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Hemorrhoid or cut?

Question Posted Sunday April 21 2013, 4:59 am

First off, I'd like to say that I know nobody here is a doctor. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, I'm just looking for opinions, maybe somebody here has experienced this.
Also, do not just tell me to see a doctor, that's too pricey for me at the moment without medical insurance.

This may be long because of backstory I feel like I should add but may not be needed.

Alright so, last week I was convinced I got external hemorrhoids. I had pain when I pooped, some blood, and a decent sized bump on my anus after straining during a large poop that was in no way coming out naturally.
Now the thing is, I've always had large poops and slight constipation growing up. There has always been pain because of these large poops and the pain caused me to go a couple weeks 'holding it in' when I was about 8 because I was just so scared of it. My family has never eaten a particularly healthy diet and it doesn't help that the only veggies I can stomach are potatoes and corn. (I'm currently trying to fix the constipating and large/hard poops by drinking more water, eating some more foods high in fiber and taking fiber powers packets or stir in water.

I always strain when I poop because I'm always slightly constipated, and I poop every few days rather than everyday.

For the passed few weeks I noticed a slight bump on my anus when I would wipe after pooping, it didn't hurt or itch. I ignored it - probably in denial of possible hemorrhoids. It wasn't until last week after that particularly large poop that the cut really grew in size and convinced me I had hemorrhoids. Immediately I looked up home treatments and I now have some TUCKS products coming in the mail to help.

Now just a few minutes ago, my 'hemorrhoid' was really itchy. I tried ignoring it, not wanting to irritate it. Eventually it got so bad that I lost self control to I went to the bathroom to gently wipe with babywipes to relieve some itching (it worked). I noticed there wasn't a bump. None. But my anus itches and when I shifted a certain way on the toilet there was a sharp pain on my anus for not even a second and it went away.

Now I'm wondering, do I have hemorrhoids or just a cut on my anus?

From what I understood while reading about hemorrhoids, the bump stayed. It could be removed with surgery or pain could be relieved by applying the appropriate products on it. Or am I wrong?

I'm not entirely sure, which is why I seek some opinions from people who may have experienced this or just know more about it than I do.

Also, I didn't get a REALLY good feel of the bump when I was convinced I had hemorrhoids because, honestly, I was a little too grossed out to attempt to touch it. But from what I could tell by wiping with baby wipes, it was a fairly soft bump. Due to it's size in width, I threw out the idea of it being a pimply because I had had a pimple near my anus once before and it was just different.

I've also tried to look in the mirror but it's just not happening. I can't bend right for that.

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Additional info, added Sunday April 21 2013, 5:09 am:
The pump also was not painful when I brushed over it while wiping with baby wipes.

I'm also not uncomfortable sitting. I don't feel anything painful or odd when I sit, even for hours.

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tracy92 answered Thursday September 25 2014, 9:43 am:
You do have hemoroids. But you've got to know that straining will make them worse sitting on the toilet too long does too. And they shrink when your not sitting a certain way like on the toilet. If you got them I'm sorry but they don't go away. They shrink and come back. And they do bleed because not to be gross but the poo and the undigested food in it can cut it and that's why it bleeds. Take laxatives or prune juice and stool softers to make it easier. And hot baths espessially if you put Epsom salt in it to help them shrink and heal the best they can. Try not eating a lot of starches like, bread, noodles, potatoes, and more water, fiber, fruits( not bananas they do constipate bad). Pop believe it or not don't help but worsen. Good luck!

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hnstymtrs answered Wednesday April 24 2013, 10:12 pm:
Dear Hemorrhoid or cut?,

It sounds to me like you have both going on here. Large poops will agrivate and even cause an existing hemorroid to rip open.

The itching is your cut healing up, at least that is my opinion.

You talked about being constipated and your diet.
You are right. Your diet has been the cause of your issues your entire life. Find relief with the information that I pass on.

Here is some information on foods that you need to know. Corn and white potatoes are not the only cause of your problems. These two links will tell you why what is happening in your body when you consume those foods.

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

Here is the link to the main list so you can look up every food you eat and see what other issues you can solve with diet changes.

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

I am not an affiliate of the website. I use the list and other information to base my dieting needs on. You do not have to buy anything to use the site for informational purposes.

Good Luck to you!!

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okay123 answered Sunday April 21 2013, 8:49 pm:
Sounds like a hemorrhoid to me. I've had them before and this sounds pretty similar. You should definitly get some Prep H. Also get witch hazel wipes to use after you go - it helps with the inflamation. Try taking a little Metamusil (that may not be the correct spelling) it's a fiber powder, it will soften your stool.

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Xui answered Sunday April 21 2013, 5:20 pm:
Holding in your bowels is dangerous, Our bodys waste contains toxins which can be potentially deadly if we do not relieve ourselves.

You see, Constipation is a bitch. While we can develope hemroids on the outside of our anus did you know it is also possible to get them on the inside as well?

So the solution, I would highly recommend trying Preperation H which is a hemroid cream meant for shrinking. If you feel constipated try stool softners.

About the cutting, It is very possible you may of caused a tear near your anus. When you pit strain on your body and hold it in, sometimes you can actually cause yourself to become more constipated.

I would see a doctor, This would really be your best bet.

Try getting in beans, fish, veggies, tofu, chicken. Change your diet

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