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How to look pretty

Question Posted Thursday April 23 2015, 10:11 pm

Lately, I've looked at other girls and realized I'm not as pretty as they are. I have thick frizzy long hair, it's kinda a dirty blonde, pale skin, and my face seems plain. My dad doesn't let me wear makeup (even though I'm almost 17) so I look ridiculously awful. Can anyone give me any fashion tips on how to look pretty naturally for my face and hair please? And please don't say Im beautiful just the way I am, because I want to change my look more than anything. And any tips for hair straightening? My mom won't let me use a relaxer, and it takes forever to straighten my hair, and I can't ever seem to do it right. I also have to do it myself because my mom claims going to the hair stylist is "a waist of money"

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swimmer133 answered Friday October 30 2015, 7:32 pm:
Hi! Honestly I think all girls are naturally beautiful, and sometimes makeup can look trashy. Try using a leave in conditioner for your hair, and try not to blow dry your hair as much, or use any heat products that can give you frizzier, dryer hair with split ends which stops hair growth. Get your hair trimmed. Another thing you can do is try fun and cute hairdos (yes it will work with frizzy hair). It's actually a good thing you're not allowed to wear makeup, because it's harder for the skin to breath. If you have acne use a face wash twice a day (I recommend Clean and Clear), and be sure to moisturize. If you think your skin is too pale try getting a natural tan from the sun, but be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburns. If you really want "makeup" use Vaseline for the affect of lip gloss, or a tinted lip balm.

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dc1 answered Monday April 27 2015, 9:43 pm:
im almost 17 and i dont put make up. i choose to stay simple. if i will put make up, my face will never be the same (maybe i will get pimples or black heads so i never put make ups) .. im just using cream to make my face a 'lil oily plus i dont go to salon just to rebond my hair. every 2 month or 3, i will just go there for them to cut my hair. Its depends on you if you're contented to the way you look but for me, im contented and im proud of myself of being simple. Im a conservative, yes! . My boyfriend is not really conservative but he resepect me, he accept ,e for who i am. Well im in a LDR now so hopefully soon, i will meet him. maybe 5 years from now. its too long but i just want him than other guys out're beautiful the way you look, trust me.

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday April 24 2015, 7:53 pm:
You're not any different than other teen girls. Even the ones you think prettier. All teens worry about being accepted and liked and popular and due to being naive and inexperienced in life assume it has to do with how you look. It does to an extent but not in the way you think. Every one has personal tastes in what they like and are visually attracted to. This doesn't go away or change much when you're an adult. I've always been more visually attracted to brunettes in men and also with the longish hair to the collar or much longer. I find those looks to be sexy.
However, teens are impressionable and fall for what the media represents as the ideal look where you will be desirable.
If that were so, then the painters of nudes long around felt small breasts and rounded, not flat tummies were the look to desire, earlier models like Twiggy, named for looking practically anorexic was the in look promoted by media. then there was the Marilyn Monroe era where she had a big boned frame, and thus big curves with it and that was thought to be the only really sexy look to be attained at the time.
A small fine boned woman had not way in hell of ever looking like Marilyn cus she wasnt born with that bone structure.

On the other hand, I understand the importance of feeling good about yourself. And yes, there are ways you can do small things with the hair, eyes, skin and body your were born with. The best are finding the best hairstyle to compliment your face shape, no matter the hair texture. If not allowed to straighten hair, you'll have to wait til you turn 18 and are now an adult and can make those decisions for yourself. But color of clothes to compliment your skin color rather than clask with it is important as well as the type of fabric, design on fabric, and the cut of the clothes. It makes a bigger difference than you may think in looking good.
I have learned in my life that self confidence is very sexy to men, so much so, that considering myself to be average looking, I had them falling over themselves by the droves to get my attention once I dated again after a divorce and found my 2nd husband thru online dating. I stated exactly who I was, hid nothing from them sharing my spots and wrinkles up front so if they couldnt handle it they didn't have to go there. I had a list of exactly what I was looking for in a guy. Tho I liked long hair and other not as important things, I had the biggies that were most important, a kind patient gentle man who would tret me with respect, someone spiritual like myself, same belief not necesary, and someone my sexual equal, among a few others. I found a lot of guys just wanted sex and never gave them a reply, but so many wrote who didnt come near my criteria, so different we were but they couldn't help it, being drawn to me but one thing mainly, my self confidence in knowing what I want and not afraid to ask for it. Its harder with teen boys as they are still quite immature and havently learned what they really want or whats most important in a gal. But I've even come across tests done where men got to meet a couple women in a room. If initially drawn to a female who looked more like a model compared to the average plain looking woman, mature men didn't hang long around the beauty once she opened her mouth and they got a glimpse of her personality and confidence level. These men selected weren't the players, but those mature men seeking relationships. And pretty quickly they gave up talking to the insecure bombshell and began to talk with the more natural and average looking female who as you know didn't catch initial interest just by sight but was pretty in her own right. What hooked guys was the self confidence in the 2nd female, its like an aphrodisiac to many guys and drives them wild wanting to be close to you, have your attention focused on them even just being noticed by you. I can't say why this is, just a part of human nature. I now have early wrinkles, and let my natural grey come in tho my hair is long, wear no makeup cus I end up looking worse and fake with it and have gained a little weight since getting older. I am married but even hubby notices that men havent stopped looking at me, they still find me attractive for reasons of personal taste in women and my self confidence. Its like the lighthouse beacon in the dark to them still. I hope you can find the same someday. In the meantime, you're welcome to try all the products, perfume and clothing brands that promise you to become popular, wanted, desireable, whatever. Some of us learn the best by going through the experience the hard way as I did rather than hearing from others. Learn to do the best you can with what you have for now til youre an adult and can do as you wish. But be prepared, if you did it all, facial surgery, boob jobs, botox, hair straightening and coloring to make yourself look like a model, yes you will attract hordes of guy who are attracted to you sexually and thinking with their other head, the one between their legs. But they will be the ones who use you for sex and dont want a relationship and love, just fake the love by saying I love you when its really I lust for your body. In time, beauty fades for all of us, we cant delay old age. its a long time off but some men get picky already after shes had a kid or two and think she isnt so hot anymore and move on. You want a guy who find your natural beauty enough for him, is aroused by you just as you are and fall in love equally with your personality and looks. They are out there, Just at your age, haven't quite developed as men into that yet. Good luck with trying to find something for now that the parents will allow.

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missundersmock answered Friday April 24 2015, 3:54 am:
Ok, well it sounds like your parents are determined not to allow you to altar your image too much so there really isnt much you can do about that. what you could do is if you make an allowance you could go and buy some natural make up thats not too far off your own color and wear that and maybe if you have to keep your make up at school in a locker or at a trusted friends house?

You COULD save up the money and go and buy relaxer and have a friend do it when your staying over at a friends house one weekend, but other then that the only thing that will help is a high heat flat iron.

you could also try this product i use by Loreal called 360 go clean. it comes in a smallish bottle you can get it at walmart or target and its clears skin of dirt and black heads and works really good. it even comes with a little rubber reusable facial scrubber that you can use in the future for other facial products.

it doesnt cost too much and has almost instant results (dont over use it or it will dry your skin out) then also buy a facial moisturizer, this will help alot, it has sunscreen in it which is REALLY important these days and its MEANT for delicate skin on your face (something you can argue if your parents give you problems over it)

It sounds like for right now youll have to ease your parents into the ideal of you growing up and trying to find yourself. Not all parents are use to that and they have trouble excepting it at first so a slow change over time from you will probably help them in the long run to realize your getting older now and they need to ease up. A sudden over night change will scare and anger them so take it one step at a time.

work on making your skin look good first before you try make up, and when you do take it slow buy foundations and colors that are close to your natural color so you dont alarm your parents when you walk in to the door from being out. If they say something act like you dont know what their talking about and that "oh my friend did it! dont i look nice?!?" and smile. they may not want to let you dont by not being encouraging and happy for you.

going to a stylist COULD BE a waste of money depending on what your trying to do, and if your mom feels you havent tried other avenues yet to control your hair. She may not have seen or heard more about the way you feel about it so she may be thinking that this is a supr of the moment "teenager" thing and that your following a fad that will die off and then regret what you did with your hair. Maybe you could try asking her for suggestions on what you could do because your really at your wits end with your hair and its just "not you" and you dont feel comfortable in your own skin with hair like that anymore, "its out of control and hard to maintain" ; )

then if she does come up with ideas that you dont like just say you feel like thats not going to work with you. you could also try to appeal to her practical side, if the hair is thick and hard to maintain then it needs to get cut and altered so that you can feel ok with it.

good luck ; )

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