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Boyfriend works and is gone from home for hours, any ideas?

Question Posted Sunday February 8 2015, 11:53 pm

My boyfriend recently just moved out by himself with his dog. He used to have roommates with dogs as well, so whenever he's gone for work, his roommates would take them out for a walk and feed the dogs. During night time, his roommates created something where the back door was accessible for the dogs so they can leave whenever they want to use the restroom in the backyard.

Now that he lives by himself, he's having trouble keeping up with his dog and is coming home with his dog pooping in the house. It's been cold lately, so he has not been wanting to leave his dog outside while he's gone because it's been cold. Do you have any ideas or any idea for technology that could help him?

I thought of a dog house and a doggy door, but his dog is slightly larger than a medium size dog. Please let me know, thanks.

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Dragonflymagic answered Tuesday February 10 2015, 6:28 pm:
Just as a parent has to do with a child, he needs to do with his dog. If a parent is gone at work during day, their infant goes to daycare. Pets, like children take your time, energy, love, and cost alot. He's a young adult and its time for him to learn this cus if he can't with a dog, then he won't make a good Daddy some day either.

So his other option is to pay someone to come let his dog out during the day and give it a walk. A big dog requires more excercise than a smaller one would and dont do well cooped up in a house all day. they need to get out but not for an 8 hr or more stretch of time. He will need to find someone he can trust to take care of his dog while he is gone. This shouldn't fall to you either. Thats like the husband telling the wife, I don't want to pay for daycare and I'm not going to do it so you have to give up your schedule and everything and stay home with the kid.
the dog is his, and he needs to be responsible for it. Professional dog sitters/walkers can get expensive. I've seen 25, 35 an hr. but it can be more so even if he paid only an hour a day, it adds up, $125, $175. a week or more. His other option even though its kinda late now, is realizing he has no business having a pet as he can't afford it and finding a good home for it. If the pet becomes ill and needs a vet, is he going to leave it at home to suffer instead of coughing up the money to take it in? Hubby and I were broke at the time and needing emergency care for our little poodle and took it to the vet any ways and told them of our financial situation, no room on credit cards, get paid tomorrow/day after, since they kept the dog overnight, we had to give them a check to pay the following day and hold off paying one bill a day or two until got our paycheck and then we had to reshuffle everything because a good chunk of money was now not in the budget. A pet is expensive. If he can't handle it, the sooner the pet finds a home that is equipped to take care of ALL its needs, the better for the animal. Anything else would be selfish on his part.

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missundersmock answered Monday February 9 2015, 9:36 pm:
Well what you have here is a bit of a problem with priorities. During or before the move, someone should have considered that the dog would need to be accommodated as well with things like what your talking about. A dog is not decoration, its an investment and a responsibility and if this cannot be taken care of then the dog might need to go somewhere else or there may need to be another move soon unless you can make a doggy door for the dog or someone can regularly let him out to go.

not to chew you out here but it sounds like the dog wasnt thought of or considered when the move was planned and if thats the case then he surely isnt putting the dog near the top of his priority list and thats a problem. Its an animal, like a child that relies on you (or him) for all its needs. you might want to have this discussion with him although im sure its going to be hard but it needs to be talked about and figured out from him.

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