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Question Posted Wednesday December 31 2003, 12:34 pm

I've convinced myself that just because the rest of my family smokes, doesn't mean I will. But most people I know say "you never know if you're going to end up smoking yet"
I always tell them "I promise you I'm not going to smoke" and they tell me I cant make a promise like that. Hardly anyone believes me. A few people do but that's not enough. I could start smoking when is the right time that they will believe me? When I'm older? I'm still young, and if I'm not smoking now...I'm not a smoker, so why can't I just stay like I am.....NOT A SMOKER. I know a lot of people say that they're not going to smoke and some of them end up smoking, but I'm not one of those people. I counted how much money my family would waste altogether with the money they spend on cigarettes all combined....and thats like 50,000 a year!
That's messed up.
I'm not going to smoke because I already see the way my family struggles with it. It breaks my heart that they're controlled by a poisonous stick. What should I do? Do you think I'm going to smoke just because the rest of my family does? I'm not the kind of person who gives into peer pressure...and I've already turned an offer for a cigarette down.
I'm about to take all their cigarettes and flush them down the toilet...that's how scared I am for them, and it's going to waste a lot of their money, but that will just teach them a lesson. (even though most people say that a if you take their cigarettes away, it will just make them want to smoke more, well I'll make sure they dont) Should I? I'm so confused...and sorry for the length. PLEASE HELP!

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OneMan answered Saturday January 3 2004, 12:41 pm:
I think if nothing else, you'll not smoke just to show them that you won't. As for their cigarettes, flushing them won't do any good. They'll only buy more and actually may make them a bit upset, lol.
It's been determined that nicotine is just as addictive as heroin. Scary, huh? The habit is something that they are going to have to deal with when THEY are ready, and until that happens, there's not much you or anyone else can do. I'm sorry. but you're on the right track with not starting.....stay on it.

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hailebop answered Thursday January 1 2004, 1:23 pm:
You seem to know what you want, and that's not to smoke. I think that's a great thing to comit yourself to. If you have strength of mind, which it really sounds like you do, then you don't have to be swayed by peer or family pressures.

As for your family... that's harder. Smoking is an addictive habbit and it's incredibly difficult to quit, even if you want to. Quitting is not something anybody does lightly, and, unfortunately, it's unlikely that you'll be able to convince all of your family to stop. What you can do, however, is to talk to them about how it concerns you and perhaps give them some literature on the dangers. As I said, they might not stop, but then you can at least feel you've done something to try and help them. Good luck.

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horseluv975 answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 7:44 pm:
My mom smokes I get really mad at her... If you don't live with your family if you have moved out or something or even in the house... threaten to not talk to them or something... hey it worked for me... my mom is trying to quit so u just can't quit on them

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MichiruKaiou answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 4:20 pm:
Smoking isn't heredity, its voluntarily done. Just because your whole family smokes doesn't mean you will. But ultimately, it's your choice. It's up to you whether or not you're going to smoke or not! So ignore your friends, they are really oblivious if they think just because your family smokes it means you will too. If you don't give into peer pressure or temptation, you won't end up smoking at all. So just stay true to yourself and your promises and don't smoke! It's horrible for your health anyway. You wouldn't wanna cut your life by 14 years now would you?

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FernGully answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 3:55 pm:
What these people are saying should not affect you if this is a promise to yourself. Smoking is something you do to yourself, so the only person who can make that choice is you.

If you are intelligent enough to know the effects of smoking and how harmful it is to not only you and others, then I think the choice is already made for yourself. Just stick with your choice.

My entire family smokes, but I have no desire whatsoever to smoke and I know that I never will.

Make the right choice for yourself and ignore these other people who simply wish for you to fail. Peer pressure is all crap, but it gets a lot of people. Be strong and don't give in, stick to what you believe in.

As for helping your parents to stop smoking, have you talked to them about it? Have you told them how much it bothers you? How you fear for their lives? If you want them to quit they need to be motivated to do so, and it won't be easy. If they do decide they want to quit then you should support them in doing so 100% and even if they aren't able to quit right away don't be angry, just tell them that no matter how long it takes you will support them in trying to quit.

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snarfism answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 3:30 pm:
First of all: Just don't smoke...don't start, and then you can be all, "HA, I TOLD YOU SO, YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLES!!"

Talk to your family. Tell them it hurts you that they're destroying themselves from the inside, and they don't even care. Find someone you know who has quit, and find out what they did. Tell your family it would really mean a lot to you if they quit. But remember, it won't just happen on the first try, like magic. It could take a long, long time. And also, all people can't to the same thing to quit. When my dad married my mom, she told him to quit smoking, so he did. Just like that. He didn't need any gum or medication oranything. So remember, it's different for everyone.

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spacefem answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 1:14 pm:
Actually, the only way you have a chance of not smoking is by making yourself a promise like that. You've got to, and you've got to stick with it. You're not destined to make stupid choices.

Too often, people are afraid to promise themselves something and they end up being forced to make the decision at a bad time, and they chose wrong and regret it later. Decide now if you're going to smoke, if you're going to go to college, if you're going to have sex, if you're going to be smart about spending money. Set rules for yourself. Set limits and absolutes. It's the only way to make the right choice.

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shay*shay answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 12:51 pm:
Believe it or not I know just how you feel. You dont have to listen to all of the negative people telling you that you dont know if you will start smoking or not. Who cares what they think. Listen and follow your goal. Oh and dont flush your family's ciggarettes they'll get real pissed and you'll get in trouble.
-shay :-)

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metawidget answered Wednesday December 31 2003, 12:49 pm:
Not starting is the most effective tactic in the battle with smoking, so I imagine if you don't want to smoke, you won't. I think most smokers start in their teenage years, so if you make it to 20 without smoking, you're more or less in the clear.

I come from a family with several smokers, I'm now in my twenties and the habit hasn't rubbed off on me. After you leave home, your family has less effect on your consumption habits, so you're probably in the clear then.

I'd only flush people's cigs if they've asked you to help them quit recently. Otherwise it's probably only going to cause problems.

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