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how to tell your parents you are pregnant at 13

Question Posted Wednesday September 9 2015, 10:18 pm

i am 13, and i live with my adoptive parents. my real mom had me at 16 and got me token away when i was very young. i have always said that i would not be a teen mom, that i would wait for after marriage. but yesterday i found out that i am pregnant. how do i tell my parents? and i will not get an abortion and i don't want to give my baby away. so how will i tell my mom( that is 6 months pregnant) and dad that their 13 year old daughter is pregnant and wants to keep her baby?

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Jheel answered Friday September 18 2015, 2:03 am:
Its better that you tell your parents as soon as possible. As for your future, you are just 13.. its better you opt for medical termination of the baby.

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BlueBitterflies22 answered Thursday September 17 2015, 2:20 pm:
I think that being honest with them is the first thing you should do. They may be disappointed in you at first but if they love the way they should they will come around. They should take in consideration what you want but considering your so young it may be harder than you realize to keep you baby. Good Luck and whatever you do just know that your worth it.

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blueheart answered Thursday September 17 2015, 4:00 am:
Hello there, my dear. You really do need to tell your parents. You should prepare for there extreme reaction even on how close you are to them. Prepare yourself first. You need to plan on how, when and what you'll tell to them. Getting pregnant at 13 is really a serious issue. If you are afraid of telling it directly to your parents, you should seek help to your school guidance counselor.

You should find a right time. Don't try in telling them when your parents are tired. You should know on how they would react on the issue.

Being a mom at 13 is so difficult. Expect all the emotional consequences dear. Once you initiate a talk with your parents, you should tell them on how you feel first. Don't surprise them into telling the problem immediately. If they already aware that you have a boyfriend, tell them about him and then the time that it happened. But never interrupt them even when they'll be screaming at you. Just explain the things they ask.

I understand that you didn't able to control your feelings and emotion, I understand that getting into a relationship at this young is really overwhelming, I understand on the rush of your hormones. It happened, there's no turning back. Your parents will surely get angry, no parents won't. But they'll understand you. They'll help you, though it's really hard to think that their princess is going to have a baby at 13. My dear, it's really hard to raise a kid. It's expensive no matter what kind of life you want for him. I'm not saying that you shouldn't keep your baby. I'm just saying what is in the reality.

Now that you've told your parents, tell them about your decision. Don't rush in. Tell them that you are gonna keep the baby. Also another important thing, you didn't include above about your boyfriend so I'm gonna add this up. Let your parents, call your boyfriend's parents to have a talk and then tell them what happened. You are not alone in your situation. You are not gonna keep the baby alone. Your boyfriend has also a responsibilty though I know he might be still 12-13 year-old or older. But you need to tell him. You need his support emotionally. He might not be able to help you financially but at least his parents will. You are not alone in this.

I really hope you the best hun. I hope this advice will be useful and though it's a week late.

here are links below to add up this advice. Take care and hope you all the best.

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NicklausLife answered Wednesday September 16 2015, 6:42 am:
Hello, dont be afraid and be strong. Your heart and willpower will guide you in this tough situation. Babies are a present from God so you make a good decision to keep it. Its normal not to be pregnant at 13 but you and your baby will go trough some tough times that will make you both stronger. So explain to your parents that this is a chance for all you, your mom and dad to have a new member of the family who you will charish and will bring even more light to your Home.

Dont worry and NEVER LIE.


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Jasmine23 answered Monday September 14 2015, 11:54 pm:
I got pregnant very young as well. I was only 17 or 18. Its been a few years now. But you have to think about every single option. and please read averything because I am DEFINITELY not Quilting you. or trying to make you feel bad. I have thought about all of this as well.

First of, was this consensual sex? What was it about this person that made you decide this was a good thing to do. ARe you Ready for a child of your own when you yourself are still a child?

You are only 13. and you are still in school.
I presume you are in grad 7-8 by your age?

Now say you do have this child, How are you going to pay for your child's food? What about their diapers? What about their clothes? How are you going to build a life for this child with no income?

Your step-parents? They are expecting themselves. I am not here to judge you.. but you have to think long and hard. Are you able to provide the life that this child needs or deserves at your age? you are only 13. to legally work in this country ( Canada) You have to be older than 16.

I would also talk to the help line for young people. as they can help as well. But you have to consider every single option. If you don't want to abort this child. there is adoption. Which is ALWAYS an option.

I hope this helps.

Please let me know if there is anything else i can do to help :)

Here is the link and phone number for you:

American Pregnancy Helpline
866-942-6466 FREE
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

Crisis Call Center
800-273-8255 FREE or text ANSWER to 839863
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

Planned Parenthood
800-230-PLAN FREE (7526) - for routing to local resources
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)


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avatarthird answered Monday September 14 2015, 2:10 am:
So you're pregnant at thirteen? I'm pretty sure you've self-loathe already so I won't try to lecture you about that subject.

Dear, you can't hide it from them, but you can reduce their shock by telling them immediately what the problem is. Yes, they might be sad, or they might even react violently, but here's what I could tell you, if they found out at the second trimester, you're in for an even more painful result.

Telling them doesn't mean surprising them. Gather one of them in a room, the one who has more understanding, and tell her calmly, let her talk to the other parent and hope for the best.

Sincerely yours,

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Aquamarine answered Sunday September 13 2015, 10:46 pm:
First of all, if you haven't already, tell the father, make the decision together. If that's out of the option, you should tell her immediately. Parents don't want to here this, especially at this age, but let's face it, it happens. Try to get your mother into a long conversation about herself from the past, then just blurt it out. Now I wouldn't recommend this, but it might help, tell her your really sorry, and that this mistake hurts your life deeply, and you may wanna end it. She might act a little more nicer if you say those things. I know you say you wanna keep the baby, but are you really responsible enough to? You have to make a decision that's best for the child. After you tell your parents this, talk to them about what you should do with the child. And remember, if you can, to talk to the father about it, it should be your decision together. Hope my advice helped.

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Teen2TeenHelp answered Sunday September 13 2015, 12:59 pm:
You have to tell them because you can't hide it. I know its hard to not want to follow in your moms footsteps but you aren't! You want to keep your baby. You just have to realize the sacrifices that come with having a child, especially at such a young age. If you cannot provide for a child, things will get very difficult for you. I hope the father of the baby and his family is willing to help you also.

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Boogeylady answered Sunday September 13 2015, 3:56 am:
Hi sweetie,
I give you first a big hug,for being honest and for wanting to keep your baby. It is a wonderful thing.
First,I want you,to take some time out to pray and ask God for help to you,ask for His forgiveness,and start adding Him more and more to your life <3 I promise you will feel better!
Sweetie,you are young,and you have a big life ahead of you.
You've made a desicion to keep your baby which is so amazing and wonderful!
But before you talk to your parents,you need to prepare yourself to talk to them and also be prepared for when they ask you questions. Such as the following ones,so be ready and be sure you have answers.
1.Name of the baby's father
2.They will ask if if your baby's daddy knows,and his family also
3.How will you financially able to support your baby?
4.How will you be able to handle school (If handling public school is too much,as your baby will be a part of your life,consider home-schooling) I did home-schooling my whole life?
5.How many months have you been pregnant?
6.The age of your baby's daddy and where you met,give details of the relationship when asked
7.How much can he financially support your baby?

I suggest asking your parents to a peaceful place,such as near the lake,or somewhere peaceful to talk.
Also please say to your parents that you love them,and you are sorry you broke their trust.
Mention to your mother,that you do not want to add any stress at all to her pregnancy and you care about her baby as well
Be good to your parents sweetie,start re-building this trust little by little,promise that this will never happen again and that you love them so much!!!
Much love from my cloud of cotton candy!
God bless you!

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MadameFrappe answered Sunday September 13 2015, 12:15 am:
Hello I am MadameFrappe and I think I've got some advice for you. You should start off by asking them if you can talk to them about something serious. When the time comes to talk, start off by telling them that you just want to talk, and for them to just listen for now. Ease into telling them the news. Because of your young age, they may not take it as well as you might expect, so you might want to be prepared if they get upset. If they tell you that you want to keep your baby, but they tell you you should get an abortion make sure you tell them your side of the story. Make sure that you don't let things get out of hand. I have to say, depending in the kind of parents your mom and dad are, there is a high chance that's they may get upset. I am pretty close to your age, but I have never dealt with something like this before.
If you need any further advice, feel free to talk to me again, or send me an email on my advice email:
Let me know how things worked out, or if you need any more advice hit me up

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Angelousy answered Saturday September 12 2015, 12:38 pm:
Are you sure you wanna keep a baby while you're growing up? What about school? Do you wanna have your little 3 year old boy/girl at your prom? What about graduation after college? Are you sure you wanna be writing your thesis or graduation paper with a kid screaming in the background?

Being a parent is wonderful, that's why your parents adopted you, but they were ready.

Are you ready?

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adviceman49 answered Saturday September 12 2015, 11:30 am:
I'm sorry sweetheart but by law you have no say in whether or not you are to have an abortion. By law you are one year shy of having medical confidentiality which would give you total and singular say on this.

You also have no choice but to tell your parents for if you have morning sickness they are bound to notice before it is to late to have an abortion. If their choice is for you to abort the pregnancy it is easier on you physically to do so as early as possible.

The best thing is to tell your parents is the truth as soon as possible, today. "You say mom, dad I'm pregnant." "Then stay calm, try not to shout and be ready to answer their questions. Mom being pregnant I'm sure she is going to try to stay calm for the sake of her baby and hopefully dad will also stay calm not to upset mom.

I'm sure there will be many questions, try to stay calm and answer their questions without shouting and crying. They are going to want to know who the boy is and how old he is. As a father I know that is one of the first questions I would ask so be ready.

If your parents some how allow you to continue the pregnancy consider giving the child up for adoption. Your birth mother gave you up for adoption and she was three years older than you are and unable to raise you herself. How do you expect to be able to raise a child while you are still in middle school? It would be in the child's best interest just as it was in your best interest. Think about it, seriously.

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Ocalaphernella answered Saturday September 12 2015, 11:22 am:
I mean, there really is nothing special you can say other than that. Sit them down and tell it like it is, "Guys, I know you're probably really disappointed in me, but I found out that I'm pregnant, and I want to keep the baby." There isn't anything in particular you can do differently, except wait for the right time and such.
Hope this helps~

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missundersmock answered Saturday September 12 2015, 4:57 am:
Ok first off i want to advise you to think about your choice here (because it IS yours and yours alone obviously) Where is the father, and how will you support this child should you choose to have this baby??

If your not too late you can still either take a plan B pill. I know im always gonna sound like the bad guy because im mentioning abortion but you have to be realistic here and not be blinded by your own reality.

Would you make a good mother? Is this really what you want at this point in life. You are so very young right now and i know that it may sound like im being mean but im really trying to get you to think here. idk how far along you are but it may not be too late for a morning after pill. A MAP doesnt literally mean it HAS to be or can ONLY be effective the next day so keep that in mind if you DO decide to not go through with it.

Im sorry but at this age i do think you should consider aborting if its still early enough. You have so much potential because your so young, dont squelch that because you made one bad choice as a young teen.

I also feel i should mention here that because you are a minor authorities and the hospital WILL to your adoptive parents about this babys major issues and NOT you. are you ok with that?
There are some states where your parents can take over guardianship of the baby and they can do as they please with it and you have NO say in the matter and they dont have to tell you a damn thing about it. are you ALSO ok with that??

Im not trying to scare you here but you need to know the truth should this apply to you, also dont just assume that your adoptive parents are gonna just take care of you and your baby either thats a little selfish and unfair so i hope that your not thinking that things will remain the same after the child is born. With your adoptive mother being under what is already a stressful situation by being herself pregnant, you are complicating their lives in so many different ways. Your probably not even aware of yet. This will force you to grow up faster then you have to, breast feeding and getting up every four hours to feed that baby until its old enough, missing out of trips with friends, parties, things like that. Theres also a large chance that you will LOSE friends as well because youll be in a different place in life now then they are because they dont have kids yet. Naturally when this happens people stop calling and coming over to do things with you because their going to assume you either "busy with the baby" or you make them uncomfortable because they arent used to being around that yet. get used to that statement above about people assuming your too busy and never hearing from them again too because you know what.....i was one of the most popular girls in my crowd, i was MODEL and i was KNOWN and i had a hugeeee social life and then i got married and had a baby (as planned) and i lost so many friends because none of them had kids yet. Its really sad when your sitting there at 3am feeding your baby and you realize you no longer have a life anymore because of the choice you made. So be SURE that this is what you want because from here on out you are changing your life in a huge way ok.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday September 12 2015, 12:50 am:
You just tell them. If you don't, a big tummy later is a dead give away. So they will find out one way or the other. Its best in your interest to tell them now so you can get medical care immediately. There can be complications for some teens so best to have a Doctor aware of your pregnancy and have you on prenatal vitamins. You need to also get hooked up with a teen support group of other pregnant teens and the leaders who will give you all the details and choices that you have. They can explain the steps that you would need to go through regarding any path you choose. Since you are a teen, you will need to finish school and its not like dropping out a year early and going for a GED. The parents/Guardians would end up responsible for the raising of both your and their own baby. IT would be almost like having twins for them so thats a big hardship on anyone and something they may not be willing to go along with. You'd need to be in contact with the professionals whose job IS handling pregnant teens and all the rules that apply there. You may have some choices as birth mother but it may be limited so the sooner you tell, the sooner you can get the real help you need. Then you can also learn about open adoption and knowing the couple who adopt and your child getting to know you growing up as birth mother and being part of the family who adopts your child. I feel for you but please tell them. They will be shocked and maybe angry but they have that right, wouldn't you feel the same if you were your mom, also expecting and now have a pregnant teen? But they love you and will want to work something out. Fight for getting all the knowledge and facts available to pregnant teens but the decision may or many not be all yours depending on the state you live in and so on.

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Lilyadvice answered Friday September 11 2015, 10:44 pm:
Wow, this situation must be very hard. If I understood right, you said your mom was 6 months pregnant. First, ask if she would ever consider an abortion or giving her baby away so she will understand how you feel when you drop the news on her. Then I would suggest saying that you got pregnant by accident and that it really wasn't planned on, but you feel you can handle the responsibility. That baby in your stomach is life. I gift from God, and I'm completely against abortion. That fetus isn't just some tissue, it's life. After 17 days in the stomach that baby gets its own heart beat. That proves right there that the baby is its own person. Not just something inside of you. Explain how you feel on the whole subject and tell them that your baby needs its mother and your willing to take the responsibility. Don't be afraid to also ask for help. If they are kind, understanding parents, then I'm sure they'll end up loving the baby just as much as you

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swimmer133 answered Friday September 11 2015, 10:04 pm:
Hi! You have to understand that having a baby is a lot of work, even if you're a grown adult, and a single parent. You have to give up a lot of your time for your baby, and a lot of yourself to the baby. Even if you have people to support you it's still a lot of work. The best thing to do is to put the baby up for adoption. There are a lot of teen moms who have to drop out of school to care for their baby. I'm not trying to tell you to give up your baby, but I want you to know what you'll be putting up with throughout your journey. Another thing I also want you to keep in mind is that taking care of a child is A LOT of money!

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MsCece123 answered Friday September 11 2015, 7:39 pm:
It's a very difficult situation obviously. But, the best thing to do is just sit down and have an honest conversation with them. You clearly can't keep it a secret, so I think that the more honest you are with them, the easier it will be. Sure they may be upset or confused but they'd be more upset if you try and hide it from them. They are your parents so you do need to respect whatever plans they may have for the baby. But you can still maturely and respectfully state that you don't want to give the baby away or have an abortion. I'll be praying for you and I hope things get better for you :)

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Pittguy answered Friday September 11 2015, 7:14 pm:
Well, I'm sure it is a difficult thing to announce to anyone for that matter let alone you parents. But, the one thing that is certain is that whether you come out and tell them or now, your body will show the signs of pregnancy and they will know eventually anyway.

So, even though you are worried about it, the best thing is to just come out with it. I'd say you should sit your parents down and just approach them with honesty and sincerity.

Your parents clearly have big hearts in the fact that they adopted you as a child. I'd like to think those big hearts, although possibly a bit shocked or worried for you, will be there to help, comfort and accept you in this time of your life and beyond.

From my personal viewpoint, any respectable parent would see it as a mature and responsible decision that you want to have the baby and do not want to end the pregnancy. It is also very caring and thoughtful that you want to keep him/her as your own.

Good luck and know, even though it might not seem like it right now, everything will work out in the end.

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Danicus answered Friday September 11 2015, 5:34 pm:
If anything, you could say that one of your friends is pregnant and 13 and wants to keep it. See what their reaction is. Then find a way to tell them its actually you. You're still very young and will be extremely difficult for you to take care of the kid. Not to mention the cost. You will also have to give up your own growing up to attend to the kid. This means no partying, pretty much ever. I don't think you understand the extreme responsibility this is, especially for a teenager. So think carefully consider what you want to end up doing. There might be government services to council pregnant teenagers. Planned parenthood could probably point you in the right direction. Best of luck.

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alexus21 answered Friday September 11 2015, 2:37 pm:
I feel that you should take another test with your mom and talk about it.tell them how you feel. I dont think they will want you to give your child up. Everything will work out just talk to them. Going through this alone isnt they way to go. Ihope this helps

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rainhorse68 answered Friday September 11 2015, 11:59 am:
Hi there. This really is like a minefield of social/welfare and legal issues. Which may vary according to circumstances and where you live. I can't really give you a definitive answer I'm afraid. But stay with me a bit and hopefully you'll get a bit more information? I don't believe that anybody can force you to have the pregnancy terminated against your will. And depending on how many weeks you are pregnant it may not BE legal to have it terminated at all, other than if carrying on with the pregnancy and giving birth presents a risk to your life and health. I'm fairly sure that you'll come under some emotional pressure to have an abortion, and be told it's best for you, the unborn baby, everyone involved. You clearly want the child, so don't cave in. You aren't the first girl to be pregnant at 13 and abortion is most certainly NOT 'the only option'. So keep hold of this and stand your ground. Listen to advice though, without being bullied or pressured. And be totally honest with yourself about the committment a baby will be at 13. If you did go for a termination (within the allowed time) you must not feel guilty or bad about it. Pregnancy sometimes comes at totally the wrong time and an unwanted child is never a good thing. OK, now at 13 your are absoultely NOT going to be allowed to just go ahead with your pregnancy and have the baby, telling everyone else that it's your business. Somebody needs to be your stated guardian. Adoptive parents, biological parents or a care institution. There is no way you could do it. Support is available, and you WILL need it, and plenty of it too. Ideally it will be via family. You do need to tell your parents and make your case. That you ARE pregnant, and you want to keep the child. And you need their help. Once a baby is born, keeping it is NOT a formality or given right. ANY child may be taken even from it's biological parents (of any age) if social services consider the wellbeing and health and safety of that child is at risk and can demonstrate their case. The child will then be subject to a care institution, adoptive parents or long or short-term fostering. Foster-care may not mean you'll not see the child again. It might be to give you some time to get yourself in a better position, and then be re-evaluated. You can expect a lot of 'monitoring' from welfare/social workers, because although you are not unique, thirteen year-old mum's are not all that common. I can see that you own mother had a similar experience? I sincerely hope that this will prompt her and dad to be very supportive and not condemn you. If you are sure this is waht you want. You don't mention the baby's father? If he is legally a minor too he will neither have the right or ability to assume responsibilty for the upbringing of the child. I'd say speak to mum and dad in a way that is as controlled and rational as possible. Tantrums and stubborn refusal to acknowledge the mountain you'll have to climb (and it will be a mountain at times) to have and raise your child will just confirm that you'll never handle it, in their opinion. As I mentioned, there are so many variables in cases like this and I am not a legal professional. But I hope I might have given you a little light, and made you think about the entailments of this path. Which you can point out to mum and dad. To show you're aware, and prepared and not simply acting on an "I want my baby" emotional reflex. All I can surely say is that you aren't the first, and won't be the first to bring-off a happy, safe, contented and well-loved child either, even though he/she came along far sooner than might be desired. Neither would a termination be anything for you to be ashamed of. There's not a thousand miles of difference in biological terms between thirteen and sixteen really is there? There's a 'shock-factor' of 13 in many eyes, maybe? We're probably happier to think of a girl of thirteen as being very much a 'little girl' still I think? You'll have to 'woman-up' and take responsibilities that we don't really think are right and fair at your age? And you WILL need help and co-operation from your guardians. Keep in mind that not all babies/children with adoptive parents were 'given away' as it were. If you can't raise the child in a fitting manner, the welfare of that child will take prioity over all your wishes and pleas and keeping it in your care will not be an option. It's (literally!) 'Your Baby' and you'll have to bring him/her up properly or lose the right to. 'Try' and 'want' aren't good enough. My best wishes to you, whatever you decide. Really, there's no right or wrong. Only right for YOU. And right for that child if you go ahead. Stay in touch if you like? And read any other replies carefully. You can't know too much. But beware of the "What worked for me must work for you" approach. Maybe abortion or adoption was right for someone in a similar position? Maybe they're morally against either/both? That is/was their choice. This is all about YOU, nobody else.

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Janie93 answered Friday September 11 2015, 9:36 am:
The sooner you tell your parents the better. Tell them that you are pregnant and that you want to keep the baby. Let them know whatever you can. The more you tell them the more they will be able to help. Stay strong I understand this is a tough situation.

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OpenMinded answered Thursday September 10 2015, 11:28 pm:
Well, if you must keep it, either you will have to abandon any chance at a future to invest time to raise this child, or this child will end up becoming a burden on you're parents, having them spent time and money to raise it in order for you to continue life. As for telling them, theres never going to be an easy way to say it, and sooner it will be pretty obvious that you are pregnant anyways. It would be best to just simply come out and say I'm pregnant, I imagine no matter how you say it you are not gonna get any better of a reaction from them, so just say it and get it over with. Good luck!

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Advicelady6798 answered Thursday September 10 2015, 8:07 pm:
In my experience, being blunt and to the point is always helpful. They sound like solid parents, so even if you have the worst news, they will stand by you. We parents know that pregnancy cannot be 100 percent prevented. Will it be hard, yes, but getting them both in a room and just telling them without distracting them or going in circles will not only relieve stress on you, but make the tension overall better.

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princess2015 answered Thursday September 10 2015, 6:53 pm:
I think u shouldve waited till way older like 18 . And u made a mistake. I know it hard but if you wanna keep it. If not adoption is another choice to make . You are too young to get pregnant but its your life and think you should tell them and they might help you. Think bout what you have done. If you keep it you love it. Just make sure you take care of the baby .

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ammo answered Thursday September 10 2015, 6:46 pm:
How you want to tell them depends entirely on you and how your relationship with them is. If you are comfortable with talking to them then perhaps just sit them down and explain the situation. If you feel you wouldn't be able to talk to them you can opt to write a note for them to read to explain things. If you are more comfortable talking to your mom than you are to your dad then speak just to your mom alone first. If you feel you need some moral support when talking to them perhaps a close friend who knows about the situation can help by being there with you and helping you through it?

It's going to be a big shock for them but it's something you do need to let them know about as soon as possible. Also, how did you realise you are pregnant? If it was through a home test then could I suggest you take another test if you've not already done so, just to be sure and then when you do tell your parents get another test done through your family GP.

The decision to keep the baby is a decision that is yours to make and on this all I can say is just tell your parents how you feel about it because I get the impression this is something you feel quite strongly about.

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isis answered Thursday September 10 2015, 5:53 pm:
I take it you have done a pregnancy test and been to your doctor to check it? If not, you will need to do so. The doctor cannot tell your parents if you are pregnant without your permission. If you know the doctor well and think it will help, you could ask for their assistance in telling your parents.

If the doctor's help is not an option you will need to choose a time when there is nothing else going on that is distracting or stressing them. You will want them to be focused on what you are telling them and in a receptive mood to start with.

Then you just need to say you have something to tell them, you are sorry if they feel you have let them or yourself down but you are pregnant and would appreciate their help and support both now and after you have had the baby.

You must expect them to be upset and angry but that should pass. The worst thing you could do is get angry yourself, wait until they've calmed down enough to talk to them again. Then tell them how you feel about it and ask for their thoughts. This is courtesy and shows you have the maturity to deal with what is to come, it does not mean you have to follow what they say if you do not agree. There will be questions, a lot of questions and you need to be prepared for this and to answer them. If you really want to keep the baby you will need their support now and in the years to come so you must be honest with them from the start.

You have to keep in mind that at your age there could be more difficulties than if you were older, so you do need to have support and see a doctor if you've not already done so. Your parents are going to be concerned about you so a chat with them and the doctor could be helpful to all of you.

I hope all goes well with you.

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angelbeblol answered Thursday September 10 2015, 5:33 pm:
I cannot image how you are feeling like I just turned 14 on aug 31st and I have no idea on how I would tell my parents. But trying to put myself in your shoes I can give good advices. Starting off on I cant believe you would have sex and get pregnant you know better not to become a teen mom but im so not here to judge only give advices. I think you should talk to your mom privately. Sit down and have "the" talk with her. You can say " mom I have to tell you something but you have to stay calm...promise? Wait till she promise then continue. I made a mistake and im going to need your help and ability to help me ..are you willing to do that? Wait for her response ..then continue. Well im pregnant and I know that's wrong but I do need your support and I really want to keep the baby and after doing that I wanna finish school..... end conversation wait for her response and tell me how it goes can email me you'll see it on my profile if you need any more support :) hope everything goes great.

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Dear_Amanda answered Thursday September 10 2015, 4:58 pm:
As it currently sits, I'm guessing you and your parents don't have open and honest communication on important issues.
First you need to confront yourself. Realize that you broke a very important promise to yourself. In order to prevent any surprises you should have been taking birth control or used protection. And you should have been able to talk to your mom at least and asked her about birth control. I understand that you probably didn't want to out of fear of how they would see you or how they would react.
I know how you're feeling. I didn't have that type of relationship with mine either. But I got a wake up call at 14 when I got my first STI. I had my first child when I was 20. And I will tell you this, whatever plans you had for your life will be put on hold, especially with you being so young. You won't be able to support this child for another 3 years legally. You will have to work doubley hard for everything you want to achieve, because you will no longer be just taking care of you. You will have a defenseless and helpless child depending on you to take care of them for the next 18 years when you can't even take care of yourself. They will be crying for food and your attention, waking up at all hours in the middle of the night. You won't be able to hang out with your friends because of the baby and their parents will see you as a "bad influence". With as young as you are, I'm guessing the sperm donor is around your age, he is not ready for a child and you are not either. Do not expect him to stick around. Speaking from experience.

You need to tell your mom you need to have a serious talk with her. And you also need to tell her that it might break her heart and make her look at you differently, but you are still her daughter. And given her current circumstances, she might respond okay and empathize. But she will be very disappointed. In both herself and you. If you guys had "the talk" she would have expected you to think about things before you did them instead of letting your hormones get the better of you. And she will be disappointed in herself because she did not instill it into you enough to, as it's put, "Not mess up your life". She will feel like she failed you because now you don't get to live your life the way you want. You don't and won't get a childhood. You probably won't get to go to college. Because unless you have a strong support system, you alone might not be able to juggle college and 1-2 jobs and a child while staying at your parents. You will never get ahead and be able to live comfortably and 50% of that is due to the economy.(Something that you haven't been taught yet)
I've had 2 abortions. I was like you with my first. I even cut off communication with my aunt because she suggested it. I didn't talk to her after that and she died almost a year after I had my child. And she was my favorite aunt.
I had the first one because it was literally killing me from the inside out. And the second one I had, because at the time I knew I wouldn't be able to take care of two children on my own and I didn't want to give my child up for adoption because it causes many problems. And if I couldn't take care of that child myself I wasn't going to put it through the misery of having to find out everything and question themselves and go into a depression about it.
The choice is up to you. You need to look at all your options. You need to make a plan for your life with goals to reach. You need to pull your mother aside and tell her because sooner or later you're going to start showing and it'll be worse later.
I'm sorry if I was too blunt. But this is a tough love situation because I know how you feel and you need someone that won't sugar coat anything for you. That tells you how it is.
Find a different focus than boys. They're nothing but trouble anyways.

Hoping for the best. Let me know how it goes.

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Manulo answered Thursday September 10 2015, 4:23 pm:
Dear Soon to Be Teenage Mom,

Keeping this from them would only hurt your relationship more. It's better to be honest and open on how you feel on this matter so you can get a better understanding on how to handle the situation. You are too young to be a mother but also need support if you are going to move forward. Fear of the unknown is worse then the known because you have to be able to prepare for what's coming whether they support you or not. Hiding this only alienates you from people who can be there to love and support you. Don't be one of those people. Be strong and tell them so you know how much they will support you and will help yourself to get started on this long journey of motherhood.

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GiddyGeezer answered Thursday September 10 2015, 4:16 pm:
You are going to have to tell your parents as soon as possible because if you are indeed pregnant at 13 you need to begin prenatal care right away.There could be serious health concerns for you and your baby. There is plenty of time for you and your parents to discuss the future and what your options are. The main thing you need to focus on right now is getting to a doctor and making sure you and your baby are both healthy. Good luck with everything!

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Kori_Rice answered Thursday September 10 2015, 4:14 pm:
I honestly don't know how to tell you to do this. Just sit them down and tell them easily. There is literally no way to escape this, so, just tell them and hope for the best. Or, tell someone you know you can trust before you tell your parents. I wish you the best. If you wanna personally talk some more, my kik is: kori_rice but you have to tell me where you know me from so I wont block you!

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Rosemarie answered Thursday September 10 2015, 3:58 pm:
You should sit them down and break it gently to them that your pregnant best of luck Rosemarie :)

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