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Kitten Biting And Scrathing Won't Allow To Be Picked Up.

Question Posted Tuesday August 11 2020, 11:51 pm

I got a kitten about a week ago that was absolutely gentle and constantly wanting to play. You could pick her up without issues and she would just purr and purr when interacting. Fast forward to this week and she's become the devil's cat.

My mom suddenly can't touch her and nor can my brother without being nipped. If she has to pick her up to take her downstairs or into another room the kitten claws her and keeps trying to bite despite being fed and cared for by her. We got her for the child in household and now aren't sure they should interact.

We've read articles about this and YouTube but none of the techniques to correct the cat works. The odd thing is that she spends most of her time in my room and then the evenings with everyone else. The cat loves playing with me and sleeps on my bed and even sits on my shoulder. I haven't had an issue with her trying to hurt me. She'll let me pet her even when asleep and stroke her tail, ears and body.

She hasn't wanted me to touch her lately but instead of biting or scratching she will meow or try to hiss. It only happens in that instance.

I know that cats like to have all four paws on the ground to feel secure and that my mother and brother have been picking her up by the scruff like a momma cat would. Maybe it's scared of that. One reason I don't think so is that the people we got her from had kids galore interacting with her and other kittens and all was fine. Is it possible it's imprinted on me and doesn't like other people?

The only other issue is that we have 2 dogs. One dog is friendly and just doesn't care that a cat is in the house and the other snarls when the cat is in its crate. They have never been together or met the cat they just know she's present. The only time the cat is ever in the same part of the house as those two is if we're not home and at night to sleep inside her crate totally protected.

The cat is a Russian Blue crossed with something else we're not aware of.

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Dragonflymagic answered Wednesday August 12 2020, 9:42 pm:
Im not a cat expect nor dogs either but just looking at the basics you told me, sounds like she's very capable of being okay with lots of people around unless the people you got her from lied about her getting along well with all the kids and other pets.

Cats only like to be touched when They want it and will hiss to tell you to back off if they aren't in the mood. My daughters cat does the same but it is otherwise a loving cat, even coming back inside through her cat door when my daughter says to come check in with her in 15 minutes as if the cat understands. But since you are not getting the bad treatment your family members are, theres a chance she's chosen you as her favorite person. However you did say Mom and brother have picked her up by the scruff of the neck. When were they going to stop, when she's an adult cat? What about all that time in between while still growing much larger than a new kitten and weighing more? I am only guessing here but it sounds uncomfortable at the least. Maybe kittens are okay only with their mother picking them up that way. But if they are old enough to walk places on their own, cats probably see this as humiliating having humans move them around.I am assuming you meant she is not only in her crate at night but also when you are gone. Because if she were loose with dogs around, she would freak out. I had an older cat, then we got a dog when it was about 6 months old. Our cat didn't take kindly to having a dog around and she ran away from home. A neighbor saw her in the neighborhood and we took her home but she left again at her soonest opportunity because she didn't like having a dog around. You've probably seen cute you tube videos of people's various animal pets cuddling, licking each other and playing with each other, like birds with cats, cats with dogs and so on. This does not mean that all animals are going to be the same. That is like assuming all white people are racist, since that is in the news lately and almost all we hear about. Cats have different personalities just like you are not exactly like your Mom or brother or even your friends. So your kitten doesn't want to share a home with dogs, even a friendly one, and our dog was friendly and left the cat alone but she left anyways. Later we got a kitten and she was okay with the dog but would hiss and try to scratch our legs when we walked past, not even paying her attention or trying to interact. So as I said, cats can take a dislike to just about anything, same as dogs and probably other types of animals. We think its cute when a pet likes to eat certain people foods. Well they have taste buds too, so wether a food or person or other animal, one pet can take a dislike to something.Can it be retrained to get along with other pets, or at least tolerate its presense. Obviously, your one dog does not like cats. If I wanted to keep all my pets and some didnt like each other, or like some people, I'd find it a good idea to call a cat or pet specialist to come to the home and talk to you all and watch the animals to see what they do. It is worth paying for a couple visits like that to learn if there is anything to fix your situation than go on for years with the animals and humans in the house being miserable. If you learn that the cat would do better in a house without dogs and thats the only thing making her so jumpy she attacks humans too, then it might be best to find a home without dogs where the people will adopt her. If this happens and you all still wantk a cat, I would take the dogs along in the car. Have the owner let you choose a kitten, and walk with you to the car so they know you aren't taking off without paying, but its just to see how the dogs like the kitten. If the one still doesn't like a cat, then you may have to wait until that particular dog gets old and dies before getting a cat. Otherwise you may not be able to have a cat if a professional tells you there is nothing that can be done. I've had both cats and dog and dwarf bunnies, a hamster. When we brought the rabbits home, two of them, we wanted to be sure our cat wouldn't attack the bunnies. When my daughter held a bunnie close to our female cat, she began to lick and clean the bunnie as if it were her baby and we knew all would be okay. I have never heard the thing about needing all four paws on the ground to feel secure. All our cats have jumped up onto things they thought would be stable, little narrow ledges and so on. It was only that they need something secure under their feet, not that the feet are on the ground. If they leapt and landed on something that wasn't stable and it wiggled or toppled over, a split second later they'd changed their trajectory to go elsewhere. I don't like being near people who don't like me so I can only imagine what a kitten must feel like to have a dog snarling at her, while she's in her cage. That;s like you Thats like you getting adopted by people who love you but there is another adopted child already part of the family. That child starts to treat you meanly. Every day and yet you are expected to not rock the boat and show any dislike for your situation cus the moment you act out, the parents, think you're being difficult and drag you to your room for time out. You would hate that, wouldn't you? I know I would. y being That would feel unsettling. I am sure the cat feels the same way. It may really only be the snarling un-accepting dog that is her issue but I don't know for certain. SHe may be so miserable that she is turning on humans to show how unhappy she is and who knows why she hasn't started to turn on you. Maybe she senses something about you and likes you more than other humans. People again are the same, and that is why we aren't close friends with everyone we meet ever in our life, theres some people whose vibes turn you off on being around them. People can take a dislike to a person they have never met in the past. Happened to me so I know its possible. Not only was I disliked by someone but I have had people who tried to force their way into my husband and my life and they were so different from us that we didn't like them or pursue them but they kept coming over to see us until one moved and we called the police on the other as he had a previous police record and was up to his usual stuff, lieing cheating, stealing and my husband would no longer want to be working with him and get blamed possibly for something the other did. So if people can take a liking or dislike to someone they just met, its very silly to think that other living creatures like animals don't. Try an animal trainer first to help.

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