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Identical twin?

Question Posted Monday September 26 2016, 2:26 am

So this isn't exactly advice I'm looking for but more like an answer. Is it true that there are 7 people out there in the world that are identical to you???
I would love that more than anything, to meet like my secret identical twin, but I don't even know if its true, and if it is, how do I find her/them?

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday September 26 2016, 7:25 pm:
What you are thinking of or have heard from others is actually not a biological twin, but a phenomenum known by its original German word for it, Doppelganger which literally translated means double goer or in a simple english phrase, 'There goes your double or look alike."

Hollywood uses doubles often for actors and actresses, some who look like they came from the same parents but did not. Some doppellganger resemblences can be similar at first glance but when you have a chance to really stare at the person, you will begin to see the differences. And then there are others who look so much the same that it is hard to see the difference. These look alikes are very rare even in the acting field.

Unless you're in the movie industry with all that money financially backing to find a stunt double that looks like the actor, I don't know of anyone ever having been able to do a search for or even how to search for their look alikes. There are billions of people on the planet and hunting for that is like hunting for a needle in a haystack.
All we've heard on occasion, maybe 3 times for my husband is that they thought they saw him just a few days ago at..... but we were not there. We have no way of knowing how close the other person realy came to looking like him. I have had someone show me photos of friends or family of theirs upon meeting me and saying I look just like them and when I saw the photos, I saw no resemblence what so ever, not even in one single feature like the mouth or nose or shape of chin.

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Razhie answered Monday September 26 2016, 11:15 am:
Generically speaking—No.

No one is identical to you. Probably not ever, in the history of the human race. Not enough humans have been born since the beginning of time, that it's even a little bit likely that two Individuals would be identical, except for actual identical twins or clones. The rest of us are totally unique.

However, there are probably lots of people—probably way more than seven—who look, physically very much like you. Mostly, they are just people who have a similar bone structure in their face, and are close to your age and weight. Just because we're genetically unique doesn't mean some of us don't end up looking super similar. It's not identical, it's just similar enough that our eyes can't really tell us the difference.

Our eyes aren't actually all that great.

Plus, of course, there are simple camera angle tricks that can make two sorta similar looking people, look much more like the same person. That's not magic, that's just selective viewing. Seeing two people side by side in the real world a very different experience.

There are sites out there that say they'll help you find them, but a lot of those site do charge money, because this whole thing is just a silly marketing gimmick.

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