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I want to give away my cat, I can't deal with him anymore?

Question Posted Sunday April 30 2017, 2:57 pm

I really do love my cat, but cleanliness to me is more important.

Ever since I got him from the SPCA I've been battling fleas wit him. They'll go away and come back and they FREAK ME OUT. I've spent so much money already on getting rid of them only for the next batch to be born a month later and have to do it all over again. I obsessively clean to make sure there aren't any, but one or two will always still survive.

I feel like I can't have a boyfriend because what if he slept over and a flea jumped on him??? That would be disgusting and he would think I was a dirty person.

Other than this I'm tired of his litter and always cleaning it out and how bad it smells every time he takes a poo. I bought candles that I burn all the time and a Glade scent sprayer thing and you can still smell his poop! It's so nasty! Also he tends to use the litter when people are over and then it's really embarrassing when they smell it. I clean the litter every day and use scented litter. I'm tired of the litter going everywhere even with an enclosed litter box and a litter mat. My bathroom looks gross all the time because he throws litter all over the place.

I also hate that his fur gets everywhere, especially on my dark clothes. I hate that he put his food in his water bowl for no reason. I hate that he tries to drink out of the toilet so I have to constantly put the lid down, which causes mildew.

I hate that he always finds ways to get to the food container and open it up even when he has fresh food in his bowl.

I'm moving into a new apartment soon where I'll have new roommates and have to share a bathroom and there's NO WAY I'm keeping his nasty litter in my bedroom where I'll smell it all the time.

I feel like I need to rehome him because I'm at my wits end.

Help! Who/Where can I give him to?
P.S. Please don't try to give me ways to cut down on the smell and other stuff, believe me I've tried EVERYTHING and it's just not possible.

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solidadvice4teens answered Friday May 5 2017, 10:46 pm:
I think the problem lies with you to be blunt. You have this obsession with always being super clean. The burning of candles, using air freshener all the time to mask smell that may not even be as intense as you make it out to be.

None of your friends are complaining at all about the cat, his smell or the litter box and most have likely accepted that it's what cats do or haven't noticed the things you have. Whether you own a cat or a dog they'll end up shedding their coat and leaving fur. It may be a bother to clean up but it's part of owning one.

It seems to me that you aren't suited to own a cat or have the patience for it. That's okay some people aren't suited to own dogs either. Everything you mention not liking or not wanting when living with friends is par for the course when owning any kind of cat or dog. That's what you were getting into when you adopted the animal.

You have a choice to either learn how to live with and enjoy the cat you adopted or give him up to someone who is better suited to care for him and enjoy him in their home.

You have to understand that the older he is the more difficult to find him a forever home. He has likely been shuffled around a lot. I would hesitate to take him to the SPCA or a vet because they may put him down. I think what you have to do is deal with the obsession with being clean to the hilt and having more flexibility or find someone through a pet store, online, vet, rescue, humane society looking to adopt a cat. In all honesty I sense you haven't given the cat much of a chance.

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DrD answered Sunday April 30 2017, 8:35 pm:
Hey! I may not be a veterinary, but I can tell you a lot about the dangers of animals in the house. Cats with flees are very common carries, flees can attach themselves to their skin, and live off oxygen that goes through their blood streams. And flee removal can't always take care of that. And the worst part about it, is that when a flee does survive through the process it will thousands of eggs every hundred days. Your cat is a nest, and their are types of shots you can get which can put a small amount of poison only enough to kill flees.
Also, when it comes their litter. its nasty and stinks. But that's not the worst part. All humans waste is more then what we eat, it is also a good removal for dead cells or things cells no longer need. But a cats feces are worse since they just sit and are not disposed. A quote from the animal health department:
" The infective form of Toxoplasma gondii deposited in cat poop are called oocysts; a single infected cat can deposit millions of oocysts, each of which may survive in moist soil for 18 months or longer. It's thought that it only takes one oocyst to infect a human, which is concerning."
And if you say you smell cat poop often, you are breathing in waste that will make you sick. do yourself a favor, and either get your cat the proper shots needed, and find a better and safer way for your animal to dispose waste. Or get rid of the cat.
I support you in whatever decision you take.

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