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Advice when your friends parents don't like you

Question Posted Tuesday May 3 2022, 3:17 pm

I am a introverted female,23 years old working, from India.
I have a tough time in making friends whom I can trust and confide in.
Few months back, I went to meet a male friend A, as he was injured with another one of my male friend B. We were just talking outside his house, everything was going smoothly and suddenly his mother came can started shouting at me, that why was I sitting and talking with her son, it doesn't look good, for him roaming and talking with a girl and what not.And the crazy thing is I didn't say a word, I was on verge of crying in front of them but I controlled it, thinking there was no point of arguing.At my house I pretended everything was okay in front of my family and male friend B but at night I couldn't control my tears.Well my friend A apologized for whole scene and I said I was fine and all, and we still talk but now I am very conscious of it all the time which has lead to quite a distance between us. Something similar happened with my male friend B, not from his mom directly but he told me what his mom thought, and it got me thinking, why do I have to be treated in this way, i never asked them to do anything which is not right, I don't extort money from them, neither i am their girlfriend, I am just a friend.
And this as well created a barrier in my mind, and triggered everything again.
With this going on, everyone else is busy in their own personal life, and i feel everything is slipping away.I feel I will end up with no friends one day, i feel lonely.
I would like your advice, what should I do or how should I handle the situation.
Thank you in advance.

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday May 9 2022, 7:11 pm:
Since you are of marriageable age, I would think that the other mothers already have some girl in mind they will force their son to marry. Its as if they were dog breeders and papers of the parent dogs are as pure as should be, no other breed or mutt mixed in. These mothers do not want you to hang out even talking with their sons for fear that even just talking might cause them to fall in love with you. And that would mess up their plans. If I am wrong and no one is considering the act of choosing a match for you, then I have no idea why the mothers feel that way. I know the hardest thing is to ask them what's wrong. You are old enough to be treated with respect as an adult and they need to answer truthfully. Keep in mind for your future that any match where the potential mother in law is comandeering your life, friendshiop with son, or marriage is a hard thing to put up with for the rest of her life. There is such a thing as harmful interfering ways on things that are none of their business. Typically, a person like that can end up trying to control your life in marriage. So generally, be careful if you do have choice in your partner, because no matter what, it comes down to whether he is 100% for backing you up or caves in to his mother over and over. That would be a living hell.

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