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gym anxiety

Question Posted Sunday July 22 2018, 11:17 am

I know that this sounds crazy. This "gym anxiety" isn't what you think. It's not as though I'm nervous to go because I think people are going to judge me or anything like that. I use to be a gym rat. I was there twice a day or once a day, but at least 2-3 hours. At this point, I was already diagnosed with an eating disorder and I was excessively thin.

Until one day, I had a really severe panic attack at the gym.

Recently, I started getting back into fitness. Not that crazy though. Not that intense. I started walking and eventually jogging for about an hour each day. I felt great. But, I live in Florida and it started to get super got outside as the summer months drew close, so I got a gym membership just to stay cool and exercise. I was also bitten a little dog (poor thing, lol, I'm not mad at him, but it did hurt) and realized that the gym was likely a safer alternative and one where I wouldn't have as many excuses (weather conditions, etc.). I can't really run outside if its raining, its too hot, etc. So, the gym, in my eyes, was worth it.

The thing is, that every so often, I start getting that panicky feeling. I've been a member now for about three months and can only go 2-3 times a week. The other 2-3 days, I jog outside. I think it could be two things:
1) my body might be re-living the trauma of me starving myself and working out excessively
2) subconsciously, I'm afraid of having another panic attack (which breeds more panic)

So, how can I make use the gym? Will I ever get over this? I have been suffering from this now for a few years and I just don't know if it will ever get better.

Reaching out to see if anyone could pour some wisdom my way.

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Aretardlol answered Tuesday July 31 2018, 7:45 am:
Just get a fidget spinner lmao xd or hot the bong on a 24/7

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday July 23 2018, 8:31 pm:
Hon, you nailed it. The two reasons you gave I believe are spot on. The bigger problem might be your subconscious mind. Think of your subconscious as being like a totally different person inside of you with its own beliefs and feelings. There are no problems when your awake conscious self and subc. mind are in sync, pretty much the same on most things. You want to excercise and know its a thing of the past but your subconscious which is where all our emotions come from, ia reliving the past. Sometimes it simply believes that what you focus your thoughts on most is what you want rather than what you don't want or don't want to repeat. Panic attacks are scary. But I've heard that they can be easily taken care of without meds by working with the subconscious mind.
SO you can either talk to it like it was another person, reassuring it. I am not crazy here, it works. I used to be afraid of the dentist, or rather, my subconscious was so be reassuring and telling her there was no need to be scared yet because we weren't at the dentist yet, or still in the waiting room, or only sitting in the chair getting xrays, etc. I worked my subconscious to stay relatively relaxed up to the point I was getting my teeth worked on. Since then, no more terror at going to the dentist. This doesn't work for everyone who tries in which case I would recommend a visit or two with a hypnotist. A hypnotist works with the subconscious mind and gives it direct suggestions. A good friend went to one after a boss tried to scare her into dropping dishes as a waitress. One time she got scalded from the accident he caused and her subconscious was then afraid it would happen again and she acted jumpy and nervous. So she saw a hypnotist who told her subc. that she would not spook ever again, steady nerves and she would not jump or be nervous. Back at work, her boss gave up when he saw he could no longer spook her. So try on your own and if it doesn't work, I'd go see a hypnotist. If you are afraid and wondering about the credentials of one, you could talk to your Dr. and ask if they give referals but most tend to not understand much about the subconscious and trying to heal that first before medicating and may want to send you to a psychiatrist. You dont need one for this. If all else fails and you want to see one, call some naturopath offices and ask if they have any hypnotist they can steer you towards.
Good luck dear.

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