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Mysterious Dog Death

Question Posted Monday November 3 2014, 4:35 pm

I was wondering if it is at all possible for a two year old german shepherd to have a freak accident and fall down the stairs and die with a blunt force wound to the back of the head. There were plenty of bricks and stones at the bottom of the steps for her to knock her head, we were told she slipped on her scarf walking up the stairs and fell backwards down, and just died instantly. Is this physically possible? I want to avoid giving the impression that it was foul play, I wasn't there to witness it -- I just want unbiased opinions from anyone.

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Lunarbug answered Wednesday March 25 2015, 12:01 am:
Personally if my dog died that way and it was in the care of anyone I didnt trust even slightly, that person would be paying for the death of my dog. I wont make you feel worse by getting on to you about the scarf because I highly highly doubt your dog could have died that way. Loosing footing and falling a little bit yeah, but falling and hitting its head so hard it killed the dog? It just doesnt seem right. It had to have been a pretty hard hit at the right angle with the right force to kill your dog.

You should take a look at the rock that killed the dog. Is it placed accordingly to how the dog supposedly hit it?
Did it look like just one blow or was there any blood anywhere else ?

Sorry for your loss man. .

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Dragonflymagic answered Friday November 7 2014, 3:57 pm:
And who was there to witness it? A dog sitter? Family member? Someone you don't know well?

Then you'd have to think, what reason did they have to kill the dog. Surely they didn't fear dogs, or something against the dog. But perhaps the person with the dog has issues with you that you aren't aware of and wanted to get at you to hurt you through the loss of the dog.
Other than that, there's no reason for someone to intentionally cause the dogs death unless they are certifiably crazy and need to be on medication and under Drs. care.

I used to own a lab and that's a big dog like a shepherd. We would tie a decorative bandana scarf around his neck too. The scarf hangs in a vee that doesn't go any further than halfway down his chest. And I can tell you that the scarf never interfered with my dogs ability to run and play and climb stairs. It's pretty much too short for the dogs leg to reach to even slip on.
So the only kind of scarf a dog could slip on would be something extremely long like a woman's long decorative scarf or like the long winter woolie ones. If you put something like that on your dog as a general habit, then this was an accident waiting to happen.
Again you have to remember, they aren't two legged like humans. Humans have a greater chance of loosing their footing in any situation compared to any four footed creature who if losing traction with one or two legs still has two left to help.
Another piece of often does a dog get tangled up in their own leash while on a walk, and one leg is disabled, how often does that dog go crashing on their face into the ground? Maybe one in a million. My dog had a skill for getting wrapped up in it's leash on walks and I was forever stopping to untangle him. Never once did he stumble and fall. Now that might be another story if he were trying to race up stairs in his eagerness to be back home. I'm small and the dog knocked me off my feet twice when he recognized we were getting close to the corner we needed to cross to go home and wrenched the leash loose from my grasp and raced at full speed across the street and two houses over and up the stairs to the front door. If in the race upstairs at full speed, with the eagerness of a young dog with puppyness left it it, a leash was so tangled as to cause a dog to stumble, I can see perhaps a dog falling and since you mention bricks, I assume its outdoor stairs to the home. Whoever was with the dog, IF that happened, and there's no way to know if it did or not, may have felt guilt at not being able to hold onto the leash or even having a chance to and not removing it sooner, may not want. think if it was you. I know I would have a hard time admitting I just might have been able to remove the leash sooner if that was the reason it fell. And feeling guilty, even if it's not the persons fault but a freak accident, can make a person try to make something else up that would seem to take the focus off of them. So in looking at all possibilites myself, I feel it must be viewed as a freak accident unless someone hates you so much and if so, you will continue to experience different sorts of attacks directed to hurt you, it won't stop with the dog.

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sillyrob answered Tuesday November 4 2014, 2:40 am:
It sounds plausible to me. I mean, I've seen my dog struggle on stairs before. Put something there to slip on, fall backwards, a blow to the head can be instant death.

I wouldn't worry about foul play.

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