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Mom won't let me have a bikini!

Question Posted Saturday February 8 2014, 3:54 pm

My mom won't let me have a bikini how do I get one without her knowing and I can't drive! Please help and I'm 15

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lightoftruth answered Sunday February 9 2014, 3:19 pm:
So you're asking us to help you lie and go behind your moms back?

No..dumb idea. She probably has good reasons as to why she doesn't want you wearing a bikini. I don't see why you feel the need to have one anyways. There are lots of cute swimsuits that are one piece and two piece, just look around.

You're only 15. Until you turn 18, you have to do what your mom says. It sucks not always getting what you want but sometimes you just have to follow the rules.

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adviceman49 answered Sunday February 9 2014, 10:24 am:
What you are asking for is for us to give you ideas on how to do something behind your moms back. NOT A GOOD IDEA. You are seeking to deceive your mom and your thinking what mom doesn't know won't hurt you or her. WRONG.

You leave the house with the mom approved swim wear and your bikini hidden away at a friends house or in your purse or beach bag. Sometime before getting to the beach you change into the bikini. Success mom has been deceived. ARE YOU SURE?

Are you sure one of her friends wasn't at the beach and saw you and called mom to say how cute you were in your Bikini. Maybe one of the boys took your picture on the beach and it ended up on Facebook. Before you get home the picture makes its way to mom.

Now you’re in for it; you probably going to be grounded or worse. The Bikini you purchased will most likely get thrown in the trash meaning you wasted your money on something you will never wear again.

To be honest with you if mom approves of two piece bathing suits I would go with one of them. There are some very nice suits that will turn boys heads just as easily as a Bikini. Boys your age do not need a lot of stimulation to turn them on so why give them any more than necessary. Sometimes less is more. In this case the less you have showing the more stimulated a boy may be for he now has to visualize what lies under the material.

Sometimes it is the mystic or the mystery that boys find attractive. Why advertise when mystery is so much more entertaining. I speak from experience form the boys side.

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Dragonflymagic answered Saturday February 8 2014, 6:52 pm:
It's winter and cold for most of us, perhaps you live somewhere where you can visit the beach any time of year?
Or are we talking about a swim class for school?
I have no idea what you need a bikini for. I must assume that from the years of age 1 to 14, that you have owned and worn beach wear of some sort. So you need to be honest and share all the facts of what is involved here.
If its for swim class, a bikini is not the best choice because the two parts can move and shift and show all your body parts, especially if any diving is included. Professional swim atheletes do not wear two piece swimsuits for that reason.

Until you turn 18 and are an adult, what the parents say, is what must be followed because you still live under their roof and are under their care and they are making what they believe to be the best decisions for you, whether you see their decisions as out dated or old fashioned.
If they think that wearing a bikini will attract the wrong kind of attention from boys, it could be why they wont allow it because in a way its true, it will attract more of that kind of attention than normal. But it doesn't take a bikini to get a guy all riled up about a girl. She can wear sack cloth and ashes and if she's is still the type of look that is a guys personal favorite or taste in girls, she'll still catch some guys attention.

It is better that you be taught how to understand guys, to be able to spot who is genuine and who is a user, just wanting to get into your pants. You may be horny enough that you'd welcome that but can you handle doing the adult thing and going to get on birth control? Sex in ones teens isn't all its cracked up to be, for one thing--our bodies haven't fully finished maturing, and our minds certainly don't until our mid 2O's which is a big reason we make so many bad decisions as teens cus we can see the full picture or contemplate the possible repercussions of any one choice we are thinking of making.

To attempt to do anything, not just getting a bikini behind the parents backs, without them knowing is not a choice that is for your highest personal best. The attitude of "I know better than anyone else", if you allow yourself to cultivate that attitude inside of you is going to come back and bite you someday in your life...especially if it involves you and an employer cus you'll lose your job if you don't follow their instructions and rules. They can fire you. Parents can't fire their kids so they endure all sorts of things as they attempt to make the best decisions they know how to for their kids and the difference between the world out there and the parents, is that they are doing so because they love and care about you. For an employer, workers are a dime a dozen, they can easily find a replacement. If you want to become more adult like, try having an adult conversation with mom. Have you only yelled so far, argued? Have you said any childish things that confirms for them that you are not adult enough to handle the decision to wear a bikini? Have you said, "You annoy me, your'e a bad parent,I hate you, thats my choice not yours, etc"..thats what I am talking about.
Did mom explain why she doesnt want you wearing one? Or did you even ask or just react? I know this sounds like I am picking on you but I don't mean it that way. If you have some more information, more specifics about your situation, I may have some advice to offer how to talk to mom about it but I will still not give my okay and support for doing so behind her back. That is not an adult choice and you at 15,need people showing you and encouraging you to practice becoming more adult like. This may be one of your first big opportunities to learn. Good luck dear

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123pinkgurl answered Saturday February 8 2014, 6:23 pm:
I wouldn't suggest you go behind your moms back to get a bikini because yout mom has good reasons for not want ing uou to have one and then if you get one with out her permission then you would get in big trouble .

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