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help! unusual bleeding

Question Posted Saturday April 9 2016, 3:29 am

I'm Jane.
I have been bleeding for 3days now and I'm not on period!
We were having sex, and I felt that vagina got cut after sex I was peeing and burning sensation I touched and there was blood. I looked I saw a tiny cuts too. It was burning and bleeding for a day. The next day it wasn't burning anymore but it's still bleeding. put my hand down there and looked at my had and it gushing blood. I had to put a pad on due to the amount of blood that was coming out, the next day i started to get symptom of my time of the month, but it is a little different. I am on day 3 still bleeding and not sure if it because of cut or period( which btw wuld be too early.
How to stop blood? I'm so afraid
Please help me.

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FAIRYGODMTHR answered Tuesday April 12 2016, 12:46 am:
You are more than likely fine. Stress can induce bleeding for some people. IF you don't feel dizzy or light headed or passing out, you should be fine. Take a deep breath. If it last longer than 3 more days, go get it checked out. You are ok. Good Luck.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday April 9 2016, 10:48 pm:
Hi Jane.
As a female, I can tell you that the fine tears that occur from lack of lube can spot a little but no heavy bleeding comes from that. These tears are easier felt than seen, microscopic but due to this being extra sensitive tissue like your eyes, it can feel a heck of a lot worse. Males can get these tears too on their penis if lube isn't used or reapplied as needed.
Then there can be minor cuts from a fingernail, also something that might shed a few drops of blood but not gush as you describe. These incidents I've mentioned will happen often enough throughout your sex life and its quite normal and your body is well able to heal itseslf on these regards without any medical intervention.

Regarding a torn hyme, theres 2 ways it might break but it doesnt for all females, only some. If it was first time sex or first time with a male with a larger penis and he didn't enter very slowly to allow your body to adjust, then you could have torn. This may produce more blood, enough to stain the sheets, and maybe to bleed for a day after, but gushing blood doesnt sound like it either.

If you can see rips or tears, it may be that you had a septate hymen. Look it up online and view photos. What this mean is that instead of the hymen being the extra tighter ring of skin around the circumferance of interior of vagina, that the skin grew down in a strip down the middle or off to one side. This would create two smaller entrances or two of differing sizes. Your period fluids can still pass out. If hymen strip is centered, it might be difficult to put a tampon in or it may not fit. If theres one larger and one smaller hole caused by septate hymen, perhaps he was able to enter by one side but that action was enough to rip one end of it completely. Teens with septate hymens have been treated easily as an outpatient with a local anesthesia and the remaining loose strip snipped away. i have not heard of this procedure needing any stitches at all. Generally something even as drastic as these tears which can bleed a lot more and burn and hurt, will heal fine on their own.

It would take a Dr. to do a checkup to see if this is a partially torn septate hymen or regular one that is still bleeding or whether it was just a coincidence of the timing but the bleeding is something entirely different that may require medical care.
You may indeed being having your period early which is common for teen girls until their bodys get used to all those hormones and become regular. Some have only one or two odd timings and others have it like that for a couple years with earlier or later periods so there may be 2 in a month or none for two months, and from heavier than usual to lighter than usual flows and delayed due to illness, stress and worry or body regulating to change your monthly period to be in sync with and occuring same time as the females you are around most on a daily basis, either household members or school mates, coworkers.
If you are still bleeding, I would recommend seeing a Dr. If you are an adult, call and tell the Dr. office whats happening and get in asap.
If you are a teen then either you tell the parents which in most cases won't happen as the parents are not open minded to discuss sexual matters with their children and/or not aware that you are sexually active. So in this case, you can by hippa law seek help from the family Dr. yourself, making an appt and seeing them and the current law is for the privacy and proctection of teens so they can be seen on anything regarding their sexual organs without parents concent or knowledge and Drs cant share anythibg with them unless you okay it. So they cant ever know you were seen. Planned parenthood should be able to help you if theres that or a womans clinic in your area.

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adviceman49 answered Saturday April 9 2016, 9:29 am:
We are not doctors and even if we were it would take an examination to discover why you are bleeding.

You don't say how old you are so I will ask this one question. Is it possible this was your first sexual penetration, virgin, and your Hymen was intact. If so the bleeding would not be unusual for a day or even two. But for three days and now possibly longer you need to see a gynecologist.

Even if you were not a virgin when you last had sex. Bleeding from your vagina other than for a period needs to be seen and evaluated by a gynecologist as there is no reason for it.

Now it is very possible your boyfriend cut you with a fingernail while fingering you and during intercourse expanded the cut. I'm just guessing here. In any case if you are still bleeding a doctor needs to find out why and intervene.

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