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I ask my parents to ground me when I have a lot of homework/studying to do

Question Posted Sunday February 5 2023, 11:03 am

I'm in tenth grade and happen to take school very seriously. Unfortunately, the same can't always be said for some of my friends and boyfriend. It seems like they're always nagging me to come hang out w/ them when they know I have a lot of studying and/or homework to do.

To get around this problem, I've started asking my parents to ground me whenever I have a lot of work to do and everyone insists on blowing up my phone. That way, I have an air-tight excuse for not being able to hang out. I usually owe them some favor afterwards, usually an extra chore or two, for enforcing these groundings, but I don't mind. It's worth the tradeoff, IMO.

My sister thinks I'm a total weirdo and dishonest for doing this. Personally, I don't see the big deal. It helps me to get things done. And while I'm technically lying, I would say it's a white lie. Still, I would like a second opinion just in case.

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday February 10 2023, 3:44 pm:
Its great you have this opportunity to learn one aspect in relationships and how to handle a tough one. You can't avoid learning this because such situations will keep coming, even in adult life until you learn. So standing up to your decision when everyone else would rather not study is a valid enough thing to stand up for. Your friends may be great friends otherwise, but for the flaw of caring more about having their own brand of fun instead of applying themselves in school. Do not let them hold you back or drag you down.

There is a story told by people who have gone crabbing. There is no worry that crabs will claw their way out of the bucket they were put in right after capture because all the other crabs will grab the one trying to crawl out and pull it back in. This is a true occurrence in nature.
You have to put your mark down, state your boundaries and let your friends know you prefer to study instead. Partying can happen after you graduate. I know it's hard to do because its scary, there is a fear and usually it has to do with losing all ones friends and being all alone with no one and or getting teased by them or the whole school. Once they are adults and lack an education or degree, they will be the ones who wish they had been more like you. But thats for you to decide, if you are ready to try to be strong and not use your parents as a handy excuse that would be good, to learn how to stand with your convictions even if its not popular. But you will have to learn how to do this at some point in life. Better now than later when you have more commitments, a job, car, a home, children who look up to you to copy you.

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