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Being sexually harassed by bullies

Question Posted Tuesday May 12 2015, 6:46 pm

Hi. I'm in middle school, and I'm being bullied. Me, and my friends. Theres a girl in my class who is rude to everyone (except her friends and teachers... She's popular and i don't know why), and she calls me and my friends weird. That was it until we got into middle school. She started becoming a bit more... Much. She'd randomly spank people on the ass and laugh hysterically, or push around people. So... Today, she came over to the table where i was standing, and she tried to shove the bathroom pass UP MY ASS. I jumped out of the way and mouthed "What the heck", and she mouthed back "Go fuck yourself". I'm really confused at what to do. The last time i told on her for being a jerk, and I was the one who got in trouble. What should I do? I don't know who to tell.

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jamiek answered Wednesday May 13 2015, 6:34 pm:
Well first off, Hi. You are in a horrible situation that flat out just sucks. Mean girls and mean people in general suck. But, what you need to do is react with kindness. People aren't just mean for no reason, she is probably insecure or has stuff going at home. So, she is just trying to make people feel hurt like she is. But, don't just let her get away with how awful she is treating everyone. What you need to do is talk to your parents and tell them what is going ((i know you probably don't want to, but you NEED to)). From there get as many people who have been bullied by her to tell their parents. And then have your parents talk to the others and then approach the school. The school is more likely to listen to parents, especially a group of parents. Good luck, and don't let her get to ya<333

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Dragonflymagic answered Wednesday May 13 2015, 4:01 pm:
You may feel Advicemans suggestion too scary for you to try but bullies only continue to bully those who don't fight back and I don't mean with fists or pushing. You're young, so you may feel adults won't believe you but you have to give them the chance to help you. Your parents are the best choice. I remember telling my mom about how I was being bullied and she didn't believe me at first, it sounded too incomprenhensible that other kids my age would be acting like that and treating others that way. I assume she felt I was blowing it out of proportion. You might even say, "I know this is going to sound unbelievable but trust me, this is really happening Mom, there's this girl at school and....." Being forewarned how incredibly strange it is, she may believe you. Ask Mom to go talk to the school principle, that is what gets the schools attention, that and more than one person complaining but those few others who are treated the same. If two or more have the same complaint, officials will take it more seriously. Teachers are bombarded with having to keep so many kids in line for varying offenses, that it takes it's toll, and eventually they become susceptible to becoming complacent about it. So another thing that works is threatening to call the police if the school doesn't do something about it, because any time someone touches you in any unwanted way, whether sexually, or using their hands to push, hit, or hurt you in any way, that is considered 'assault' in the eyes of the law and should be reported, so she's obviously out of line on one account or both. Raising attention as it happens if the best thing. If you don't want to yell something out as it's happening, it may take longer to get her reprimanded instead of you, and she may get away with it longer. Since kids are so into using their cells to take video's. Why not talk to others you hang with who also suffer her attacks and agree that the one of you she isn't focused on attacking, is the one to pull out their phone and start filming her. Proof on film will get her either reprimanded at first or possibly suspended immediately for a portion of time. Any threats she makes towards you or friends for having gotten into trouble, should also be taken seriously, get someone again taping maybe secretly to get her threats recorded for proof. But even without proof which most people dont have, a threat should also be filed with police so there's a paper trail on this person. this eventually helps to keep them banned from the school if their behavior continues despite disciplinary measures.

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adviceman49 answered Wednesday May 13 2015, 9:48 am:
So Miss "I can do nothing wrong in the eyes of those in authority is getting away murder while bullying others. Is this correct?

What you do in an instance like this is not to wait and tell someone after it happens. You call attention to it happening as it is happening. You scream your head off. Call her out right there while she can be caught red handed. "CAROL HIT ME AGAIN AND I'm CALLING THE POLICE." "CAROL YOU PERVERT TAKE YOU HANDS OFF MY ASS" "CAROL DON'T TOUCH MY BREASTS.

Scream it out at the top of your lungs, get the attention of a teacher or some adult in authority and keep screaming get hysterical until someone takes notice. Tell the others she bullies as well to do the same thing. One of two things will happen; either the school officials will take her in hand or she will get embarrassed enough to stop doing whatever it is she is doing.

I would also suggest you talk with your parents and let them talk with the principal of your school. You have the right to attend classes without being harassed. Having your parents come to school puts thing in a whole different light for your principal. He or she now has to do something to satisfy your parents or they can go above him or her to the school board. This places their position in jeopardy if enough parents find need to complain to the school board. There should not be any teachers pets in any school. All children should be treated and trusted equally.

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missundersmock answered Wednesday May 13 2015, 3:02 am:
Ok, well you can either try telling on her AGAIN or you can stand up for yourself.

This is a simple case of what sounds like a bully that can slide under the radar of the school and because she SEEMS nice to all the important people, she can fool the adults into thinking shes totally innocent when thats not the case.

Youll need to get others to make complaints about her so that the teachers and head of the school will hear the same stories from different kids that shes being a royal pain in the butt. chances are if your the only one saying anything then its most likely that they wont even care and will assume that you just dont like each other.

tell your parents and have one of them call the school to complain. Have other kids parents do the same and that will attract enough attention to warrant some kind of investigation and a call to this girls parents.

good luck

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