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She hates me!

Question Posted Friday October 17 2008, 10:13 pm


well heres the story its pretty long.
last week was the last week of the holidays and i was chatting to my friend on the net and she just randomly says to f*#k off and that she hates me and never was really my friend. so i'm like really cofused and thinks she just going through some troubles at home so i leave it. later that week i try talking to her again and the same thing happens but this time she starts telling me that no one likes me and i'm annoying and to stay away from her and her friend who are also my friends. i got really up set and cried.Then school started and i styaed away from her as much as possible which is hard cause i'm in her roll call and i'm in the same group as her. Then all my friends started sitting down the back with her and stuff and some of my other friends told me that she was saying stuff about me and saying that i started it all and that she wanted to start a punch up with me and stuff. then last night her and another girl from my school started a convo with me and started like harassing me calling me a sped and just making fun og me basically. i think i'm going to tell my teacher whats going on. i saved the 2 convo's she had with me calling a hoe and stuff.I just don't know what to do about my friends like all my school friend from my group hate me. what should i do

p.s sooooo sorry for how long it is
xoxo thaks for the help

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blublue24 answered Saturday October 18 2008, 11:12 pm:
In a situation like this, you definitely should let someone know about this. I mean, it's seriously just frustrating enough that your friend and your group are treating you in a crude way without even giving a reason as to why they're acting that way. Your friend could possibly be jealous of you because you have something that she doesn't...but in a way, it sounds like she more of the "coward" (I suppose you could call her that) because she's taking your own group of friends and having them turn against you like some sort of shield. It's pathetic and pointless because she's not going to get anything out of it...but only showing that her selfish attitude has gotten the best of her.
It's good that you're considering about telling your teacher about your situation. You can also let someone you know that you trust in either your school, or someone who doesn't go to your school. just let it out and keep them informed if things worsen.
And all I can say is, don't be afraid of those girls. You are your own person and can find other friends who wouldn't treat you this way. Hey I know it's easier said than done but it's true and it's more of a benefit for yourself because once you talk more to others rather than just that group, hopefully a heavy load will be lifted off of your shoulders. Also, don't come to the conclusion of insulting them back because it's gonna get even messier.
Keep strong.

I hoped this helped you a little! I wish you luck! =3

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ediemarie answered Saturday October 18 2008, 11:13 am:
my son had a very similar situation to yours not too long ago. It's basically all about hate.
For some reason unknown to me people get it in their heads that you think you are better than they are and they decide that they don't like you anymore. When in reality, they're the ones with the problem because they feel insecure about themselves. They know they can't tackle it alone, so they tell lies and bring other people into the situation for back up. They want other people to hate you to. Girls are known for this. They specialize in it.
I hate to say it, but like the previous columnist said, the school isn't going to do much about it unless they violate you in some way. It's tough.
I don't think talking to her is going to do any good. I know you don't want to be friends with someone who would treat you like that. She is an obvious bully and your friends have chosen to follow her.
I don't know how close you are with the other girls, but maybe you could get someone alone that you can trust and find out what her deal with you is. That might be a first step. Hopefully things will die down when they find someone else to harass. I feel for you. It's ridiculous.
At some point, you're probably going to have to stand up to her and just have it out. That's a last resort of course. Keep your head up. True friends will follow. I hope I helped in some way.
Good luck,

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Sunshine_Ellie answered Saturday October 18 2008, 8:53 am:
I had the same problem when I was in 9th grade. I had met this girl who was a "trouble maker" but made really good friends with her in 8th grade. Then the summer, I started hanging out with more people and she got jealous. She started to cuss at me and everything. Then when school started, she had this other friend (who used to be my friend) and they both would call me slut, whore, hoe and try to spit on me. I told my teachers and everything. But it never really stopped. I even went to the cops because I had enough. Nothing was done then either. Eventually she just gave up and ended up in rehab and thats how it ended. But for you I would say to actually go and tell someone. Maybe your school will actually listen to you and not blow you off like mine did. As for your other friends, Tell them that what they're doing upsets you and that they really have no reason to hate you since it's between you and that ONE girl. Not you and the entire group. You could also try telling them what really happened but more than likely they'll still believe her and it's a lot of unneeded drama. But if telling someone doesn't work, Just try to wait it out a while and when she's alone (in person like at school or something) approach her and ask her whats going on and why she doesn't like you out of nowhere. She used to be your friend so I don't think she'll blow you off in person. Well I hope everything works out for you! good luck!!

- Ellie

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