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What do I do about my future?

Question Posted Monday May 4 2020, 9:11 am

I'm (female, 24)currently employed in a full-time permanent role as a HR administrator. Sounds great, right? Except it's not. I moved into this role two years ago under the guise that if I worked hard and got the necessary qualifications I'd see career progression and a bigger salary (as someone who lives at home alone with her physically/mentally-disabled-due-to-a-stroke mother, this was super important to me).
Two years later, I have the qualifications. Still, my pay hasn't changed since I started the role (though my responsibilities have increased), in fact, I earn less than the individuals who are employed in my previous position in the mail room. In addition to this, I've also developed a severe repetitive strain injury in both my arms as a result of the repetitive nature of my role (lots of typing and mouse work). So, now I'm poor and broken... awesome!
Unfortunately, as my job pays me minimally, I can't afford to see a physiotherapist about my arms. I've spoken with several GPs who offer numerous painkillers but no real solutions; one told me the issue was simply that I am weak...
As the pain in my arms progresses (I can no longer chop vegetables, vacuum the house or even sleep through the night without hurting), I have come to reluctantly accept that I need to change something. On Monday, when I go back to work, I plan to request a decrease in my working hours (35 down to 25) so that I can rest my arms for more extended periods between tasks. Financially this is not something I can do in the long-term but can do temporarily whilst I work out what else I can do.
I have also looked into going to university to complete a degree in counselling which is something I have an interest in and has the added bonus of minimal typing requirements. Unfortunately, I am unable to get on the course this September as I am not able to complete the required volunteer hours between now and then. This plan will, therefore, have to wait until 2021.
But I don't know if I can wait until 2021. I can't keep going down this route with my arms, and I spend more time crying than not; either due to physical pain, frustration over said physical pain and overall stress.
So, the advice I'm looking for is, what do I do? What jobs are out there that can hold me over for a year until I can (hopefully) go to university? What jobs don't require a university degree and have zero expectation of me being able to work long hours on the computer? Is there any resolve for my janky arms?
I'm so lost for what to do and so scared of what is going to happen to my arms as time goes on. Honestly, whilst I know this will get lost in the litter of 'new' posts that come through every day, I really do appreciate any comments or advice anyone has to give. If you've read this far, thank you.
tl;dr - Unable to continue in current role due to ongoing physical disability but have been declined for upcoming university course due to not meeting the minimum entry requirements. Looking for advice on what to do career/life wise to save arms.

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MicheleL answered Tuesday May 5 2020, 5:02 pm:

I feel your pain! No literally, I have the same issues. But I am 67, you are 24! I can’t imagine being in that kind of pain at your age, knowing that your going to need to continue to use your hands and arms for future employment. But I think I can help. I believe in natural supplements and I take some every day that help with my arthritis pain, and maybe they will help you. Your pain is really inflammation, and chronic inflammation is not good. It can cause a deterioration of the cartilage in your joints and that would lead to more pain and could even require surgery. Everyday I take 10,000 IU of Vitamin D, 500 mg of Tumeric, Fish oil capsules. Cinnamon capsuls can also help, as well as alpha lipoic acid capsuls. Some of these supplements can be found in chewable form. Also check your diet, many foods can cause inflammation. Processed foods, fast foods, sugary foods, alcohol and caffeine. Food with preservatives, artificial coloring and nitrates. You may be very prone to inflammation from these foods, and stopping them could make a huge difference. What also helps me are soft braces that I wear on my hands at night. Both hands. Keeping my hands immobile for the night, gives me many hours of pain free keyboarding the next day. At work and at home I also use (only) an ergonomically correct key board and a trac ball mouse. They day about 1 day of use to get comfortable with, but then you won’t want to be without them.
As far as your job. You have gained enough job skills to move on. Anyone with office experience and computer literacy can change jobs. You could move on to order entry, you could find work at an entry level accounting position, like accounts payable clerk. You just have to be detail oriented. I agree HR sucks. I would not like that to be my career. Every one else in the company hates the people in HR. LOL. You mentioned returning to college and I highly recommend it. But counseling? IDK. I have two friends with 4 year degrees in psychology. One drives a school bus, the other works for state’s DCF department. Aid to families and children. A thankless and stressful job. You usually have to have a master’s in psychology to make any money. I have a degree in accounting and I am doing very well. I rather work with numbers than people. But in small companies I get stuck with HR duties anyway. I have been working for 50 years. Each job I had was a stepping stone to the next. I learned something from each one. Even if it was that I know I did not want to work in that field again. You can do this.
You did not say where you live, so I don’t know if there are lots of employers in your area. If you have access to INDEED. That is a great place to find a new job. Update your resume. Never stay at a job that you don’t like. Look for opportunities wherever they may be. It can be nerve wracking to move on. And starting a new job can be intimidating. But everyone you see all got through that 1st day at the office. And the people who hired you, they already know that every job has a learning curve. You are young, and that is to your advantage. Don’t stop until you find something you are passionate about. Take care.

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