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Is weird people attracting a trait?

Question Posted Tuesday July 31 2018, 7:34 am

So my entire family has this thing where we can attract weird people. It sounds weird but trust me it's a thing. It's like they know we see weirdos a ton so they come over for looooong chats and ask for a ride. There is one person in the neighborhood that walks from Walmart to his house (the neighborhood is really close) on a daily basis and he will only ask our family for a ride. Ten cars could be on the road and he would only flag our family over. At concerts we will bump into strangers that seem to know us and have 2-4 year old children that can name Themselves. I'm wondering if this is a trait PR some kind of super power I'm a male and I am a bit shorter than average I wear darker colors and basketball shorts or windbrealers. I have brown curly hair that is dirty blonde in summer and brown eyes. Hope that helps in the bio-chemical research. Help appreciated

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Dragonflymagic answered Wednesday August 1 2018, 4:05 pm:
It's not weird to me because of my 2nd husband. He is like that. He also has no explanation for why it happens. I thought maybe it was just one person here or there who has the ability but for a whole family, WOW! I will mention that in his studies he came across the mention of the 'collective unconscious' a term Carl Jung coined. Others have used his term and a great many had worked with mental patients. The collective unconscious is like a holding tank in the universe of all knowledge, ideas and experience of ancestors and others who lived before us. Some minds seem to be geared to be able to lock into that knowledge without knowing it. Artists are people who often connect with it to produce their ideas for their creations. However I believe that Jung likely saw this first and more often in individual in the psychiatric ward because their minds were wired differently, something like the fact that there are left brained and right brained people. So imagine now people who can hook into the collective unconscious as involuntarily being drawn to something, like moths drawn to a flame or light. I don't think they all have to be mental patients but in some ways they will not act quite as normal and blend in like the rest of us.
Besides being drawn to my husband, he told me that many times in his past he had people come face to face with him who were instantly terrified of him, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, frozen with fear or indecision. I actually had a chance to witness the fear thing one day. He and I had walked into a McDonalds to each get a coffee. I gave my order with how many sugar and cream and turned to hubby, "Your turn" As he stepped up to the counter, and the cashiers eyes went from me to him, I watched his face transform into a mask of terror as if a terrifying ghost or demon stood before him. He actually froze, not doing anything on the register. My husband had to repeat his order. The guy looked relieved to get away and had someone else bring the coffees to the counter. Outside, he asked If I had noticed anything odd inside. I said yes, I saw the young man react in fear to my husband and he is not a scary looking person. He also told me that a few times, there are some of these 'weird' individuals who instead of being a pain in the butt, are actually more unpredictable and thus, dangerous. I have also witnessed that. He had taken me to a 2nd hand store and stayed in the car. I ran in to get one item and wasn't gone long. I ran back out to get in the passenger door and noticed a man standing at the front headlight on the drivers side just yelling at my husband. When I asked what it was about, he said the man was accusing us of following him around everywhere he went and yet we had never seen him before. So if your family is ever interacting with one of these 'weirdo's and your gut is saying 'warning, warning', get out of that situation because you don't know if in their fear or reaction that they may try to hit you.
Another time, we were at Walmart grocery shopping when a man walked up to us and asked if we were married, and I said yes. He then said we were such a cute couple and he could tell we were in love. We had not been kissing or touching each other mind you. We thanked him and tried to walk on to get the next thing on our list. The man had no cart or basket and just walked along with us chattering away. When my husband got to the meat section, he gave me a look that told me he'd feel better if I was elsewhere, away from this guy and told me to go get the salad dressing and pickles. As I turned to leave, the man was insisting that my husband choose a certain package of meat rather than what he had put in the cart and was pointing at the package in the cooler. When I came back, the man was gone and my husband didn't want to get into it as to what he said to make the man leave. We live in our van so we see street people often and a good part are the drug addicts and the mentally ill. The working normal people like us are the smallest part. So we run into the weirdo's often and they always seem to be drawn to my husband. Since he's had this all his life, he can sense ahead of time which ones are benign and which are too unpredictable and volatile and as soon as he gets a chance, tells me to stop talking to them because anything could set them off. He has me trained so all he has to whisper is 'this person is dangerous' and I will watch hubby for cues as to what to do, and I do exactly as he does. Thanks for your descriptions but it has nothing to do with our looks. That i know for certain. At least, your family can know they aren't alone. I will give a link to a site that talks about the collective unconscious:
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

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