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How do I deal with an eating disorder?

Question Posted Friday June 3 2016, 6:16 pm

I have been struggling with skipping breakfast, lunch and trying to eat as small of a dinner as possible for almost two years. I lost 20 pounds got praise and felt great but now people have realized how I've done it and are concerned they want me to eat but i'm afraid I'll gain back the weight that made me chubby again and I have no idea what to do!

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KoriRice answered Saturday June 3 2017, 12:49 pm:
Hey there!I am currently fifteen years old and I have been studying psychology since I was eight years old. It seems like you may have anorexia. Don't panic! Anorexia has nothing to do with eating when you really think about it. This eating disorder can stem from different disorders like adjustment disorder. Is there any new changes going on in your life? It could also stem from depression, loneliness, insecurity, pressure to be "perfect", and feeling out of control. There is treatment for this! You could think about getting psychotherapy, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), family therapy, or getting on some sort of prescribed medications. I really hope that I helepd you! Thank you so much for your time if you read this.

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swimmer133 answered Saturday August 6 2016, 2:53 pm:
First of all the skipping meal, and eating small servings for dinner is not healthy for your organs. When you skip breakfast, not only are you getting the energy you need for the day, you're messing up your metabolism as well. Since your eating habits haven't been great. Skinny doesn't always mean healthy, chubby doesn't always mean unhealthy. As long as you're eating right. Three meals a day, eating plenty of vegetables, and fruits, getting all your vitamins, proteins, etc. Not only do you have to have a balanced meal, you also need to exercise daily, at least 30 minutes a day. Lastly drink enough water, and get enough sleep.
Hope this helps!

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday June 6 2016, 8:45 pm:
I will say ditto to what Adviceman said. And theres probably more of us who would want to state the same but why repeat it all a dozen times.

What I will state is the one and only time I have seen people eat smaller meals and skip one meal sometimes is senior citizens. At the end stages of life, we don't need the same amount of food because we aren't still young and growing, or in child bearing years.
Being chubby and wanting to lose weight is admirable but not the way you are going about it.
There are 3 different body types, and it depends on the kind of metabolism you were born with. Some have a high metabolism that burns up fat and energy quickly, and these people do not need to do hardly any exercise, some stretching, walking and riding a bike is all they need. Then theres people with a moderate need to exercise who do all i mentioned already plus have to do something more strenuous a couple times a week in exercise. And lastly the people with a slow metabolism, which means if your body doesnt naturally just eat up all the calories itself, the only thing left to do then is tons of exercise. My husband is like that. He's been going to a gym but even so, the lbs are slow to peel off which can be discouraging to some. These types of people need to work with a dietician in establishing what is a proper diet for their metabolism and body type and what weight range is normal for body and age bracket. You just may need more than just a healthy 3 meal diet that is right for you but also an exercise regime and what kind and how much. I would advise talking to your Dr. asap. That way you can get on a healthy plan to keeping yourself at a reasonable weight before gaining it back. But not eating at all or eating tiny amounts is not the norm for people and as said, it can be deadly in the end.

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adviceman49 answered Saturday June 4 2016, 10:17 am:
You may not like what I am about to tell you but you have to hear it before you do any more harm to yourself. You have developed an eating disorder and that disorder is very close to anorexia nervosa.


Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder characterized by an unrealistic fear of weight gain, self-starvation, The disorder may be fatal. The name comes from two Latin words that mean nervous inability to eat.

The body needs a certain amount of calories a day to maintain itself. Think of your body as a car. Your heart is the engine and your brain is the computer control system. The primary function of your body is to maintain the brain. Body fat is the reserve fuel the body calls on when you do not take in enough calories or if you over exercise past your intake on any given day.

If there is no body fat the body starts to shut down different systems. Depending on your age the body starts with the least needed system and moves on from their. In young women it can stop puberty. Breast stop growing, periods are missed. She will have kidney problems. Eventually at its extreme the lungs will shut down, then the heart and finally the brain and you die.

I urge you to start eating three nutritious meals a day. See your doctor or a nutritionist for help on how many calories a day you need to maintain a proper body weight.

You also need to have a full physical including an exam by your GYN. Eating as you have been for as long as you have may have already done harm to you that you are not aware off but still may be rectified. PLEASE UNDERSTAND I AM NOT TRYING TO SCARE YOU, THOUGH THIS IS LIFE AND DEATH SERIOUS. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU GET BEYOND THE POINT OF MEDICAL INTERVENTION.

If you cannot force yourself to eat three GOOD meals a day then you are in need of help for an eating disorder. This help comes from specialist trained in this area and are Certified by the Board of Psychiatrists in this disorder. You will also need the help of a psychologist for talk therapy. ONCE AGAIN PLEASE DO NOT WAIT. SEE YOUR DOCTOR ASAP.

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