's never done anything to make me question him' is that actually anything that you haven't discovered previously like time, or did you mean nothing to make you question ever before or question until now. I am going with "until now" because you titled this 'Heartbroken". If you are unhappy with my non answers, remember I could have saved myself the time and gone to bed earlier, but I chose to try my best to get you to write an advice question that both myself and others here can really have a better chance at helping you. If you don't want to clarify, then here's a token non helpful advice, just suck it up and live with it. In case you think I must be a monster, I have a husband who on occasion has been talking to a female on facebook, and shows me the profile, what they were discussing and that this is his best friends sister who just found him on facebook and they are both telling each other about their lives since they were teenagers, and in the past, he used to get calls from his ex wife who was adopted, whose evil adopted parents she left as soon as she could and has no siblings adopted or otherwise. SHe also has mental issues now and would call to talk, cus he could calm her down when she was having a crisis, like once a dog died. Guess he's her unofficial counselor. He tells me all, I have talked to these women myself, there is no secret, and he pays me plenty of attention, is consistant about it, and after 15 years, is still paying me compliments and saying he loves me. I do not feel any threat from other women. Because I do not jump to conclusions, he also knows he can trust telling me anything and everything since I am not the type of woman who feels insecure and will give the 3rd degree, or cry up a storm. Not saying you do, just that I have had plenty of situations in which he was talking to another woman and therefore the big difference can be in how the man handles things, how the woman handles things.

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