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I have an odor

Question Posted Sunday August 11 2013, 5:54 am

I am 14 and a virgin but I have been fingered several times... I have a certain odor down there, I'm not sure if it is normal or not and it really worries me. I've tried certain washes, creams, etc and nothing seems to help me. I am very scared to go to a gynecologist, I am just a teen and I'm not sure of my mom's reaction if I were to ask. Should I try asking my regular doctor? Or is it normal? And also, in the days of my ovulation, I have a worse smell and alot of discharge that lasts for a week. I'm not sure what that means, I've came across similar problems with down there and my mom thought I had stds. I never looked into it much further than going to a regular doctor why couldn't tell me anything. I'm very nervous about gynecologists and I'm not quite sure what to do or exactly what, "down there" is supposed to smell like.

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adviceaboutsexuality answered Friday August 16 2013, 12:11 pm:
This is normal usually when you have your period the question is have you drunk and had it with someone! If so then u might want to get a pregnancy test or something! Even if you are certain u might still want a preggers test

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Dragonflymagic answered Monday August 12 2013, 12:45 am:
There are good odors from your private area and bad odors. The bad odors may indicate that you have vaginitis, yeast is usually just more itchy and painful than smelly, I've had both. I don't get either very often any more. Women can get it if they use too many douches, washes, sprays, anything like that will wash away the good bacteria which keeps things in balance. When it's missing, the bad bacteria has an easier chance to take over and thats when you get those infections. So no one should be thinking you were having sex to get an infection if you truly have one.

Seeing a Gynecologist is something every woman needs to do. it is part of good health for your vaginal area.
During a period, the blood inside that is released, is fresh smelling. It is only when it comes out and hits air that it can develop a fishy odor. Make sure to change pads often, and wash the labia and your general bottom area gently with a warm wet washcloth....No Soap. Soap is a no no as are bubblebaths.
Vaginitis can cause a fishy odor. It's like that overwhelming odor of fish when you go past the area of the store that offers "supposed fresh fish".( Fresh fish doesn't smell, only old fish does.) Any other musky odors you smell if you touch yourself and finger yourself, will be your normal musky odors. In a world where we have become too sterile and worried about the slightest scent, some folks could be mistaken and assume any odor at all coming from this region is something you need to get rid of. Get familiar with your body and explore your sexuality. It's nothing to avoid. I will give you a link to a site that talks about what I've just gone over and has many more short videos by a peer, who educates on sex dating and relationships. Please watch. And go see a Gyn.Dr. to rule out infection. If you do have one, you will likely be given antibiotic pills to take.
Here's the links:
[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

That was the specific one I wanted you to see. Here's the main page of the you tube site:

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

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adviceman49 answered Sunday August 11 2013, 10:21 am:
First: There is a natural odor that young women who are going through puberty get and will continue to have down there. It is normal and natural and part of the sexual attraction of a women. When you get sexually excited it gets stronger to attract a male. It is part of our animal instincts.

Now whether the odor you are smelling is normal or because of some type of infection I can't say. A doctor, specifically a gynecologist who is trained in caring for this part of the female anatomy is the best doctor to see.

Your mother should be the first person you could go to with questions of this type. Why your mother jumped right to the conclusion that you had an STD was very wrong of her. Any women who is having periods can gets yeast infections and she should know this. A yeast infection would give off a strong unpleasant odor and cause an itching as well as a discharge. This discharge is usually a white or white yellowish milky type discharge.

No I am not a doctor but I have been married for 42 years and my wife over the years has had several yeast infections. So I know what they look like.

Now that you are 14 under a federal law called HIPPA you have medical confidentiality for any problems concerning your reproductive system. What this means is you can see any doctor you wish, without parental permission for any problem concerning your reproductive system.

Anything you say to the doctor, any question you ask of the doctor, whatever the doctor says to you and examines you for remains between you and the doctor. Nothing can be told to your parents and they cannot see any medical records pertaining to anything involving your reproductive system. This includes a gynecological visits.

These visits are totally confidential and mom cannot be in the exam room with you without your permission. All you need say to the doctor or nurse is; I invoke my rights under HIPPA" and mom will be asked to wait in the waiting room.

Now as to the Gynecological visits themselves. There is nothing to be afraid of. Any women who is having periods needs to see a GYN regularly for examinations and PAP smears to check for certain infections that can only be diagnosed in this manner. I'm told the exam itself is fairly painless. Yes, you do have to bare your private region to the doctor in a very un-lady like manner. You will be draped by the doctor to give you the up most privacy for the exam. You may be more comfortable with a women doctor for this type of medical help. If so by all means select a female doctor. Under HIPPA the choice of doctor is yours not your parents.

Why the other doctor would not or could not answer your questions I can't say. If you were under 14 at the time your mom may have asked that the doctor not answer these types of questions for you. This is the most logical answer I can think of. Now that you're 14 the law says that any doctor will answer your question completely and truthfully.

The only way anyone can see the medical records concerning treatment or any visit concerning anything to do with your reproductive system. Requires written permission from you to the doctor. You can even ask for birth control pill and the doctor must prescribe them unless there is a medical reason not to. Even your druggist cannot divulge any medication that might be prescribed by your GYN.

The HIPPA Law was not written by congress to give young people license to have sex. It was written so that they will see a doctor when they have any question or problem concerning their reproductive system. Questions or problems they are either to embarrassed or scared to go to their parents with.

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