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Job Option Dilemma

Question Posted Saturday June 5 2021, 1:02 pm

I turned 16 a few months ago, and even before then I have obsessed over the moment when I could start looking for a job. I’ve had a few that I’ve considered since then but now that I can actually start applying I can’t seem to figure out which ones I have an actual shot at. I say this because I’ve only considered jobs that aren’t in my small town, this is a slight problem for me because the one person that I recently started to believe I will I have to depend on for transportation seems to expect me to only consider jobs in my small town. These job options are very limited, some most likely don’t have good pay, flexible hours, don’t hire people my age and or I wouldn’t be comfortable in the work environment(I get anxiety and don’t want to choose a work option just because it’s convenient). As a result, I feel stagnant and stuck because I feel like I can’t venture out to the options that I am most comfortable with pursuing, and I feel held back because the person that I would look to for transportation also hasn’t looked at job opportunities outside of our small town when they easily could because they have the transportation while I don’t😕. What should I do?

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solidadvice4teens answered Wednesday June 16 2021, 9:11 pm:
You can't rely on someone else for transportation as there will be times when they aren't available or screw something up especially if their schedule conflicts with the shifts you would be doing. The temptation is to look for jobs you like that appear to be outside where you are living but if you accepted one you would have a lot of problems.

Think also about winter months. If your friend suddenly decided not to drive you or help you get to work anymore you would be absolutely screwed with public transportation being a nightmare when it snows.

I think what you need to do first is figure out the anxiety issues you have and the root cause of them by talking to a doctor and getting feedback on things you can do that you may not have known about to get the upper hand and control of it gradually. That I think is the real job you should take.

I think that an actual job itself is a good idea but let it come to you and be patient and let it unfold rather than push for it. Anything that a person has to push for always backfires against them. It's almost like a science that way.

Keep researching, keep looking but stay in your area. With COVID and vaccines now allowing people to work again there is an actual shortage of people who want to work in fast-food, movie theaters, other venues or even in public. There's a lot of places that need people and can't get them. There will be a lot of things opening up and it's good to be patient right now. It will work out. It's better to be in your rightful place than not.

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DrStephanie answered Monday June 14 2021, 5:58 pm:
If you are depending upon the one source for transport, you are pretty well limited to applying for jobs they are willing to transport you to.

Have you looked into other means of transport, such as the bus? Train?

At your age, people are pretty well limited by lack of training or experience to accepting jobs they can handle and for which others will hire them.

So, you'll need to postpone being picky until later, when you will have more to offer an employer.

Take what's available. Go from there, and the sky will be your limit. Plan on getting more education and training, and the world will be your oyster.

Good luck, Dr. Stephanie

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday June 5 2021, 6:02 pm:
It is an unwise move to trust one person for a ride to a job no matter where it is. Heres a list of what could go wrong. Your friend is sick so you miss a day of work, their car breaks down, needs repair and you miss work during the repair time or worse, a longer period of their needing to get enough money together to get the repair, the friend gets switched to another town for a job and its out of the way to take you. I am assuming there is no bus services from small town to small town. So that really leaves you only the choice to save up for your own car because once you have a car, you have transportation to whatever job you want to take, where ever. Oh, yes, I haven't forgotten the anxiety. I had (yes past tense) had social anxiety very bad when a kid and teen. I do not have it now. No it didn't go away on its own and no, there was no medication for that when I was your age. I realized that having anxiety was going to cripple my adult life and make things very hard for me if I didn't learn to get over it. I prayed and followed what I believe I heard in prayer time to do. It worked, I was cured! Decades later, I picked up a book at the library by a psychologist, out of curiosity. What he mentions as a way to get over anxiety was exactly what I had done. So eerily the same it gave me goosebumps. My suggestion to you is to work on your anxiety now, also while taking a local job teens would do, save up all your money and have Dad help you once ready to search for your first car. It shouldn't be the newest hot looking deal because that comes with more expensive insurance and tabs. You can work your way up to a nicer car in the future. All you need is reliable for now. In two years you are considered an adult but still have much to learn and experience. Don't make decisions without bouncing your idea's off other adults older than you to collect their advice, using them as sounding boards while taking all the viewpoints and info and still making your own decision, albeit the most informed decision you can make and hopefully the best. I know this may sound like an up hill battle to you. I got over my anxiety in about a month or two but didn't need longer. I applied myself to each step, scared at first but once comfortable with a small step, I moved on to the next step, each always a bit more involved in what I had to do and I did these things daily and that was in my senior yr at HS. Its Summer now so if you want to lose the anxiety, that can happen by end of summer and you'll be ready to pick any local job and work hard toward getting your own car. The getting your license part, will be easier if over the anxiety and you can save for your car now even before having a license.
If you would like me to send you a document on how I went through getting rid of my anxiety, I'd be glad to paste it in for you. You only need reply straight to me by going to 'search for columnists' look for Dragonfly magic as that's me, and choose the button to post a message and only I will get it, and will send this info to you. If you write this request where you can rate me, I can not respond. This program doesn't tell me anything about you and there are no links for me to be able to generate an answer or send anything unless you make contact first .

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