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Heavy Office and Sister Advice Needed

Question Posted Tuesday June 14 2022, 4:37 pm

This will consist of me venting while also seeking guidance or advice of any kind just please help me! A few weeks ago my sister saw my male manager and decided that she found him attractive. He told me that he thought she was cute also, since then I saw that she was becoming attached to the validation that he offered so I tried to prevent those two from crossing paths as much as possible. I’ve been praying profusely to god that these two can never see each other to prevent them one from trying to get romantically involved, Last Thursday was an exception and my current nightmare became true she got saw a window of opportunity and asked for his number. Of course he complied, since then it’s been stress and thinking/expecting only the worse from them being in contact. I’d also been showing my disapproval through my words and attitude towards the two to no avail, now my sister wants me to tell my general manager about a two weeks notice. I personally have no interest or desires to leave this job! I have love for the place and some of my coworkers since it’s my first job, I’ve become attached even though there are things I don’t like about working there lately but I don’t want to leave this early. And I can’t help but to question is this a result of my recent actions towards her or did something go on between her and my manager just that quickly? Or does she want me to leave so there relationship can further? I hate that the ball does partially land in her court because she’s supposed to be my transportation, it’s not good to give her any power to hold over me but I feel powerless if I don’t have anyone else to take me. I’ve prayed to god all day but it feels like he hit the mute button on me, my anxiety is way too bad for this type of events to constantly kick me in the face, especially my sister being a bad decision maker, she’s definitely not once thought about how I’m feeling, and she’s a frequent job quitter so she doesn’t understand that I crave and aim for longevity at work. Any advice or words to offer me in my series of unfortunate events?

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Dragonflymagic answered Thursday June 16 2022, 10:46 pm:
I did not know your sis and you work at the same place until you mentioned she is your ride to work. There may be other things not clearly stated so I can only answer based on what you did write.

First, you must have left something out because I see no reason stated why you are trying so hard to keep them apart. Basically, in life when two people meet and are attracted to each other, there really isn't anything a person can do to stop that. Each one of us must be genuinely focused only on bettering ourselves by making changes. you mention its not good for her to hold power over you but I haven't a clue what power you speak of. So whatever you have done to each of them, may be the straw that broke the camels back. It could mean that he or she or both may treat you badly for how you treated them. It is not a good way to react but people do that when they are not focusing on being a better person each day. If there is a way to advertise at work, or just ask people, it might be wise to get another person giving you rides to work. When I was young, my job promoted ride sharing and had a bulletin board and I had two different people taking turns giving me rides, even though I had a car, this was set up as a gas saving thing by the company. If I were you, I would allow them to do as they wish. If you've already burnt your bridges by your treatment of them, yes, the day may come sooner than later when you are let go and have to find another job. You do not state why your sister wants you to leave and only she stays. I can only guess that she either sees you as competition and wants to be the only sister working there, or she sees it as a way to get back at you. Never do anything just because someone (even family) asks or demands you do it when you don't want to. A weak person might cave in and give up. If you choose to ignore her and stay, and reason at all could be written in your employee file by your boss and give him great opportunity to fire you for what looks like valid reasons. The sooner we all learn that no matter what goes wrong, those are opportunities for us to challenge ourselves to take the higher action as in "What would Jesus do?" Or 'what is this situation trying to teach me? There are many times I do not like what someone else is doing. I keep my mouth shut and pray for the people or situation. I had to learn young that God is not a Genie in a lamp that could grant me all my wishes. He is patient to allow us to do our own thing, get in a bind, mess stuff up royally. At some point, hopefully the situation causes us to grow up a bit and become more Godly. I only mention God as you did first with your praying. God does stay silent at times, not because he is mean or doesn't care. I know he cares about the small stuff too, as I have experienced it. I never go to God with a wish list of wanting a new car or old one fixed up like new, more money, some nagging health issues cleared up, and so on. God already knows what I need or want. But like a good parent, knows what really is going to be good down the road or harmful to us, as in stunting the opportunities for me to grow. If a little boy saw a snake in the wild and is begging his parent to let him take it home cus he wants a pet snake, the parent knowing it is a deadly venomous one, will not grant that wish. Sometimes its not things but situations we think should not exist or at least turn out different. God gave each one of us a will, a will to do as we wish so he won't for example change a crappy husband into a good one just because I prayed for it. Even my church at the time falsely believed that we should trust God to heal our marriage. Later God told me that he would have to take away the free will he gave my ex, and change him like magic into the perfect husband. My only choice was to stay for more abuse or leave. I left because that was the one thing I could do that did not affect the exes free will. It is because you have free will that you were not stopped by God when you treated sis and boss badly to attempt to keep them apart. And your sis and boss also have free wills to do as they wish. So if you wish, stay where you are, don't give notice and start looking for another ride provider. There are other things you can do, like allow people to make their own mistakes. Most people learn that way rather than from advice of others. If the opportunity comes up, and you find yourself able to truly mean it, then ask them for forgiveness. Its not for them but for what it will do inside for you.

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