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Is there a great chance that I could be pregnant after taking plan-b pill?

Question Posted Monday July 28 2014, 9:29 pm

Let me start off by saying that I'm a 19 year old female. I'm worried that I may be pregnant. My last period began on May 31 and ended on July 6. The day after my period ended, I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. I know that's not safe; we always use condoms. But this time was a spur of the moment type of deal. He did not ejaculate inside me or anything, but I still went ahead and took a Plan B pill in the morning. The pill appeared to work because I got my “new” period (from the pill I'm assuming) 4 days later. It was lasted from July 11-17. However, the situation with the pill isn’t really my main concern right now. My boyfriend and I had sex again 2 days later; he used a condom and he ejaculated. He wanted to continue because I didn't reach an orgasm yet. When he took off the already used condom, he wiped his penis with a tissue. He then proceeded to put on a new condom, realized it was on inside-out, and then fixed it. This was probably in a span of 5-10 minutes. I'm worried that there was still semen with viable sperm on his penis that got on the outside of the condom when he fixed it to be right-side out. I've done a ton of research on how long it takes sperm to die, what happens to sperm/semen when it's wiped or exposed to air, etc. I'm still not sure about these answers though. Well, it's now July 29 and my period hasn't come yet… But I've read that there are several factors that can affect/delay a period.

Here are some facts about me:
- I'm 5'4" and am underweight. I weigh around 100 lbs. I probably don't eat enough/meet my nutritional needs.
- My periods are irregular. They can last between 1-2 weeks. My cycles also can range between 15-50 days. I've had 2 periods in 1 month, and I've also skipped a period before.
- My periods range from small amounts of dark brown blood mixed with discharge, to a very heavy flow with a normal red color.
- I don't seem to experience the usual PMS symptoms, such as cramps. But I do get occasional lower back pains sometimes.
- My sleeping schedule is also pretty messed up. I've been sleeping around 6-8 am and have been waking up some time in the late afternoon. (I don't want to put the exact time because I'm too embarrassed haha...)

I've heard that your diet, sleeping schedule, taking a Plan B pill, stress, etc, can all affect your periods. After the incident with the inside-out condom, my boyfriend and I continued to have sex days/weeks after, but not frequently. After sexual intercourse, I always check the condom each time by filling it with water to check for breaks or holes, so I'm not worried about a condom breakage. About 3 days ago, I noticed a small amount of dried brown discharge/blood on my underwear. The next day when I used the bathroom, I wiped and noticed a little brown blood mixed with some milky discharge; this was a 1 time thing. Now it has been 2 days later and nothing like that ever appeared again. I'm really freaking out that this may be implantation bleeding. However, 2 days prior to finding the dried blood on my underwear, my boyfriend fingered me too hard, which caused me to bleed. I'm wondering if instead of implantation bleeding, this may have been leftover blood from that day?

Right now, I feel pretty “normal," I think. Except I may be freaking myself out and causing myself to imagine false pregnancy symptoms. I was looking at my stomach earlier and it seems a bit bloated and I feel very mild cramping in my lower abdominal region.

Considering all of this, is there a great chance that I could be pregnant? Could it be possible that my physique, diet, sleeping schedule, stress, and the fact that I took a Plan B pill, are drastically affecting my period? I apologize that this is long and may be confusing, but I would like some outside opinions on this. I plan on purchasing a pregnancy test sometime this week so I can know for sure...

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adviceman49 answered Wednesday July 30 2014, 6:07 am:
Okay lets start at the top. You're 19 legally an adult entitled to all the privileges of an adult which would include a sex life. If you still live at home your parents might get upset to find you are sexually active though frankly it is no longer any of their business. I say this as a former parent of someone your age and now a future grandparent. Hopefully my saying this lowers the stress quotient a bit.

I do not think you are pregnant. Most women, about 80%, are most fertile between the 7th and 21 days of their cycle. So the first sex you spoke about, July 7, was during a safe period if you are among the 80%.

As for the other questions you asked about sperm viability. Those are harder to answer as more first hand knowledge is required. Understand this though; there are millions of sperm ejaculated by the male even in precum and only the strongest are going to make it to the egg. Sperm that have been outside the body in cooler temperatures, damaged by being wiped and coming in contact with the spermicide on the exterior of the condom; it would seem there would be little chance of these sperm being viable.

Having sex 2 days after the second period I think again if you are like the 80% of women you were again in your safe time. If you want to be really sure take a home pregnancy test.

I would also suggest that you get on birth control medication. For two reasons. First it will regulate your periods for you . Second it will add another level of protection combined with condom use which should continue. Condom use alone is only 85-90 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. Statistically there is still a 10 to 15 percent failure rate in condoms due to improper usage, being out of date and other reasons. Condoms with the female being on birth control medication improves the chances of not getting pregnant to almost 100%. We say almost 100% because nothing is 100% statistically speaking.

You are 19, you are an adult and do not need parental permission; even if using your parents health insurance. In fact your parents legally have no right to see any of you medical records without your expressed written permission. They lost this right the moment the clock struck marking your 18th birthday when you became a legal adult. Legally speaking your parents cannot even make a doctors appointment for you or drag you to a doctor when sick.

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