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A Few Hours After My Boyfriend and I Had Sex, I Started Bleeding Vaginally

Question Posted Monday July 6 2015, 10:32 pm

Me - 24/F
Boyfriend - 26 this month/M

My boyfriend and I recently decided that we will start trying to have a child within the next few years. I want the experience of carrying a life inside of me that we will both love unconditionally, and will hopefully love us back. The two of us have basically agreed that the only reason why we haven't started trying yet is because we are both still students, and, unfortunately, while we are both looking for employment, none of us are working, so it would be really bad.

I have debated on discussing this with my aunt, since it was really weird but I don't know if I'm comfortable telling her that her niece who she hasn't seen in over 2 years is sexually active. She has a daughter whose only a little over 2 and a half years older than me, who has been pregnant before, but I feel like she's more used to seeing me as a child then an adult. The other thing is that she is my dad's sister and I'm terrified of her telling him. I, also, don't want to detract the attention away from my other cousin whose girlfriend is due in September.

I had sex with my boyfriend on Wednesday, and I had something like a period like a few hours after. It was red and splotchy, almost like spotting.

I was on birth control at the time (I have since allowed it to lapse, but will be going to the gynecologist shortly), and there's a very low failure rate even though I have been forgetting to set an alarm to take it at the same time everyday. Other times since I have been on birth control my period has been very normal.

I have had sex the day before my period, but it was normal.

Although I bled for a few days I was able to use a single pad and I was fine. I definitely did not have normal bleeding. At first, I had little red dots of blood, then it turned light brown. A little bit into it, it was black and then it just turned extremely light. It was more like an extended period of spotting that lasted for about five days, as opposed to my usual seven. While I thought it was really weird, I told myself that it was a normal period after it didn't disappear like 2-3 days into it. To put it simply, it was more like my body was trying to have a period but it was unsuccessful.

Now I have cramping and my breasts slightly hurt. I'm bleeding a little bit, but barely.

I have decided not to tell my boyfriend that there is a possibility that I am pregnant, because I am trying to rationalize things. The problem is that I have a history of freaking out about being pregnant. So, truthfully, if I am I would rather tell him after I find out then have him freak out just like I am right now.

I think that it is a good idea to sit down and discuss this with my gynecologist during my appointment.Is this a normal thing with birth control? Should I have a normal period next month?

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Additional info, added Tuesday July 7 2015, 1:30 pm:
I hear it from women all the time that bleeding isn't a normal part of pregnancy. The thing is that I have done my own research on it, and I'm familiar with implantation bleeding (an early part of pregnancy), and when I told this to doctors when I had something very similar, they wanted to test me for pregnancy. My personal opinion is that women experience different symptoms when they are pregnant. To my knowledge, I have never been pregnant, so I have no idea what early symptoms I would go through, if any.

Truthfully, while in my mind, I don't think that it makes sense that I am pregnant, I am more terrified that there could be a sign that there's something wrong? I experienced this bleeding close to the time that I usually get my period, so it could have just been slightly irregular this month. I just don't know if having sex caused it, or if it's a sign of something else?

In spite of not seeing each other for awhile due to not having a car, my family is also very close and that is seen as soon as we see each other. I would even consider talking to my aunt, because I know that she would be there for me if I needed her.

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Dragonflymagic answered Tuesday July 7 2015, 2:56 pm:
Missundersmock indeed covered reasons why you could bleed after sex and those are very possible and likely. I often experienced through out my life what you mention: your real period hadn't come yet and the progression of light spotting of blood dots which could have come with sex, but then the brown to black spotting which is the color of older dried blood, which is a sign that her period is delayed and then spots of pinkish to red which signals a period is finally about to start. I am now in menopause but I have a long life time of period experiences to be able to tell you that this can happen thru out your life, no matter how many normal periods you have. This can happen whether you are on hormonal birth control, other means of birth control, or on non at all.
It is something that happens from time to time. One thing that delays a period is stress. Another, illness. Yet another, being in the presence of other women on a daily basis where your body picks up on their hormones emitted and starts to delay or speed up the start of your cycle to match theirs...why the body does this...I dont know but its a proven fact. I found when I worked in a small office with five other women, that if I had my period they had theirs, or were just starting or ending theirs as we often had need of menstrual pads and were asking each other.
I have also discovered that if I was at the beginning or end of a period and decided to have sex anyway as my mate didnt mind, that the flow of blood tended to stop, be delayed for the period of time I was having sex. So to my thinking, it is possible that this activity could even delay a period starting a little bit as each of us are a bit different. I wouldn't consider this abnormal either.

Now, as for what looks to be the normal signs of pregnancy...if a woman is taking Hormonal based contraceptives such as the pill, the way that these hormones work is to trick the body into believing it is already pregnant so you don't ovulate but you will still get a period. When the body is under the false impression that it is constantly pregnant, it is not uncommon for women to experience the side effects that come along with pregnancy, weight gain, loss of desire for sex, tender breasts and so on. So you really can't in this case rely on these experiences as 100% proof that you are pregnant, only a pregnancy test can confirm that.
If you had a history of menstruation problems such as severe pains, constant irregular periods or too heavy flows each time, you would know it and so would your doctor and you would have had to go see them for these issues by now. So I do not beleive this to be your problem either.

This leaves only a couple things, implantation bleeding which to my knowledge is pink to red spotting as a close girlfriend who experienced this every time told me, not anything brown or black like a delayed period.

Or the only other possible reason for bleeding and severe pains can be if already pregnant for some time and the fertilized egg is stuck growing in fallopian tube and has burst the tube which is called an ectopic pregnancy, which can be life threatening without medical intervention. Heres a link with info on that but dont get scared, your symptoms do not match so far the ones listed here from what you have shared. Just go see your Dr. tell them of your concerns and ask what is normal and what isn't.
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

I understand wanting someone close, a family member with whom to share any period related, sex related or pregnancy related issues. What you need to realize is that any normal adult will expect that any healthy person, including blood relatives who are adults of 18 or older, (and even younger apply too,) are for sure going to be engaging in sex or at least masturbate alot to take care of their needs if they have no partner.
This is a given. I have 3 daughters in your age range. I remember when they were little, when they went thru puberty, and also knew that they had sexual urges back then, its a given. Therefore, I know in my mind that they would soon be as young adults engaged in sex. Of course, I have always be open in talk with them about sexual matters so they have felt comfortable approaching me with all sort of details, infections, their first orgasm, etc...
Perhaps your own mother is too close minded, shies away from sex talk or too cl

But if you feel your aunt is open minded and approachable and one to give support readily, then don't worry about talking to her. My daughters have talked to their aunt from childhood on regarding some things they felt better approaching her first about. She encouraged them to talk to me also and then told me they had talked to her about something and that she encourage them to share with me, without sharing details, so I had a heads up and could ask them if they wanted to talk to me about this unknown subject that they talked to their aunt about, that she felt as mother they should share with me. SHe understood the bond we had.
I don't know your family but if as close as you say, this kind of talk should be a comfortable easy confidential thing between the women folk.

To feel on more equal ground, perhaps you could start by saying you want to share things of a sexual nature to your aunt but want to hear her experiences first regarding your concerns, then ask her the things you are concerned about. Did she ever take hormonal contraceptives, did she ever experience late periods, did she ever get brown to black spotting> No matter our age, that is one thing women will never forget as its something we lived with, our monthly cycle, our sexuality for all our life.

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missundersmock answered Tuesday July 7 2015, 4:16 am:
ok you could still be pregnant though. the body can act really strange sometimes so dont totally rule it out and if your having ANY matching symptoms then just ask the doctor while your there to do a blood test for you. thats the most accurate way to know if you are or if its just your body acting off that month.

you have enough of the symptoms that its not totally out of the realm of possibility so just talk with the doctor first THEN see what happens and dont tell anyone else until you know for sure. this could totally just be a scare and im sure you dont want to have people all up in arms over something that was just a simple scare. ; )

the only way you should be bleeding from something thats NOT your period or implantation spotting would be if your boyfriend penetrated you too deeply and when you went to wipe after a trip to the bathroom it was on the tissue. but normally you wouldnt need to put a pad for something like that unless you did that just out of sheer fear for some reason?

think back, while you were having sex did he go to deep/to fast/ did you not use lube?? any of these things could potentially cause some light bleeding but it will heal just give it some time and wait to have sex again until your feeling "ok" enough down there again.

good luck.

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