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I might be allergic to tide!

Question Posted Tuesday April 10 2018, 10:38 am

So i have been breaking out into boils and my doctor says its an allergic reaction and then my mom told me last night that my dad was allergic to tide Laundry soap and it broke him out into boils. My dad died when i was 12 so i cant confirm the allergy with my dad , but my mom would most likely know . I am a 29 year old female and live with my aunt and my aunt buys tide Laundry soap . The thing is even when i wash my clothes with a different detergent i still break out when she uses the tide for the towels. What i do ? I dont want to ask her not to buy the tide anymore ! I dont want to be rude. How do i handle this? Help!

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Dragonflymagic answered Tuesday April 10 2018, 10:19 pm:
Wow, thats some reaction. I am actually surprised I haven't come across more such stories.
Over the years, laundry detergent has become more and more heavily perfumed. I can't stand walking down the soap and detergent aisle at the grocery any more as it gives me an instant headache. I have smelled people walking by and recognize it as a laundry soap but it smells like they upended an entire bottle of perfume over themselves. They just reek. You may not be aware since you are around the smell but I don't use anything but the natural health versions of laundry soap and personal care products. I haven't used that kind of soap in so long that now I can tell how strong it is. No wonder you are having allergic reactions. there is no reason to be embarrassed that you are allergic to it. Buy your own set of towels and buy your own laundry soap. Do your own laundry with a healthier health brand like Seventh Generation. I have been seeing their products start showing up a little in groceries and department stores. I'm on the west coast so I am sure they started on the other coast and are well available. If not, I am sure you can order on line. Here is a link to their page on laundry soap on line:

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

There are some horror stories out there about what is in our soaps, personal care products, our food, our water. Its no wonder so many more people are having more allergies of all kinds than ever before. My brother was born with allergy to peanuts. No wonder else in family had any allergies at all...NONE. Now, all my siblings have allergies,I have some, my children all have allergies, and I can't think of a friend who does not have an allergy to some kind substance or food. We live in a very toxic world. That's just how it is. All we can do is each one of us make the best decisions for ourselves on what we use that comes into contact with our skin and what we eat and drink. There are reasons people all are talking about GMOS and going Organic instead. You'd have to have been on another planet by now to not have heard stuff about that. Sure some of it might be hype but I know what things were like 50 years age when I was an older child. Things have definitely gotten worse. SO far, not hearing as much about whats in our detergents that is bad for us. I have heard a little but not much of it is published as well as all the stuff on Monsanto and it's chemicals. You can bet there's something in your detergent, and that's ALL brands dear, they are all made with the same basics, one of which is something very toxic to humans. Since we all have different genes and susceptabilty to specific health issues, some people like you will react with the boils, while another has a short lasting rash that comes and goes. ANd others seems to have no reaction at all. However scientists have proven there are enough things cleared by the FDA which we use everyday and we're told they are safe but that's only because in tests, nothing died within hours or a day or two of contact or ingestion. There are no long term tests where they wait to see if an ingredient in detergent would be dangerous to humans over 10 yrs, 30 or a lifetime. Now when people complain and there is a trend of people all having allergic reactions or contracting a disease like cancer from long term use of something with toxic ingredients, it's hard to prove but most people can't fight big corporations more into making money.

Seriously, take control of your own health inside and out and start reading and researching for yourself on the subject. Lots we can't avoid, its in our air, water and food. We can cut down by choosing healthier choice foods like organic. With the laundry, that is also something you have control over. All you have to tell Auntie is that you have developed an allergic reaction to regular soaps, its not just tide dear. And let her know you are using an non allergenic one now and doing your own towels as well. If you can't afford new towels of your own right now, check out garage sales or second hand shops. We've done that to add to our supply of towels. Some people decide to change the color scheme of their towels and bath accessories and donate fairly good condition towels.

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