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Not being able to have children? :(

Question Posted Tuesday May 29 2012, 12:08 am

Hi, I'm 19/f && my boyfriend is 19/m

We've been together for about 2 years now;


Welp, when my boyfriend was born, his testicles didn't drop. One was stuck in his stomach or something and he basically had to have surgery; so he only has ONE testicle;

Can he have children? It may be a stupid question; but I've been thinking about my future alot, and I'd really like to have a family once I'm out of college and have a stable job.

Now, another question about me;
My Aunt- Mom's Sister- isn't able to get pregnant; not too sure why; I think it was some type of cancer; idk; but she WILL never be able to have kids;

I'm just wondering if that will affect me any? Im sure it would be easier to answwer if I could tell you what exactly was wrong with her in order not to have children;

But I just feel like with my boyfriends problem & than maybe hereditary issues; we may not be able to have the family I always dreamed of;

so any knowledge, would be great.

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adviceman49 answered Tuesday May 29 2012, 10:01 am:
I'll answer your last question first. The only person who can properly answer your question is your gynecologist. You need to visit the doctor and inform him or her of your concerns and family history. You would need to ask mom or your Aunt what your Aunts Cancer was and what surgery was done to correct it.

Your doctor will examine you and run the proper test to make sure your reproductive system is healthy. You will probably need to be followed more closely then someone that does not have a family history of cancer in the reproductive system. If your Ovaries and Uterus are healthy now then with frequent testing and medical care you should remain healthy.

Now as for your boy friend. A simple sperm count will answer that question for you. If you see yourself eventually marrying him and not having children could be a deal breaker then it is something he should have know.

A sperm count is a simple test. He goes to a lab where he is given a sterilized cup and goes into a room to masturbate into the cup. The lab then puts what he ejaculated under a microscope and counts the fully matured live sperm. From this count a fertility doctor or his PCP can tell him what his chances are of impregnating a women through natural impregnation. If his sperm count is to low artificial impregnation may be necessary. If he is not making any sperm then you have decision to make.

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orphans answered Tuesday May 29 2012, 7:50 am:

Your aunt may have had ovarian cancer. One of the most effective ways to treat it, is to remove the ovaries. Because ovaries are needed to make children, someone who has them removed is unable to have babies. Ovarian cancer can be hereditary. Fortunately, you can go to your doctor, and can usually have a test done if someone in your family has had it before.

In regards to your boyfriend, only one testicle is needed to create sperm, i.e. both testicles create millions of sperm cells. Only one of these sperm cells is needed to fertilize an egg. So pregnancy is still possible.

The best option is you get tests done. Men can get sperm fertility tests done, and women can get similar tests also. Just go to see your doctor.
Good luck :)

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