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Catching feelings

Question Posted Tuesday June 6 2023, 5:08 pm

Ever since I started school I've noticed this guy that kept staring at me. Like one time I was at a function and I saw him looking at me from across the room, and he never broke eye contact with me. Or even sometimes when I passed him in the hallway he'd continue looking at me almost as if he wanted to say something to me (but at the time we didn't know each other yet). Anyways as time went on I started noticing myself thinking about him and finding him attractive. Fast forward to today, fate happened and we got paired up to work together for an entire school at the dental clinic. He's been very communicative through text about managing our patients together and he'll often come to my cubicle and talk to me after I'm done with the appointment. One time he showed me how to use an instrument and he literally took my hand and guided it into the patients mouth ... Which made my heart skip a beat.

The thing is that when I checked his social media it has the two males holding hands emojis on his bio... So it really confused me because I don't know what his sexual orientation is, but at the same time I'm starting to catch feelings and I feel this tension. Or maybe it's just me and I'm going crazy because I thought he mightve liked me too..

Am I just over thinking things? Is he just being nice? What should I do if I have feelings but he's not attracted to females?

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Dragonflymagic answered Tuesday June 6 2023, 9:20 pm:
So far it seems the attraction is only visually connected. You haven't mentioned anything that you may have picked up about his personality, traits, beliefs, etc...the stuff that really will show if there is a fighting chance to be friends. There are two chemistries important in a couple relationship, one is friendship only, and the other romance and physical attraction. Sometimes only one person feels this kind of chemistry. I always recommend going for friendship first because the line I recommend seems to work, brings the answer you want to hear without scaring off the other person. Since you are working together, that works well too because my sentence is geared for people who have some kind of friend connection, either as school mates, co workers or some other way you regularly see each other and spend some time together.
So here is what you ask: "Hey, since we are doing well together as (you pick...friends, coworkers)
I just wondered how well we'd do together as more than friends. What do you think?" This is non threatening for a guy because you haven't mentioned your feelings or how hot he looks. If those are mentioned, a guy may be afraid to give the correct answer for fear of an emotional break-down from the female. It is important to ask what he thinks at the end because if he was too shy this just made it easy for him to make the next move. And if he doesn't feel romantically toward you, he will feel the need to make that clear. You won't get a yes or no because "What do you think" is an open ended question. A closed one is where it can only be answered yes or no and then you would never find out. I think it best to ask this way instead of chickening out. If a guy were gay, he'd not be looking at you so often. What you saw on his page could simply be him posting something to show his support of friends he may have who are part of the LGBTQ, or he may be Bi and attracted to both.

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