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boyfriend is moving away

Question Posted Wednesday June 1 2011, 11:41 pm


My Boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year, and it's been great. We are graduating soon and going to different colleges, which is hard enough, but due to family obligations I will probably only get to see him 2 weeks this whole summer.

First, does anyone have any advice or experience to give me? How can we make this work?

And second, I want to do something special before he leaves. I want to give him something to have to remind him of me, but I don't know what. Any ideas?

Thank you so much!

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sweetascandy7364 answered Thursday June 2 2011, 5:34 pm:
Hey I went through something similar last year. My boyfriend and I were going out for about a year when we graduated high school. I was going to college far away and he was joining the marine corps. Granted we have the summer together, but because he was in the military once school started it was very difficult to see him. Before I left for college I was getting a ridiculous amount of pressure from family and friends who thought we should break up before college. Honestly I think breaking up solely because of distance is dumb. I tried to explain that to people but they did not understand. If you love him and you guys are happy together right now then there is no reason not to give it a try. If you find it is too difficult and break up later on, at least you tried.

For me the experience of a long distance relationship made our relationship stronger. We stopped arguing about the small stuff and really came to appreciate each other. I met a lot of other people when I went to college but that only further validated that I wanted to be with my boyfriend.

My advice to make it work is to trust one another, and have another life besides your relationship. Go out, and make a bunch of new friends. Tell each other about the parties you went to and new people. Don't freak out about him not texting you back. Send each other mailed letters and care packages. Long distance relationship aren't as hard as they used to be, SKYPE is wonderful!! In the end if BOTH people are equally committed can work out just fine. I just finished my freshman year and I am so happy I ignored my parents when they wanted me to break up with my boyfriend.

Oh and one another think that surprised me, when I first got to college I thought I was going to be the only one with a boyfriend at home, turns out the majority of the girls I met all had boyfriends at home, and pretty much all of them made it through the year and are still together.

I hope this was helpful sorry this was so incredibly long lol, feel free to message me if you want :)

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