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What can I do about my brothers health conditions?

Question Posted Wednesday October 24 2018, 7:50 pm

What can I do about my brothers health conditions? He is disabled but doesn't have insurance and might go blind + he's sick?

My brother was diagnosed with iritis years ago and he has other help problems affecting his neurological system. No doctor knows what's wrong with him or they don't want to help because he has no insurance. We've been trying to get him medicaid insurance in Texas since he is disabled he qualifies. He's having problems getting it. The doctors say that his eye pressure is too high and he might go blind :(. They aren't doing anything else but giving him eye drops and this problem has been going on for years. The docs said that he has an inflammation in his body. He also vomits, some days he can't see out of both eyes or walk. Pls, how can I get him help before its too late?

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Additional info, added Thursday October 25 2018, 9:18 pm:
He gets SSI, but hes having a hard time getting medicaid. He needs some emergency treatment now because he can't see & his eye pressure is too high. He also has a cataract on his eye they won't remove. I just heard that Medicaid is no longer automatic, since trump became president..

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday October 27 2018, 5:02 pm:
Well, short of finding a religious healer in your area that can lay hands on him and make him instantly healthy, or finding one anywhere that you can meet with, I'd say to check with DSHS if you want to leave this totally to Doctors to help him. Unfortunately, Drs can't help, only make educated guesses as to what to medicate him with because I read on line that the cause of iritis is unknown. Just because it's unknown doesn't mean that there isn't a road back to health. Doctors look for signs in blood and urine but are limited in what they check for. Peoples emotions can affect health but the biggest is food--what our actual diet consists of.
If you'd rather wait to how ever much time it takes to get the medicaid thing ironed out, then ask for an appt. with his social worker or if none is assigned, there should be. Make sure you ask for and get one who will be an advocate for you on the inside of the system, knowing some things that can be done or try to get medicaid in place.

If you'd like to do something constructive yourself, then both you and your brother should hit the internet and start researching on possible causes for iritis or more specifically, the symptom of inflammation. Hubby and I recently started the Ketogenic diet, based on protiens fats and veggies only. No carbs or sugar. Since wheat is in practically everything and we eat potatoes and rice which also have carbs, it is a challenge but I can say that from having daily heartburn, after a week on the diet, I already found my heartburn totally gone. I'd never had it in life before. I had been unable to have anything acidic but sugar was also causing heartburn. Now that carbs and sugar are out, this one thing straighten out immediately. So that is one thing I had no idea that doing this diet would help.
The biggest culprit to many illness today are all due to what we eat. If we stop eating the stuff that is making us sick, the body slowly begins to clean itself up and gets healthier. Some damages may not be able to be healed by choice of diet but further degeneration can be prevented. I am no expert or Dr. just sharing what I have learned and been told by Doctors on line. Doctors with practices but who really care about helping people get healthy, not just earning a big bucks paycheck. They do the research on their own time and even follow the same thing they describe to others to try. Hubby and I decided to go on our Ketogenic diet after hearing what a couple of them had to say on line. They are not hawking products, just sharing free information. So you could start with your on line research there. I recommend going to youtube and looking for Dr. Ken Berry or Dr. Annette Bosworth or Dr Boz as she likes to go by (not to be confused with Dr. Oz)
On another subject to check out, the pesticides used on GMO crops go into our food as they eat their way into the crops like corn or wheat. We watched a you tube video that explains that to protect corn, something was introduced into Genetically modified corn that once a bug takes a bite of the vegetable, it makes the bugs stomach explode and of course it dies. It wasn't until we heard this that we finally figured out what had caused My husband to have to go to emergency a year and a half ago. He was critically low on blood, because his stomach had lots of rips and tears just bleeding continuously. Dr. could keep him a few days, give him some blood but had no idea what caused it. For about 6 month of working on a construction team, he decided all he would eat was a can of corn for his lunch every day. We are much bigger than a little bug. But what was made to destroy its stomach, seems to also work on humans, but it takes eating a lot of it over time. Most people don't eat corn every day, but if they did, their stomach would be full of tiny holes, just like the Drs said his stomach looked. I am telling you examples like this because the current food most easily available has been messed with in some way unless it is organic seeds and organic farming which costs more to buy. Doctors have not been taught this, they have not studied how diet affects health other than what they tell diabetics and even there they are wrong. As a caregiver, I had a patient with one of her afflictions being diabeties. She saw her doctor and I had to be along for these appts. So when she asked what is safe to drink and if soda pop was okay, I actually heard the dietician tell her that as long as she drank pop with diet sugar, she would be fine. I was horrified but told my client after we left that diet sugar is only supposed to not put on weight. As far as raising your blood sugar, it will still do that and I begged her not to drink lots of soda, just go for water, tea. In the days I wasn't assigned to her, like the weekend, she drank liter after liter of pop and called me to say she had passed out and found later in checking that her blood sugar was through the roof even though she was taking her meds. I told her to stop drinking them. She learned to trust me and never drank pop again. I hope you see that the medical community are only doing what they have been taught is true. But lots of common sense for treatment of regular sickness has flown out the window in modern times. I watched a documentary on line of how modern medicine has changed in recent years. Going back to the beginning of the 20th century, the medical books back then had advice that Doctors are no longer taught to give out. These are actual texts that Dr.s got their training from and relied on and referred to when someone had symptoms that they looked up in there.

I cannot stress more how important it is for you to do the research on line and come up with possibilities of what might be causing your brothers inflammation and other issues. Drs. don't have the time. You can make the time because it is more important to you. I would strongly suggest that since nothing else is happening currently, you check on diet and make the changes. You might have to go slowly but cutting out some carbs like no break anymore for the first week, then no rice/potato the next and work brother toward the true keto diet. He would have to learn to cook differently if he is doing the cooking or you could help by cooking some of the meals. If he can think instead of a meat and potatos man, to a meat and vegetables man, that's a good start.
On you tube, I recommend listening to both Dr Ken Berry and Dr Boz (Annette Bosworth), as far as the Keto diet. Do whatever other research you can on his conditions, by looking up the symptoms and a list of possible causes for them. Look up each possible cause and the new list of symptoms for each one of those to see if other symptoms of his exist on that list. Once you have it pinned down to a few possibilities, try whatever diet changes recommended to take care of it. Nothing is instant but over time, if there is no improvement, then try out the cure for one of the other culprits. If you think you may have discovered something that might be causing this, and you have his regular MD to talk to on phone or assistant, ask if this is a test, blood or other to check for whatever it is you found, maybe a deficiency, or too much of something. I wish you two well.

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