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Whiteish spots on scrotum (fordyce spots?)

Question Posted Thursday November 26 2015, 2:18 am

I've had these annoying white spots on my scrotum for the longest time now. They are basically these hard white lumps in the skin and sometimes they kind of come to a head like a pimple and you can squeeze them out like a pimple and this white stringy stuff comes out. Although usually this doesn't happen. Usually they stay hard and under a couple layers of skin. Sometimes especially if you squeeze a spot a couple of times it swells up and I have to pop it to relieve the pain. To do this you have to dig through the skin to get at them. Sometimes you can dig the whole lump out ( under a couple layers of skin it's like this little white ball, the wall of it is skin and the white stuff inside is like this pimple material stuff it's not like puss material it's almost like a stringy whitehead material) If I dig/cut the ball out intact from the skin surrounding/over it it's like a hard ball and if I take my nail and push down on it you can hear it pop and all the material out of it. If I don't dig it out complete I take a sewing needle and poke through the skin and into this "sac" and it pokes a hole in it and if I squeeze it after finally poking a hole into it the white material comes out. So basically these things are like hard white sacs underneath the skin. From what I can find online(I've never had a doctor look at them) they are called fordyce spots) from what I read they form when a hair follicle spot is empty due to hair not growing or forming in it and sweat and stuff gets in it and that's what forms these hard white sacs deep under the skin that I have. There is a lot of them, my whole scrotum is pretty much covered in them.they look skin color to where you can't notice them really until you feel them and they just feel like hard bumps..I guess almost like papuels (hard forms of pimples) but what I was wondering is if anyone else has had these or has these or have seen them. Also does anyone know how these are gotten rid of for good or if they do ever all go away perminately? Because it seems like no matter how many I pop or get out/rid of they come back or the amount of them doesn't go down? Any help or advice is appreciated thank you! I'm a 23 year old male, and have had these for a couple years now. I know they aren't harmful but they are annoying and kind of embarrassing when they hurt and I did them out and I end up with scabs from the digging, I am embarrassed to have a girl see that.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday November 28 2015, 3:09 pm:
It sounds like the occasional thing I get somewhere on my face. The skin its under is thick and tough so I can't squeeze out like pimples. If I leave it alone, for months, it doesnt go away and either stays a certan size or keeps growing until I can see a white lump under the skin. I got rid of mine by doing the same thing of piercing the skin. However, it could be a source of entering bacteria from a not so clean pin or needle or germs get in later. If you had one on the face occasionally, I'd just say, take the risk if you want and take care of it yourself. But since your's is in great numbers in a sensitive area, its better to be safe than sorry and find out how a dermatologist suggests getting rid of them there.

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adviceman49 answered Friday November 27 2015, 10:31 am:
First off STOP SQUEEZING THEM OR RUPTURING THEM YOURSELF. I'm not sure what they are but I am sure they are not pimples or what you think they are.

I had something very similar show up just over my shoulder blade. My doctor first ruptured it by squeezing it and puss shot out like a pimple. Then she had me come back a week later and went in with a scalpel for the remainder which was a lot like the hard stuff you speak of. This she told me was fibrous material and would grow back if the root was not dug out. She sent me to a surgeon who decided to wait and see if it grew back it hasn't which I assume means my family doctor got enough of the root to stop it from regrowing.

I can't say for certain this is what you as for 1 thing I am not a doctor and for another I can't see what you have. What I suggest is you see a doctor. Either a dermatologist or your family doctor. I do not think what you have are ingrown hairs or empty hair sockets.

If you shave down there I would suggest you stop until after you see a doctor. This is one area of your body where it is better to be safe than sorry so see a doctor.

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