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loner needs "escort" for medical appointmt & knows no one.

Question Posted Saturday June 26 2021, 12:01 pm

Due to pain in my side, I am scheduled for a colonoscopy in a few days from now. Because this is a medical procedure where anesthesia is used, the hospital requires that I have an escort (PLATONIC. Don't get the wrong idea!) to make sure that I get home after it's all done. (S/He doesn't necessarily have to drive if I'm awake enough.) I do not know all the details but apparently it's a legal matter for the hospital...the escorting person may or may not have to sign a form. An Uber driver or cab driver does not qualify; this has to be someone I know. The problem is this: I don't know anyone in my area nearly well enough.

My basic character (& certain previous experiences) has led me to a mostly solitary life. I don't need or want lots of company around, etc. The drawback is in situations like this, I have no one to ask. I have very few friends & none of them are particularly close.

This procedure is scheduled for the 7th of next month. Right now it's June 26th. I could reschedule the procedure but gut conditions can be serious, so I do not want to put it off. How do I find someone who can or will do this?

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Dragonflymagic answered Wednesday June 30 2021, 10:01 pm:
When hubby had his colonoscopy, he was told to have a ride. First year, I drove him, then was waiting to find a Dr who could help with my bad eyes so this year, a friend took him. The friend isn't someone who knows him that well in case something bad happened on ride home. We were told that the issue is the anesthesia in system and he could drive himself. That is the only issue. And usually they ask for a friend or family member to drive you home because most everyone has someone they can ask for the favor. If you are on face book, mention this and need for ride if you know people on face book. I have seen someone I know post asking for help to take them to appt and I did. But you probably don't do Facebook or other social media. So I would recommend something called a Cabulance, its like a cross between a cab and a medic vehicle where the driver is supposed to be licensed to take care of any emergency afterwards such as bleeding, where they would take you then to emergency and hopefully put you in contact with the Dr. who did the procedure. I know a lady who got the procedure done, was fine afterwards but the next day she was not and had to go to emergency. A friend has a relative who is elderly and has ambulatory issues, so getting in and out of any vehicle is a problem not to mention falling often so she has to have a caabulance take her to Dr. appts.

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DangerNerd answered Tuesday June 29 2021, 1:23 pm:
Hi there,

I'm very sorry for your troubles. There are a number of ways to approach this, and I would like to share something that happened to me. Long story short, I moved to a new town with my now ex, and some time after moving there I was injured and had to have surgery. She left and I was in need of help, but had no family there. My elderly neighbor wasn't able to help, but suggested I contact a local church. I did, and while not all churches are equal, I did get the help I needed, and made some friendships that are ongoing all these years later.

Now, how do you find a church with caring people? Well, caring people are already busy caring for others: Call around and find out who runs a food pantry or clothing closet. Who has a prison ministry, who visits seniors in retirement homes, who visits the sick in hospitals... and I assure you, you will find a complete stranger that will help you.

I know this isn't ideal, because you need someone WITH you, but I would also mention, most areas have a medical shuttle. Even in towns as small as 1500 people I have seen shuttle services for doctor's visits.

In Billings Montana just for example:

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

And you can find things like this with the following search:

only search

For someone that will go WITH you and help you, reaching out to a local church with an active community help program is most certainly your best bet.

You will be really surprised.

Good luck to you!

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solidadvice4teens answered Sunday June 27 2021, 11:56 am:
Don't reschedule I REPEAT DON'T RESCHEDULE. If you do you're screwed for an indefinite amount of time and perhaps a year even because of COVID backup and these procedures up until now being cancelled.

Do you not have a parent, aunt or uncle you could ask? If not have the procedure done anyway. All they will make you do is wait a few hours or perhaps 24 which isn't so bad there until they know you can drive yourself home and or leave.

All they will do is keep you there until it's safe for you to leave which won't be that long. They just can't immediately let you leave because you're still doped up and considered intoxicated if you drove.

What you need todo is contact the doctor who will be doing this. Tell them that you don't have anyone at all who can take you home after. Ask them if they can arrange for someone to drop you off at home so you are safe. They may be able to arrange this if you just ask.

You are having this done for a reason and likely a very good one that would only get worse if you put it off. There's a way of getting around the issue of not having a ride. They can help you get one or at the very worst they can keep you in and wait for the drugs to wear off and until they are confident you can drive home. You may wait extra time but it's no big deal. They tend to release people on their own fairly easily.

You likely aren't the only person in this position and they no doubt deal with this all the time and have a plan for those unable to leave on their own or with anyone. I would call the specialist who is in charge and tell them this and see what they can arrange for you. Don't cancel. It's HUGE mistake if you do that. You'll be at the back of the list of people waiting since COVID-19 began that way.

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