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Animals Hate Attic and Basement

Question Posted Thursday July 31 2014, 12:44 pm

I have 3 dogs(Poodle/Shitzu mix, Miniature Schnauzer, and Yorkie), 3 cats, and recently got a rabbit(Flemish Giant).

I have brick house, including a main floor, upstairs, attic and a basement, built in 1905. We know factual story's of Murders and have heard other things such as odd or even supernatural happenings in the house and have experienced some ourselves.

The Cats tend to have no problem with any locations within the house, But the dogs refuse to go in the basement.

They are fine in any other location of the house (though they hesitate to go in the attic, they will go up there), but the basement. Brittney (The mix)follows my Mom everywhere, but the basement.

The Yorkie wont go down unless you carry him and then immediately runs back up.

The Schnauzer refuses to go down there at all and if you carry/drag him down, he immediately runs back up like the Yorkie, only he only goes up the top few steps backwards. Always has and he wont any other way.

The rabbits pen is in the attic, where my sisters room is, but we let him on the main floor during the day. And he freaks out whenever you carry him near the attic steps, and if he escapes from his pen he always runs down the stairs away from the attic.

I'm not sure why this is, I guess it could be supernatural, but doubt it. I would like to know if there are any other reasons someone could think of.

I am confused by their behavior, and it would be great if someone could tell me anything, even if it's just a theory.


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Mindlessmarbles answered Wednesday August 6 2014, 4:42 am:
It is a known fact that animals can sence supernatural beings, way before humans ever can. If there is a murder mystery attached to the house, as well as the animals not going into the basement or attic, I would recommend getting an exercism done in your house, or that you move to a different house. It is a known fact that the supernatural tend to like to stay in basements and attics better than the middle floors. I hope this helps, and I hope that this situation is resolved. ~M&M

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday August 2 2014, 12:35 pm:
Cant say if it is supernatural in essence, but I do know that animals are able to pick up on these sorts of things.Perhaps there is just a negative energy left behind.

In support of there being something that humans are unable to pick up on:
I can see one dog afraid/a phobia of stairs and another with a fear of dark places if the basement is dark, but all of them with the same issues?

Also, if it were just a fear of stairs, then the dogs should be happy anywhere once you have carried them there, but that is not the case, they take to the stairs themselves to flee.
Perhaps the animals are all copying each others behavior of acting out their natural fears until all of them exihibit the same behavior.
If all the steps in the home are very narrow, not able to take a full human foot or higher difference between steps than a standard staircase, that could cause them to have fears.

If the dogs for example grew up in this house, they should be used to what is residing there that has always been there, cus that they will see being part of the place. If this is a recent move to this home with dogs that didn't have this problem elsewhere but all of a sudden do with the new home, then something is up.
I do happen to believe that there is such a thing as negative residual energy that can be left behind and a person sensitive can pick up on it and perhaps their mood even affected by it since they are empaths in nature.
I do believe that there is such a thing as ghosts which I believe to be earth bound souls who for some reason never went into the light. In many case, a soul could have met with such unexpected death that they don't know they are dead so their soul continues to live in the house they were in and some will live peaceably with humans and others won't and resent your presence at which point they do things to irritate you enough to get you to leave and of course, any souls while still living who were the hateful, negative people who lived to steal, kill and destroy may be too afraid of Gods judgement so they do not go into the light and continue on earth as very negative souls bent on really trying to scare people.
If the incidences the people in the house have experienced are not a problem and not harmful to the family, then dont worry. Your pets know who family is so maybe they see these others they pick up on as strangers in the house and therefore have a fear.
Your pets are just not going to have a happy life in that home. So it really depends how into your pets you are whether you are extremely concerned about their mental welfare or not.
I would think the thing to do, whether you really believe it or not is to contact any groups in your area that deal with the supernatural, searching for presences in homes who are able to see, feel and talk to the earth bound souls if any. One group does it with equipment and you have seen shows about such groups like ghost hunters. They are more science bound, able to prove something but not able to help the situation any. I have a close friend who has giftings to see what the human eye cant, like your pets, she can see my angels, and she can see hers and anyones loved ones souls who have passed on and she can see ghosts. She is called upon at times to come check out a place to determine what the situation is there and talk to the spirit/soul and help them go to the light, to God/Heaven. This is the basic premise of that show Ghost Whisperer. Just because there is such a show doesnt mean such an event has no base in reality. Many shows were created because of idea's that sprouted from real life situations.
If it becomes an issue for the family as well as the pets, robbed of your peace of mind, always edgy, stressed, frightened out of ones wits, then you may have to seriously search for someone who can help. I am talking of a person with psychic abilitys. nOt all are quacks. Check the person out, to see if others have been helped and will talk to you. Dont just go with someone who claims they can help. Same as you would check out a doctor specialist.
Right now, it doesnt sound like you have to do anything. If you love your pets, you may consider not forcing them to go near the basement or attic. Stress over time will bring illnesses to animals as easily as it does to humans. And I am sure you don;t want that for your pets.

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Razhie answered Friday August 1 2014, 4:51 am:
Lots of dogs don't like stairs. Especially going down stairs. They are made for us, our feet and legs, not them. They have to walk very oddly, since most are so front heavy they are basically hurling themselves forward and catching themselves on each step. Stairs suck for dogs. They are also usually too short to see well what is at the top or the bottom of them. It often appears dark at the top or bottom of stairs.

Seriously, it's really probably that damn boring an explanation. If you google "Dog is afraid of stairs" or "Dog is afraid of basement" you'll get millions of hits and training advice. It's really a common issue. And if you let it fester without training it out of the dog early, it tends to just get more pronounced.

Rabbits are really territorial. They consider everywhere they goes on a regular basis to be their territory and since it talks Rabbittalk, and your dogs and cats speak Dogtalk and Cattalk - it's probably never been challenged. The ground floor is it's territory. Maybe even more so than it's pen, in it's mind. You carrying it back to it's pen is a challenge to it's territory. It's far more likely it's throwing a defiant temper-tantrum than is being fearful. Try giving your rabbit it's meal when its returned to it's pen at night, or giving it treats at that time. That might make it less pissed off about having to go back, but you probably aren't going to change it's idea of what space belongs to it.

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