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My car just wont stay running..

Question Posted Saturday November 19 2011, 4:41 pm

ok im a female and only 18 but i do know a little about cars well just really mine and my parents' but yesterday i went out to warm my car up for work and it is parked on a hill, on the side of a street, and when i parked my gas light was on but i should of had enough gas to warm it up and gets down the road for gas but after it warmed up for maybe 5 mins it like stalled and my "check engine" light oil light and battery light came on.. now is it that im out of gas and just need some gas cuz of the hill or is there someone else thats worse wrong? I checked all the fluids and there fine. Please help me.

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ThEDaRkEsTSiDe answered Monday March 26 2012, 1:41 pm:
The reason as to why your car stalled sounds simply enough, like you ran out of gas. Being on a hill doesn't mean anything, your fuel pump has a cage built around it to ensure that fuel will always be on the pump. If that wasn't the case, anytime we made a turn with our cars the thing would nearly stall because all of the fuel would be on one side of the tank and away from the pump, which is in the center of the tank. HOWEVER, the float which reads your fuel level can be slightly off, sending the gauge incorrect information that might be telling you the car actually has more gas than it does. If that's the case, the sending unit will need replaced. Don't worry about that though, just fill your car with gas and see if everything clears up.

The only reason all the lights came on was because you stalled. Anytime your motor stops running while the ignition is still in the run position, all of those lights on the dash will come on regardless of what the reason it stalled is.

A little extra advice though for the future, always keep your fuel level above a 1/4 tank. The fuel is actually what cools the fuel pump, and when it gets too low the pump actually gets warmer in the process, shortening the life of it. If the fuel pump fails to be properly cooled it will eventually burn up and need replacing, which can get expensive.

Hope this helps! -Dave

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solidadvice4teens answered Friday November 25 2011, 11:27 pm:
You need to take your car to a mechanic. Describe to them exactly what you told us and get them to look it over and tell you the costs for repairs if any are needed.

I'm not a mechanic but am reasonably sure that no matter if you park the car on a hill or on a flat surface that it would register that there is fuel in the tank and start.

Check engine lights have a habit of coming on in older cars and can be just a censor problem triggering a false warning and or could actually be serious. You just don't know but if it's frequent check it out at a garage.

If you were out of gas the engine wouldn't have started. If you ran out while driving you would know as it would been binging with a warning first and then clonk. You'd also know with the gauge being at E. Clearly it was some other reason and if it persists past this once a mechanic needs to see it.

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hitler_the_goat answered Saturday November 19 2011, 9:29 pm:
you're parked on a hill. whatever gas you had left is pooled in your tank, away from the gas line. it's effectively empty. go get a five gallon can and put some gas in the car. once you have done that, try to start the car. those check engine lights should not come back on, depending on the car model, or actual condition of the vehicle. If the check engine lights are on after you start the vehicle, get it on level ground, shut the fucker off, leave it for five minutes, then turn it back on. if the lights are being caused by fluid pooling, this should fix it.

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