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I take longer to cum?

Question Posted Friday February 19 2016, 2:27 pm

It take a much longer time for me to cum.Why?

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adviceman49 answered Saturday February 20 2016, 10:19 am:
There are so many reasons why this could be happening I hesitate to even guess. TO give you any type of reasonable answer I/we need more information from you. This information would include things like:

!. Your age.

2. Are you male or Female.

3. Do you Masturbate? How often?

4. How much and what type of foreplay to you have before intercourse?

5. Are you under any type of stress at work or school.

6. If male are you circumcised?

7. Have you been ill recently?

Even with all that information, which admittedly is quite personal, we would still be guessing. What you really should do is speak to a doctor is you are truly concerned.

One thing I will say is as we get older it does take longer to reach a climax. Though when I say older I'm talking about mid 30's and up in age before there is a noticeable difference.

Now if you are over 14 but under 18 this is probably not something you wish to discus with a parent. So you are asking how can you ask to see a doctor.

The answer is quite simple, if you are over 14 a Federal Law called HIPPA allows for Medical Confidentiality over your Reproductive System. What this means for any problems or questions you might have concerning your reproductive system this law which congress passed allows for you to make appointments to see any doctor of your choosing or any clinic without parental knowledge or permission.

Congress included this clause within this law not to promote teenage se. But to promote young people to seek medical advice for those thing they might be too embarrassed or too afraid to approach a parent with. In other words a problem just like the one you have written about.

The doctor can examine and treat you without parental permission in most cases, short of a surgery, and they can never be told why you have been seen or what you were treated for without your written consent to the doctor. No judge can issue a court order for the release of this information to your parents.

My advice is that rather than ask for our uneducated advice is you see a doctor for this type of problem is generally an indication of another POSSIBLY underscore possibly but necessarily more serious problem.

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday February 19 2016, 11:30 pm:
You dont give me much to go on. There can be just as many misconceptions here as a root problem as there can be others.
So now I have to guess and may be far off mark. If so, just write in detailed description what is going on.

For one, theres no mention if you're female or male. Females take longer to get to orgasm than males but once a female is turned on, she stays turned on way longer than a guy for whom its over once the orgasm is over unless he starts from bottom and does the climb up again to cum. So if you are female comparing yourself to how long it takes to cum is comparing apples to oranges.

If you are comparing yourself to what other friends say about how long it takes them, stop! Its an unfair comparison. There are factors that apply to both men and women that can affect how long it takes or the quality of sex and orgasms.

Stress is a factor that can make ones performance/ability to cum differ. Being tired and not having got proper rest can also affect you. I've found that sometimes if I haven't eaten well and had enough liquids in the past couple days, eventually that will affect me. For certain, any new sex partner and the anxiousness that comes along with it can affect ones ability.As we grow older, our bodies can slow down as far as how long we can stay aroused, how long until we orgasm. So if you're wondering why its different now than 10 yrs ago, that could be why.
Also, if you've had no sex partner or been celibate by choice for a period of time and now want to launch into it again, that also may take some time for your body to reawaken to those abilities. Its easier for women than men. Some men can go without sex for so long that their body never comes back to its same ability as before. Yes, they may have the want and desire but the body won't cooperate.

And then, last thing that comes to my mind is a person getting too used to one way or method of achieving their orgasm and relying too heavily on just that. Overuse of anything, drugs/alcohol even, means that you need more to achieve the same results...thats how people get addicted to drugs and alcohol cus the same amount as before eventually the body becomes so used to that they don't get the affect they want.
As far as sex is concerned, doing the exact same thing each time can have the effect of either making it take longer to have orgasm or in some cases, inability to cum at all. If this is the case, an easy way to learn what else to do and/or how to retrain your body, you might want to seek out a sex therapist/counselor.
Hope this is of help to you

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