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Read, write and remember dream

Question Posted Friday January 22 2016, 9:13 pm

I just had dreamt recently, 10 minutes ago. Itvwas so strange that I was able to read and write something. It was a name. The scenario was like this. I happened to walk into a steet in the town where there were people being so busy. So I went to fish something from the commotion. There was someone who was found dead. Then everyone rushed into the bus and so then I went. Someone noticed that the dead body was left in the house so someone asked me to go back and see if the body was there. I went back home. I was walking when I was directed into another dimension where I was in a boat in the midst of the ocean. A girl was drowning and I immediately saved her. But before I dragged her almost close to my small boat, the dead guy approached us and gave us a stare then he said that I would meet her soon. (The ocean was like of in the Sicily, I haven't been there but I've seen some photos). And then the scenario directed into the continuation of me going to the guy's home in a town to check his dead body. As I was near to the house, I was directed again but to my dad's house where he was sketching a big ship and the guy was standing beside him with 4 guys. I asked him why are you here again, he said you'd need this in life. I told my dad that the guy is dead and said yes he is and I looked at his side, and the guys left. There was a note left in the table saying, "I go back bus". While I was still holding my dad asked me in a hurried manner to write the name of the guy. I wrote it in the small sqaure pink paper. The name was "Dee Ross Bound". I even mistakenly wrote "de rose boud" and correcred me. I've read the name again in my dreams and then I accidentally woke up. What does this means? Please help me. Btw, I can control 80 percent of my dreams sometimes but not in this case. A year ago, my freind told me that you can't read something in your dreams and I asked my teacher and said yes it is impossible but you can write something. I'm confused plus what could it mean? Also about the boat and the girl, I'll be going in Italy in 2 years. And about the dead guy I don't have an idea about him. Please hear me out. Thank you. And sorry for some typos, I just had woke up.

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Dragonflymagic answered Sunday January 24 2016, 11:47 pm:
I can only speak from personal experience as I am no expert on dreams. I have found that if it is a one time dream, no matter how detailed it was, it usually wasn't a message in it for me, only when it was the exact same dream over and over and over countless times. The same has happened to my sister. If a family or certain family members have any psychic abilities that come up occasionally but not consistantly, that too can be a message. My sister dreamt nightly for about 8 months of the devastion of Hurrican Katrina before it happened and once it happened the dreams disappeared. I used to dream of intruders trying to break into our house to kill us all however in the dream I was always a male instead of female, big brawny muscled guy with fighting ability. I had no weapons so I killed each one that gained entrance into our home by snapping their neck with my bare hands. That did not make any sense to me as a Christian at the time and bothered me since it involved killing people, even if to protect others, and the fact that I was a male was particularly disturbing too as I had no tendencies toward maleness in Real life and the church didn't support such a thing as gay people. I grew and went my own way spiritually later which included acceptance of all and belief in reincarnation. So when the dream occured again, with my new personal viewpoint, I now believed that I must have been a male in a past life, a warrior skilled at killing with his bare hands, although always done in self defense. Once I came to grips with this possibility and embraced it, the dreams stopped immediately and its been decades and I haven't had it again.
I can't say why you had this dream. Just keep a journal of it. Write down any others you get and see if they seem to be related. As in my own and my sisters dreams, even if we never figured them out, it wouldn't mess up our life, like missing a one time opportunity for something. Things of that importance most likely will be passed on to you in other ways than in dream which are much more symbolic and can sometimes not pertain to your own life or your current one. I wouldn't put too much worry or effort into solving it like a puzzle. I know this doesnt help you with your ques4tion, just hoping that you may decide to not let it trouble you so much after reading what I've shared.

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