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Smoking pain pills?

Question Posted Monday June 3 2013, 4:08 pm

My sister and her boyfriend got in a car accident back in November, he had a bunch of broken bones so they prescribed him perkaset (don't know how it's spelt) I believe he complained about how they weren't strong enough and called them "perk 5's" and a few times he had "perk 10s" instead of just taking the pill he crushed them and smoked them in aluminum foil I believe (the kind you use in the kitchen to cover food) he said it made them stronger or something idk. Anyways, to the point it has obviously been a long time since the wreck and he is still continuing to smoke whatever it is that he's smoking, and he's gotten my sister involved also. I'm not sure if they're smokin the same stuff or different, but I know it smells bad and still involves foil. Not that I can get much info about this with the lack of knowledge that I'm providing, but I'd like to get an idea of what this stuff is doing to them. About how much it's costing and etc. I'm assuming this is why she's always "broke" and his friend mentioned that he's had friends die because of it, and that he's told them they're addicted and need to stop and they both deny it. 
Pretty much any info will help, just know this is for my personal curiosity, I can't help them or force them to stop what they're doing. Thank you for your time. 

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MrWombat answered Saturday June 22 2013, 9:19 pm:
So you are telling me that your sister's b/f is smoking drugs, and now he has got her smoking drugs as well. And not just a bit of weed, either. These chemicals are hideously addictive even if you follow doctors orders, and they are smoking them to get a better hit.

They are always broke, and denying that they are addicted.

Ok. First: these guys are screwed. Absolutely boned. Sorry. This guy has killed your sister just as sure as if she was in that car accident with him. She'll go from smoking, to injecting into the muscle, to injecting into the vein. Crushed up pills.

Your sister is basically a junkie, or will be very, very soon. You need to protect yourself. They *will* begin stealing from you (and the rest of your family). They will become involved with people who also steal and live the lifestyle.

You have lost a family member to a guy that abuses drugs. You need to think about your own future.

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Dragonflymagic answered Tuesday June 4 2013, 3:31 pm:
Percocet has the two ingrediants acetaminophen and oxycodone and is considered a narcotic.

Some people don't feel pain relief with oxycodone...i've had it once for help to get by over the weekend til dentist could take me as emergency on Monday.To me, it was like taking a effect at all. i had to suffer in pain. Other people can become addicted to it in an average of 3 weeks time if just taken as pills. Taking an medication doubled up or distorted from it's prescribed use is asking for trouble with your body. It is possible this will lead them into attempting to manufacture illegal drugs to sell as well as use personally. If his friends know people making this stuff and dying from it, you can bet it's illegal. The others are making it for the money. He could go to jail if caught and your sis might go along to jail for aiding and abetting.

He needs to let the doctor know that what he is taking is not helping him manage the pain. See what else they can prescribe. There are many other avenues to try yet. Accupuncture or certain types of massage help some people. Marijuana helps others if a doctor will prescribe it as a treatment. Each of our bodies are unique so what works on one person won't necessarily work on another. If it is important to him to get rid of his pain, rather than make an illegal drug, for self use and remaining hooked on it, then he should do all he can. Please look up on line the Pain Whisperer. This guy will have a TV show soon, he is teaching his method to others so that his technique will be available not just where he lives but everywhere. People with chronic pain their entire lives are healed with his non evasive treatment after just one time. This after peoople have had multiple corrective surgeries to help.

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rainhorse68 answered Tuesday June 4 2013, 10:57 am:
Just for your info then...painkillers don't work on the bit that hurts, they suppress the pain in the brain. The chemical has to be in the blood to reach the brain. If you swallow painkilling tablets they breakdown in the stomach and the active ingredient gets into the blood stream relatively slowly. Smoking gets the ingredient into the bloodstream much quicker so they will act more quickly and more strongly. The only thing quicker is to intravenously inject the ingredient suspended in fluid. But honestly mate, if they're tablets you're meant to swallow the things. Not smoke them or shoot them up! Hope you'll use this info the way I intend. What they're saying is likely to be true, they will act quicker and stronger. But they're taking a risk with their bodies big time, so don't you go thinking it's a good idea. And denying you are addicted is a pretty certain sign that you are addicted, by the way.

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