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Coming out

Question Posted Monday January 21 2019, 5:15 pm

I need help with coming out to my Christian family, they are against lgbtq and really homophobic and don't accept any lgbtq and always say that it's wrong, but I completely disagree and need help coming out, so how should I approach it

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Ambivalence answered Saturday March 30 2019, 11:06 pm:
Show them an article on how Pope Francis accepts LGBT people. Situation solved.

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herearetheavacados answered Tuesday January 29 2019, 10:28 pm:
Please pelease read this i know it might be long but hey,, let’s start off with I’m Christian and I’m really faithful. Guess what..? It doesn’t say anywhere in the bible that it’s bad to be a part of lgbtq+. In the Old Testament it talks About this guy who is very powerful and he was gay. He was never in love. He used his power to “rape” men and women and Vod was not happy. Let’s move to the New Testament- Jesus said (Matthew 13 I think?? I’m only 16 and I’m not tryna be a reverand when I grow up) that some people are born a Eunech (sorry for the spelling), and some people become a eunuch. He says that if you can’t sccept it, too bad. It does not say anywhere that they will be burned or anything or that God doesn’t love them. Ps, a eunuch is someone who is born transgender ( along the lines/ they have no testicles). He literally says others turn to love their same gender. God created Eunuchs too, they’re human. God would have never created them if he hated them. We’re all his creation so hating eunuchs would be insulting and hating God in a way. I hope this really helped!! And be proud of being a part of the lgbtq+ !!

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday January 28 2019, 4:37 pm:
I come from a Christian background and can remember a time when I choose to not question or think for myself and simply adopt and believe any verdicts from the pulpit, such as transgenders or being gay is wrong and evil influence of the devil. So I know that simply providing the facts, most often will not work with all parents. They can ignore the facts and truth and have a tremendous faith to believe in something that has no scientifically, clear cut, makes no sense type of stuff. Yup, I once was there but eventually began to question things and I believe that was when the Holy Spirit began to work with me to show me how i had been believing lies pretty much all my Christian life. If you are a minor and still under your parents roof, you would do better waiting to tell them after you become an legal adult at 18. At that point they can no longer tell you what to do. However if you are an adult living with the parents as many do for financial reasons these days, remember, if they disagree or become radical and want to disown you and kick you out of the house, they can. If you are a minor, they can't kick you out if you tell them. The law says a parent is obligated to provide a roof over your head, food to eat and proper clothes to wear and that is basically it, the extent of what they are required to provide for a child. So if not 18, don't make the rest of your life at home miserable by taking the chance and telling them early. If you are an adult now or soon will be, a better way to spend your time preparing is getting on LGBTQ sites where you can talk to others who came out to parents, especially Christian parents. I had a pen pal in another state, he was a Christian Pastor of a LGBTQ friendly church where half the parishoner's were LGBTQ and the others were their family members or friends who supported them. I can't say there are many churches like this but it might be helpful to search if there is one in your area, start attending and talk to the Pastor and have him help you with how to approach the parents and with information to share.Or you can get the same info from talking on line. Do searches on line for coming out to Christian parents and start studying all, there may even be some good youtube videos on it. In case they don't come around, you may want to have a place to crash at, so any lgbtq friendly friends, or even the type of pastor I mentioned who could easily announce you have need of a place to live, is possible.

Here is one thing that is a fact. At least sheep have been checked out in tests and the results are something sheep farmers have known for ages, that some Rams (male sheep) are homosexual and others Asexual and thus they are useless in breeding which is how a farmer expands their flock and so often when needing to sell for meat, they will choose just those that are attracted to the opposite sex so they can sire more sheep. I think you will like the one article I post a link to. It talks about the percent of sheep this way, how their brains are studied and are different already before being born and thus as Madonna states, "I was born this way" is actually appropriate and true. They may need more than the fact that in nature it so, humans are mammals too, just more advanced but being more advanced doesn't have any effect on how you are born. However, being more advanced means same sex couples can adopt and raise healthy non gay children but you won't be seeing two gay Rams adopting a baby sheep any time ever. This is all I have for you as ammo for a talk when the proper time and day comes. In the meanwhile, educate yourself and talk to others in the same situation as you to get some ideas. Since I am not gay or any of the others, I have no personal experience in that subject to share, just the little I do know of that I hope in part will help you. I wish you all the best dear.

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adviceman49 answered Saturday January 26 2019, 8:58 am:
There is nothing wrong with being Gay. Being gay is not something you woke up one morning and decided you were gay, you were born that way. IF you think about this you will remember times as you grew up that in light of today were signs you prefered the same sex. Scientists agree on this but still question bisexuality.

What you need to do is to try and educate your parents to these facts. You also need to educate them to the fact that your being gay had nothing to do with them or something wrong within them to produce a gay child.

You have this information handy when you tell them your gay or lesbian and you should tell them. There is no reason you should hide this from your parents regardless of how they feel about LGBTQ. You need to lead your life in a manner that makes you happy and complete. As a parent I can say that this is what we wish for our children. Maybe they will change their minds one they know you are gay or lesbian.

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