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Why I can't continue touching myself

Question Posted Saturday February 28 2015, 5:46 pm

First of all I'm 52 and I have never have an orgasm so I started masturbating because I wanted to see if I could reach an orgasm on my own but I haven't being able. I want to know why when I am feeling so excited this feeling of someone tickling me make me stop and I can't continue touching myself as mush as I really want to because I know I am close to get the orgasm. but I remove my hand because I just can't take that feeling of someone tickling me and it's really frustrating; what can do I do to be able to continue when I am feeling so good!!

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rainhorse68 answered Sunday March 1 2015, 5:48 am:
It's that last bit of 'letting go' you're struggling with by the sound of it? Think of that orgasm as something you're going to 'reach' rather than 'have'. It's about building-up all that tension (good, 'waiting for something nice' tension, not stressy tension)until it's all released. You're doing all the work but not getting the full reward! That reward is yours, all waiting for you. Ready to be enjoyed. Set your mind that you ARE going to take it. When you get the 'stop' message shout it down. Tell yourself you want to cum and you're going to. You deserve it. Actually saying it out loud can be a surprisingly effective thing to do. You're really affirming your intent in a very positive way. Give it a try? Some people say a glass of wine or two can help before hand. Not suggesting you get drunk, but a little alcohol can certainly help 'loosen us up' and suppress a few inhibitions. An orgasm is a perfectly natural thing to want. It's life-affirming. It feels good. It's just for YOU to enjoy. Like that really tempting cake in the shop window.'ll live without it. You can't say you actually need it. But boy does it taste good!! Relax and enjoy yourself.

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missundersmock answered Sunday March 1 2015, 3:01 am:
get a good vibrator if you dont have one yet and try to learn to relax. im not trying to be a smart ass either but i really mean it. try to relax and shop online for a really good one. They also have this new toy called a sybian that allows you to sit on it and control it to your preferences. If your 52 and never had an orgasm then this thing will be your new best friend. Do some research on it before you buy obviously, and theres also video online that show you how they are used. they have different attachments and youll never have to worry about batteries because it plugs into the wall.

Thats the best i can think of advice wise other then its time to invest in YOU now and your personal happiness. your ALLOWED to feel good. we all are.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday February 28 2015, 6:19 pm:
regarding your title, Why can't you touch yourself? Who is saying you can't or that it's wrong? If you have gotten to the age of 52 with never masturbating or having an orgasm, then there must be some program running in your mind, something you're heard growing up or been taught. Things people hear is: that sex is bad, dirty or wrong except for if you are married, a single can't have sex and it is said that you're not supposed to touch yourself. Most of these misguided idea's come from Christianity in the US. There are always a few people who manage to get to adult life without ever having had sex, or an orgasm or masturbating which is the best way for any single to have an orgasm. I don't know if you're male or female but I will say this, it is possible for a married person to have sex and never have had an orgasm. Happened to me. First husband and I were a sexual mismatch. We did not have that pheromone chemistry. Without it, we could force ourselves to do the act and had 3 kids, but although he had his orgasms, mostly a bodily response, females tend to need the love and that spark before having sex can lead to orgasms. Not all women get orgasms with penetration for example, but they can when their partner works on manipulating their clit or going for their g-spot, that rough wrinkled patch of skin on the upper inside of the vagina no more than an inch or two in, right behind the pubic bone. I didn't have my orgasms by my husband, only through masturbation, even though my church taught it was an evil. I didn't feel guilt until I sat in church but back at home, it was good thing for me. Eventually I grew and learned that theres nothing wrong with it and after a divorce and all the guys I dated, I discovered chemistry which made all the difference when the basic sexual techniques were all the same. Plus more time and attention was spent on me to get me to the point of orgasm.
This tickling you feel is just the start of the sensations that tell me your sexual organs are in perfect working order. That tickling sensation grows stronger where your breathing is altered too, your heart rate increases, you can sweat also, and if blood hasnot yet engored the penis or the g-spot, these become larger and more sensitive. Try using a personal lubricant like KY jelly or other such products found at some drugstores where condoms are sold or at a Lovers Package type store. The lube helps with the friction so you don't make your skin sore. If you are afraid of a tickling sensation, then you are stopping long before the orgasm could come. You have to work through it before you'll get one. Otherwise, you'll never have one. Yes, you'll squirm and writhe about the same as you would if a perosn were tickling you, thats all part of it, let yourself go, don't hold back and enjoy. Its part of the sexuality God gave you and it is good, not dirty or wrong.

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