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I need advice on how to seduce a cute guy friend.

Question Posted Wednesday June 1 2022, 4:26 pm

So I have a friend who is a guy who I have started to think about more romantically after I saw him wearing a spiderman costume which showed off his very cute muscles which I had never seen before. Side note he had the costume because he is a marvel maniac and we were going to a children’s hospital and thought it would be fun to do costumes. The kids loved him and he totally got into the moves and hanging from stuff even upside down. He only fell once. He has always been a cute guy but nerdy and shy and totally hid his bod in clothes too big for him. Our friend group includes some athletes and I can see him being intimidated being smaller. But the truth is he is sexy fit. He has visible well-defined abs. We are not talking huge muscles like the football players but everything about his muscles was so perfectly shaped under the costume and he totally has a cute butt all of which I could see in the costume. If you think about it those spidey costumes are like skin tight and show everything. We got a moment of privacy and I made all kinds of comments about his body and asked why he had been hiding it. He just stuttered. Without asking I touched his arm and chest and then his butt and abs and I kissed his shoulder and told him he was hot. He had the mask on but he turned his back to me and asked for privacy. I realized he had a boner and could not hide it so I got protective and back in friend mode and sort of distracted people when we got off the elevator and he went to the bathroom to do whatever boys do. TBH I have the hots for him now. He is shorter than most of the guys but he is still one inch taller than me and is so funny, kind, and cool to be around once you get him to talk and open up. He just does not realize he has the secret bod of a superhero. LOL Maybe I am being shallow focusing on his newly discovered physical hotness, but he is so yummy and the idea of seducing my cute nerdy guy friend is exciting even if it is just FWB. I would totally date him even though it would be weird at first. Besides his spidey muscles he has great manners and I think would be a thoughtful boyfriend. He is 15 and I am 17 btw. He is a virgin I think. I am not but hardly anyone knows that. Not sure what to do next exactly. Any ideas?

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday June 3 2022, 3:59 pm:
If he enjoys spending time with you as friends, there is one thing you can say to know if he likes you only as a friend, or more than friends.
Once you have spent some time just hanging as friends, you can ask, "Since we are doing so great as friends, I just thought of this , , ,do you think we'd do just as great if we were more than friends?"
This way you ask his opinion without cornering him. He will feel more secure in telling you the truth...whether he says, yeah I think we can be more than friends, lets try, or he says, I like you as a friend but I don't have romantic feelings for you. Keep your smiling face and then decide whether you want him only as a friend, no seducing as you call it.

I will post link for description as the word seduce has a lot to do with getting a guy to have sex when he is already taken or married. Here's the link: [Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

If you meant another word, then forgive this but I can't let it go by, since following up on it is not necessarily a good idea. Generally all teen boys will be way hornier than girls and if there is an opportunity to experience sex no matter if first time, they can easily be talked into it. However there are laws that differ by state as to the age one must be before considered the age of consent to have sex. It will vary by state from age 16, to 17 and 18. Next link will list the states by the age. So he definitely is not old enough even if your state allows it at 16. If your state doesn't allow until 18, then you as well are not old enough. The solution is to wait until you are both of age and do only the kissing and hand holding if as more than friends. Now I will add a couple things I have learned as it may be helpful. Yes, having the chemistry sexually is important but so is being each others best friend. Most people end up marrying only a best friend but neither feels sexual chemistry, though they hoped it would develop. Thing is, its either there or its not. The other half of people found a perfect sex partner but they are not friends and fight with each other alot. The other half, since not having much sex if any with each other, are prone to finding sex with someone they do have sexual chemistry with. And hardly any one is strong enough to end that bad relationship and search for the right one. I just have to say I sensed more than you saying how much you may want to have sex. This is when I recommend masturbation, no matter what anyone else says, its a private thing, you do just for you. As for toys, too young for a sex shop so the solution, not for a dildo but for arousing the clit, is to use a battery powered toothbrush, just not the bristle side, on the clit and you will have orgasms. I have tried many toys in my life and I still prefer the toothbrush, we keep one bedside.
If this is just innocent wanting to have a boyfriend and not rushing into sex, as you grow older and more experienced, you will know what I mean by 'some times 2 people who are friends will hide real feelings or develop them along the way. But not all will have those crucial feelings mutually, for each other.' Why? I don't know for sure but there are arguments for pheromones having something to do with it. And I feel pretty sure from my observations that it is pheromones. Our noses have an organ that picks up on scents that your conscious self usually is incapable of smelling. It is like what happens in the animal kingdom, finding each other by scent. I have found that if the pheromones are not a total match, maybe half way or less, the excitement of the new relationship falls away quickly and you're left with nothing. That happened in my first marriage. Now I am happily remarried to a wonderful man. No he doesn't have abs or a hot body, and we have aged so theres sagging skin and wrinkles but despite those changes we are still handsome and beautiful to each other, probably because of our unconditional love for each other. So the bad news in all of this is that you can not do anything to change your pheremones to match that of some one you are into. The best thing you can do is be a great friend, ask your question and then proceed from there.

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